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Demilich said:
VVVVV, while locking this topic would please your little "OMG CLOSE TEH THREAD!" brigade, it would prove your shortcomings as moderator. You're fucking ruining this board. Sure it was full of shitslinging morons before, but the homour generated by said morons was the only reason many of us still visited this place. Stifle that, and you'll have created a truly banal forum.

Just sayin.

Oh wait I'd like to address this.

This is fucking General Metal Discussion, not the Argue About Retarded Things That Never Go Anywhere forum...

Funny that you say I'm ruining this board as I'm pretty sure most people are content with me as moderator because I listen to what most people want. If you are just going to give me grief, of course I don't want to listen to you; approach me civilly about your problems and they'll be addressed. However, I have slowed down on topic closings, though, let me remind you, this is a fucking Opeth thread; they always (ALWAYS. Period.) become fucking horrible and full of circular arguments and nothing quality at all.

If you come here only for the humor, you are coming for the wrong reason, and I'll not even listen to your opinion on me as a mod until you can understand that.
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