Pathfinder Promotions presents...

Was Magius the one in the Blind Guardian shirt and jacket?

Also. There were two guys there that I met in the line for the Blind Guardian show. At the BG show they were so drunk it was hillarious. They were so happy about their good looking bartender ;) But I saw them at the show on saturday as well. Not sure if they post here, but I know they are ProgPower loyalists.
just a reminder for everyone to check the pictures of the show at this link:

Esa has been adding more pics since the first of the week. Really good shots included! Check out the ones of E.b.S. where the bassist is going Super-Saiyan! :zombie:

yeah, got all you closet DBZ fans with that one, didn't I? heh heh. :heh:

Im somewhat worried that you remember stuff about the anime I was into when I was a child.
Hope the show turned out well! I finally left my mom's house at about 9pm, intending to loop around to Douglasville, and.....WTF?! Snow and sleet? And a fair amount falling, too!

Well fortunately none of it was sticking to anything. And the show was pretty good. It was cool to see so many "scene kids" checking out local Metal, and yes, some of them were wearing DragonForce t-shits. Hoyt, I spoke to Mema this weekend and she said to say "Hi" and "Thanks." She wants to see Patrick and EBS again with a better sound system. I'm sure she's the only head banger in the ATL well into her 70's, and she was thrilled to be on the guest list.

Something that occures to me though is while Vitriol's 14 year old guitarist is good, especially considering only 2 years experience, their singer / growler seems to get overshadowed. That kid has a pretty powerful voice, and considering the weak vox mix it carried really well. He really need to learn to face his audience though, instread of growling at his bassist. If they keep adding more clean vocals I'd like to see what they develop into over the next couple of years.

EBS was cool to watch too. Patrick has obviously been taking notes when watching the likes Andy B. Franck and Urban perform. Even some vocalists for bigger name bands bands at ProgPower don't motivate the crowd as well as Patrick was doing, because of their lack movement and interaction. We hauled off 3 of your t-shirts btw.
EBS was cool to watch too. Patrick has obviously been taking notes when watching the likes Andy B. Franck and Urban perform. Even some vocalists for bigger name bands bands at ProgPower don't motivate the crowd as well as Patrick was doing, because of their lack movement and interaction. We hauled off 3 of your t-shirts btw.

Thanks so much for the kind words there Magius. You don't know how much that means to me. And yes Andy B. Franck and Urban are two of the ProgPower singers I look up to, but Lance King is at the top of the list. I've been trying to work on getting our two guitarists to move around more. Val (lead) is getting use to it, but sometimes I have to go tell Jeremy(rhythm) to loosen up a bit and move around. Jeremy plays some pretty crazy riffs though, so I can't blame him for not wanting to move around and potentially mess up. He believes in quality over anything else.
Patrick must be studying at the Andy B. Franck academy. Cool stuff coming off the stage and leading the pogo stick section.
Halcyon Way is much different from when I saw them open for Helloween a few years ago. I liked them then, but they're better now.

Thanks!!! Since I'm one of the big differences. I would like to thank all the ProgPower folks that came out and braved the weather. I wish I had met all of you that night, Thanks Hoyt! You gotta introduce people! But let's face it he was chasing his tail that night trying to make sure everything came off without a hitch.
The band had a lot of fun playing that show and I hope it showed on stage. We just need to take up a collection so they can get some decent mains, so you can hear me sing.

Thanks again all,:notworthy
Just wanted to announce a reminder that the next show Eclipsed by Sanity will be involved in is the Mar 17th St Patrick’s Day Metal Festival at Swayze’s in Kennesaw. EbS will be the third band to perform, and should be on not later than 7PM. The first two bands are great also! The show starts early, so get there early!. Then you can still go out and party [if you choose] after their set! :kickass:

March 24th is Patrick’s birthday! …and we plan to have a birthday bash at my house in Paulding County that Saturday afternoon and evening. The band will be performing a set in our garage to celebrate the birthday boy turning 19. We’ll also have some friends of theirs performing – Series Overkill. So it should be a fun evening. There will be food and non-alcoholic drinks, and the show is FREE - but EbS shirts will be for sale for $10 each. (sorry Paul - fresh out of XXL's :p ) I would really love to see some of the Ga Tech metal fans at this party!

Please RSVP for more details: pathfinderhoyt [at] yahoo [dot] com Thanks! :cool:

April 14th is the next Pathfinder Promotions show at The 7 Venue. EbS will be finishing out the night, but get there early to see ALL the great bands perform! Stay tuned for details! It's gonna RAWK!!! :rock:

April 27th is the next round of the Emergenza Competition at The LOFT in Atlanta at 10PM. And you all should know where that is. :Smug: It is imperative that we get as many 18+ people out to this show as possible. If you cannot make any other EbS show this spring, please, please, please attend this one to cheer them on to play again at Center Stage for the regional competition! :notworthy

May 5th at the Muse in Nashville, TN: the money raised from ticket & shirt sales at prior shows will go towards travel expenses as the band makes their debut out of state. WooHoo! And thanks to Oblivion Myth for the invitation to play the Muse! :grin: you guys are just too cool!

Wish them luck!!!

And thanks for the support!
just a reminder:

the next show Eclipsed by Sanity will be involved in is the Mar 17th St Patrick’s Day Metal Festival at Swayze’s in Kennesaw.

EbS will be the third band to perform, and should be on not later than 7PM. The first two bands are great also! The show starts early, so get there early! Then you can still go out and party [if you choose] after their set!

Eclipsed by Sanity would love to see some more ProgPower folks in attendance tonight. And there's no need to plan to stay for the whole show either, because the bands after EbS are mostly 'scene' metal - hardcore/death/screemo stuff.

So swing by and check out one of the few true old-school power/thrash metal bands in the metro Atlanta area:


C'mon out tonight and check out Halcyon Way as they deliver another true metal show! :rock:

If you haven't seen a Halcyon Way show, you really don't know what you're missing. doors at 8; Halcyon Way goes on at 9. Be there! and look for me at the Merch' table. :cool:

The Ten High is a 21+ club, and is very easy to find - just Google the address. :kickass: