Just wanted to announce a reminder that the next show Eclipsed by Sanity will be involved in is the
Mar 17th St Patricks Day Metal Festival at Swayzes in Kennesaw. EbS will be the third band to perform, and should be on not later than 7PM. The first two bands are great also! The show starts early, so get there early!. Then you can still go out and party [if you choose] after their set!
March 24th is Patricks birthday!
and we plan to have a birthday bash at my house in Paulding County that Saturday afternoon and evening. The band will be performing a set in our garage to celebrate the birthday boy turning 19. Well also have some friends of theirs performing
Series Overkill. So it should be a fun evening. There will be food and non-alcoholic drinks, and the show is FREE - but EbS shirts will be for sale for $10 each. (sorry Paul - fresh out of XXL's

) I would really love to see some of the Ga Tech metal fans at this party!
Please RSVP for more details:
pathfinderhoyt [at]
yahoo [dot]
com Thanks!
April 14th is the next Pathfinder Promotions show at The 7 Venue. EbS will be finishing out the night, but get there early to see ALL the great bands perform! Stay tuned for details! It's gonna RAWK!!!
April 27th is the next round of the Emergenza Competition at The LOFT in Atlanta at 10PM. And you
all should know where that is. :Smug: It is imperative that we get as many 18+ people out to this show as possible. If you cannot make any other EbS show this spring,
please attend this one to cheer them on to play again at Center Stage for the regional competition!
May 5th at the Muse in Nashville, TN: the money raised from ticket & shirt sales at prior shows will go towards travel expenses as the band makes their debut out of state. WooHoo! And thanks to
Oblivion Myth for the invitation to play the Muse!

you guys are just too cool!
Wish them luck!!!
And thanks for the support!