People with shorter hair.

Right as no one else here has said it yet. Long hair is metal. You can wear as many spikes, studs, band tshirts- whatever and you will never look metal. You will feel like an outsider at gigs, your real metal friends will be ashamed to be seen with you. It may well be shallow, fuck it, if you shave your hair off you will only be 50% metal. Don't do it. Short haired people will flame me- only because every single one of them wishes they have a proper metal 'do' but don't have the balls to commit to a look that confirms a definite lifestyle choice.

The only exceptions allowed are if you have pube hair (Messiah Marcolin), and if you're going bald (Kerry King).
Gel is a definite NO. Hair paste is the BEST. You only need a tad of it and it's conformable for DAYS (or until you wash it out). Mine smells like mint!

Also, get over your long hair, chumps. It most probably looks shitty on you anyway and people are just too nice to tell you. The only reason girls compliment it is because they perm and rape and dye their hair on a regular basis, so by comparison yours is fairly natural, which surprises them. But all it means is that you have normal hair. NOT special hair.
Right as no one else here has said it yet. Long hair is metal. You can wear as many spikes, studs, band tshirts- whatever and you will never look metal. You will feel like an outsider at gigs, your real metal friends will be ashamed to be seen with you. It may well be shallow, fuck it, if you shave your hair off you will only be 50% metal. Don't do it. Short haired people will flame me- only because every single one of them wishes they have a proper metal 'do' but don't have the balls to commit to a look that confirms a definite lifestyle choice.

The only exceptions allowed are if you have pube hair (Messiah Marcolin), and if you're going bald (Kerry King).

what a douche you think everyone can grow long hair?

grow up
And seriously, do you REALLY want to be associated with metal? I go out of my way to NOT wear band shirts in public.
Right as no one else here has said it yet. Long hair is metal. You can wear as many spikes, studs, band tshirts- whatever and you will never look metal. You will feel like an outsider at gigs, your real metal friends will be ashamed to be seen with you. It may well be shallow, fuck it, if you shave your hair off you will only be 50% metal. Don't do it. Short haired people will flame me- only because every single one of them wishes they have a proper metal 'do' but don't have the balls to commit to a look that confirms a definite lifestyle choice.

The only exceptions allowed are if you have pube hair (Messiah Marcolin), and if you're going bald (Kerry King).

For me it has nothing to do with metal so much as I find long hair incredibly sexy. Some women like the clean cut look (they can keep their Brad Pitt I wouldn't want him) All though he was sexy as shit in interview with a vampire.

In the end it's all up to what you want to wear on your head and what your comfortable with. There is a right and wrong reason for cutting your hair though. I cut my ass length hair in favor of the Marylin Monroe look when I was 24, because a boyfriend suggested it. OMG! I missed my hair I cried about it LOL. I will never cut it again either. Damn and I still haven't gotten it as long as it used to be :(

Damn I got to get off this computer I'm sooooo lazy today. :lol:
TBH even when I didn't look like a balding tard at the very beginning, I thought this hairstyle didn't look that good on me, that would be why I tie it back.
Metal wasn't even always about long hair. If you watch those old bootlegs from bands in the early 80's, a lot of the people at the shows had short-medium length hair