People with shorter hair.

Long hair is a sign of commitment, loyalty, dedication and perserverance. Next time you see a long hair, shake his hand!
Commonly its also a sign of poor hygiene.
lolololol i have no hairs now. the only thing i miss about my hair is being able to windmill like a maniac and not looking like im 12.
Long hair is just a pain in the ass. Much more convenient to have whatever hair style you find easiest to maintain.

for sure. When I was young and had short hair I'd have too many hairs that popped up ("cowlicks" , from cows? YES 'CAUSE I LIVED IN THE COUNTRY) that I'd have to put hairspray on daily to keep those bitches in line.

Now with long hair I don't really have to brush it, but I do to keep the drain from getting clogged from all the loose hairs that wash off. Much easier to deal with now!
Right as no one else here has said it yet. Long hair is metal. You can wear as many spikes, studs, band tshirts- whatever and you will never look metal. You will feel like an outsider at gigs, your real metal friends will be ashamed to be seen with you. It may well be shallow, fuck it, if you shave your hair off you will only be 50% metal. Don't do it. Short haired people will flame me- only because every single one of them wishes they have a proper metal 'do' but don't have the balls to commit to a look that confirms a definite lifestyle choice.

The only exceptions allowed are if you have pube hair (Messiah Marcolin), and if you're going bald (Kerry King).

:erk: I'd been hoping to find some irony in this post, but, alas, I found none.

Lord Foul is right, though. It is just hair. Mine'll almost certainly end up like Sir Beard's on this board, so I'd probably better deal with that before it does so against my will, haha.
^ The only irony is the unintended. It's fucking hilarious, however, in the way watching someone with autism and no hands type on the keyboard with his ass can be.
If your really getting annoyed with it, I say go back and reconsider the dreads option. If you don't like, shave it all off and grow it to a comfortable short length.
In reality though, my conscience wont permit me to endorse cutting of hair.

The baldness is coming! THE BALDNESS IS COMING! NO ONE IS SAFE!