Plans for Christmas and New Year's Day

Originally posted by rahvin
well, my dear and beloved buddies, i am italian. need i say more? ;)

Oh, ittaliani!
Spagetti, pizza, sole, mandolino!
(Not to mention cappuccino, lasagne, dolci de mi nonna etc)

@FatherVic... Chorizo! we´ve got those in Sweden! If that is da same in Spain: strong thick sausages? But the other things... I´d give alot to taste it in sunny Barcelona, eventhough my underwear would stay where it should, that is on the bedroom floor...:)

hey Villain, we've got many many absurd customs, and bullfighting is one of them. Paying too much to futbollers is another one, but eating and having "siesta" are the ones which make the stupid ones seem so childish :P

You've got chorizo in Sweden??? hahaaha would love to hear a Swede pronouncing it. Yeah, it's a red big sausage which has been let dried about 3-6 months. It's little spicy and it's great. We make sandwithces with that :) (sliced of course)

FatherVic (who liked that way of leave the current message as if one had something interesting to say)
Phyros and At the gates :
:eek: :eek: You guys have an awful taste in food *JOKING*
I'm not really fond of skinka,fläsk etc etc... :) Like every Xmas,i will be the only one in the family starving and eating just salad and potatoes... :rolleyes:

FatherVic"*chorizo, jamón ibérico (uhmmmm), chistorra, paella, cocido gallego, parrillada, y todo tipo de pescado que a mi no me gusta, pero bueno* "
hehe never heard of these stuff before....
I only know "cereales rellenos con chocolate y avellanas" :grin:
@Misanthrope... Are the Mexican Chorizo the same as the spanish? ´cause in Sweden we heat ém like hot dogs , they are nor dried, so maybe it´s Mexican Chorizo and not Spanish Chorizo that we´ve got...:)

@Melancholia... I know that people have this problem with eating fläsk... but julskinka? Then you are a vegeterian right? ´coz JULSKINKA is the best food there is! *insert gigantic smiley*

@Father Vic... Yeah, but I can pronuonce it in Chile-Pourtoguese, if that is simular...:)

Like HotDogs?
Emm no way wrong Chorizo its actually spiced pork beef with what i think its a mixture of vinagre and chile and other species....its really rather spicy and it will shurely upset your stomach of you take a hotdog approach...besides it has to be fried ( cause its pork ) and once fried it becomes little balls...tastes great with eggs and melted cheese ( wich its actually called Queso Flameado wich its a delight ).

If you ever around Mexico drop by here i would invite you to eat some Queso Flameado :grin:

Actually there is a variation called "Longaniza" that its more comon in center and south of Mexico wich its somewhat more like a hotdog aproach but not quite its like in between...but it stinks like hell :cry: Northen Chorizo its the way to go. IT goes great in queso flameado and a nice juicy huge stake with nothing but lemmon and salt...damn im hungry:cry:
Actually if the DT gig that didnt become true in my city ( Monterrey ) would had become true chances are me or someone would have invited the band to a nice Northen Mexican food so you could ask them :p

Damn show empresaries....can bring Destruction and stratovarius but DT "woundlt sell enough"....load of crap...
Not necesarily fried my friend, not necesarily fried.
I lived in Mexico for eight years (in D.F.) and ours is way better!!!!
but here you can't find tortillas de maiz, just the flour ones. But spicey La Costeña does well :)

@phyros it's pronounced as you should say CH on chose, O on oblong, RI on irish, and ZO as on THought
but is hard to explain really. Some day, when we all gather in wacken'02 I'll give you all some Spanish lessons so you all can order happilly in a bar :)

@melancholia "I only know "cereales rellenos con chocolate y avellanas" " hahhahahaha well actually that's because (I supose) you have "shared" products with Spanish/Greek packages as we have here with Colgate for example. But I prefer RiseCrispies that those that you avellanas for me :P
FatherVic (the one who still can't believe we go on talking about food but he is strangely pleased with that :P)
Phyros Hmm half-vegetarian maybe...hehe I am so annoying when it comes to food.... I eat only köttfärs and lately only from turkey,which is the only meaty thing i can also eat in pieces (not minced i mean)... Skinka I eat very very rarely.....hehe I can't really explain all those strange food preferences... Any psychoanalyst who can enlighten me around??? :p

FatherVic Indeed.... The only spanish word i know is "Hola"
Some of my friends have started learning Spanish

~Mel~(who thinks that it is cool to talk about food especially now that lunch time is coming :D )
FatherVic Indeed.... The only spanish word i know is "Hola"

well that's a very limited Spanish vocabulary...I studied ancient greek 'bout 5 or 6 years ago, I just remember "to ploion" which should mean "the ship"? and little things....(which I would know how to write on this keyboard!!)
about Spanish....ehmmmm in case somebody is interested...
Haven - Refugio
The Mind's I - El ojo de la mente (even obviously you can't play with the EYE / I thing)
Enter Suicidal Angels - ehmmmm....Angeles suicidas entrantes???
Projector - Proyector????
The Gallery - La galería
Of Chaos And Eternal Night - Sobre el caos y la noche eterna
Skydancer - bailarín del cielo
so well now you know some more....
Enter Suicidal Angels - its open to interpretation but i see it more like " Entren angeles suicidas " not "Entran" it sounds more like a calling not an statement to me....but well if you think its an statement go with FatherVic's version

hehe maybe it would be an interesting thing to translate your favorite DT qoutes to another idiom. like i dont know

We look at you affraid, to see what we really are - Te miramos asustados de ver lo que realmente somos

Life became too solid diluted by the escence of Denial caught in fire's eye - La vida se volvio muy solida diluida por la escencia de la negacion atrapada en el ojo del fuego

Something like that..well maybe its a bad idea
nope, is a great idea, I have the string written in The Ring (lord of the rings of course) in about 16 languages :P
It's kinda senseless since I won't use it, but it's funny to me...

"this is the magic that a name would stain" - esta es la magia que un nombre mancharí

BTW misanthrope, your aproach to Enter Suicidal Angels is more likely to be, but I had no idea how to focus that :P
Oh you ahve studied ancient greek :eek: coool! We had this at school,too... Yep,to ploion=the ship
Uch,i hate schoooool! *glad it's over*
Ah,This translation thing is cool, although i can't really read it.. hehe
"Te miramos asustados de ver lo que realmente somos"

I also think "Enter..." is a calling, rather than a statement.

Originally posted by Misanthrope

We look at you affraid, to see what we really are - Te miramos asustados de ver lo que realmente somos

But here we have another difficult case (I have talked about this before, I guess it was on the first forum).

If you read the lyrics carefully, there's really no comma (",") between the lines. So, it could be either "we look at you afraid" plus " to see..." or "we look at you" plus "afraid to see...". Note that the source of the fear and our reason to look at him are different in these two - on the first one we look at him (Hedon) to see what what we are, while we are afraid (for what? Hedon?); whereas in the second one we look at him and fear that he might show what we really are.

Two different interpretations and both very interesting. There could actually be a third one - he is afraid, while we look at him - but I don't find it as good as the previous two.

Why this came up now is that when translated, the above two examples might differ a lot in another language. For example, the first one in finnish would be:

"Me katsomme sinua peloissamme, nähdäksemme mitä todella olemme"

And the second one:

"Me katsomme sinua, peläten näkevämme mitä todella olemme"

(And the third one would be: "Me katsomme sinua peloissasi, nähdäksemme mitä todella olemme")

-Villain (monolingual wanna-be-linguistic)
If you read the lyrics carefully, there's really no comma (",") between the lines. So, it could be either "we look at you afraid" plus " to see..." or "we look at you" plus "afraid to see...". Note that the source of the fear and our reason to look at him are different in these two - on the first one we look at him (Hedon) to see what what we are, while we are afraid (for what? Hedon?); whereas in the second one we look at him and fear that he might show what we really are.

emm i realize that, i put the coma cause mikael sings we look at you afraaaaid and then pauses then to see what we really aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare and so on. So i just made the asumption it has the coma on that place cause of my views on the song ( check old forum ) but mainly because the way he interpreted it
Oh you ahve studied ancient greek coool! We had this at school,too... Yep,to ploion=the ship

hahaahah yeap I did, a whole year, I could read it and translate it quite well.
I also had to read Iliad and Odissey, which was a pain in the ass taking in thought that the first lesson was given was about the fact tha Homer did never existed, or at least couldn't be the author ot the two books...weird huh??
well I hated school too (now I hate university and work, so I'm just displacing my hate) but I'm proud to have plugged some time with ancient greek and with some latin. I know it does'nt worth for anything but's kinda funny :)
Originally posted by Villain
If you read the lyrics carefully, there's really no comma (",") between the lines. So, it could be either "we look at you afraid" plus " to see..." or "we look at you" plus "afraid to see...". Note that the source of the fear and our reason to look at him are different in these two - on the first one we look at him (Hedon) to see what what we are, while we are afraid (for what? Hedon?); whereas in the second one we look at him and fear that he might show what we really are.[/B]

i don't think the first reading holds resemblance to the truth. i can't help considering that lyrics written by niklas are seldom ambiguous in terms of syntax and so on. while 'we look / afraid to see' is english at its best, 'we look afraid / to see' is not an expression a native speaker would use, mainly because it might involve yet another reading, i. e., 'to look afraid' as in 'showing fear', and that is clearly not the point here.
besides, i'm not stepping into an overall interpretation of the song, but seeing hedon as a sort of primal entity, it makes much more sense that we should be scared to discover things about ourselves than that we would actually want to see our true nature.

Originally posted by rahvin

i don't think the first reading holds resemblance to the truth. i can't help considering that lyrics written by niklas are seldom ambiguous in terms of syntax and so on. while 'we look / afraid to see' is english at its best, 'we look afraid / to see' is not an expression a native speaker would use, mainly because it might involve yet another reading, i. e., 'to look afraid' as in 'showing fear', and that is clearly not the point here.
besides, i'm not stepping into an overall interpretation of the song, but seeing hedon as a sort of primal entity, it makes much more sense that we should be scared to discover things about ourselves than that we would actually want to see our true nature.

I see your point - but where the hell were you when this was discussed the last time! :heh:

-Villain (np: The Black League - Ichor - "Night on Earth" ... I still haven't got their latest album, anyone has it?)