- Aug 1, 2003
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To bring it closer to home for some of you (Rich, Amber)...how would you feel if I came to one of your Snappy Weiner parties & while there (or even the next day on your forum if you had one) complained about how long I had to wait for beer, that the beer/booze selection could've been better, how much it sucked that you only had one bathroom for everyone, how much some of the bands sucked, how much the sound quality was poor, whatever. NONE OF WHICH I FOUND ANY FAULT WITH...cuz I don't bitch about shit like that...PLUS, I appreciate all the work you guys did to organize the party. Just making a point. So...would you be cool with that complaining?
Well, I think it's important to distinguish between the two scenarios. I'm not about to go arguing on band selection -- This is not a festival tailored to me, you're trying to reach the widest possible audience and ensure the largest attendance, that I completely understand. I simply voiced my concerns about the venue policies (bathroom, etc). because I thought it was something that could (relatively easily) be addressed by the venue, that will have a positive impact on the overall festival.
If someone were presenting concerns to me in that fashion, I'd like to say I'd be OK with it -- if I'm not being told "It's your fault!" and people are offering methods to fix issues that will make my life easier, I'm all about it.
I've said my piece. I don't think my continuing this discussion will get anyone anywhere, and I want to reiterate, I'm not trying to fault anything in your organization of the fest -- There's no way I could pull off anything like that, and I have nothing but respect for you for doing it. Had I not been financially tied up due to other issues, I'd've sponsored this year, and assuming you offer it next, I'll be on board to do my piece to help.
... And to be fair, at the Weiner, everyone just peed in the bushes because some asshole was locked up in the bathroom smoking weed for an hour, or the floor was covered in pee that I had to mop up at one in the morning. The sound quality was poor because the rented PA that we hauled home in the backseats of several cars and was setup under a tarp in a rainstorm by people who didn't know what they were doing was being run off a busted-up 3000w construction generator in the shed that kept running out of gas. And hey, at White Trash night we had PBR, Schlitz, Milwaukee's Best, Old Milwaukee, AND Blatz, what more beer selection do you need?!?!

We did it in high style at the Weiner!
- R