PQ Press Release - Guitarist Wanted!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Press Release 15.03.2010

POWER QUEST line-up changes

Power Quest has parted ways with front man Pete Morten and guitarist Ben Randall due to musical differences. Needless to say the split was amicable and everyone in the PQ family wishes Pete and Ben all the very best in their respective musical endeavours.

A new vocalist has already been found and the band is hard at work rehearsing new material with him.

In the meantime, Power Quest is looking for a new guitarist to join the line up. Dedication, commitment and drive are essential as is the ability and desire to tour and rehearse (one weekend per month in the UK) as required. Experience is obviously an advantage but is by no means essential. So if you are a guitarist familiar with Power Quest and influenced by melodic metal and hard rock then here’s what you have to do to apply:

stevekeys@power-quest.co.uk with your biography, contact details and links to audio and video examples of your playing both in the studio and in the live arena. Those who are shortlisted will be invited to attend an audition in Derby (UK) in late April/early May 2010. The successful candidate will of course be joining the band to record the new album in Italy in July/August this year. Please note no applications will be considered after 10th April.
12 ex-members now :( I really really hope PQ find the stability they once had and the new vocalist & guitarist give PQ and the new album everything they deserve. I admire Steve's response in all these types of announcements cos it can't be easy for him if it isn't easy for us and his determination to keep things going as smoothly as possible is fantastic.

Obviously big thanks and best wishes to Pete and Ben who I'm sure will have every success in the future. Sad to see them leave without even an official recording released :'( I suppose two more people to add to that 'reunion dvd gig' idea, eh?
... ugh. Why would they leave so shortly after joining? I don't get it. Power Quest just needs Alessio, Francesco, Andrea, and Steve back...

edit: But since ZP Theart seems to be free... please please please please please come on ZP and Power Quest, that's guaranteed to be awesome + successful for the band...
Shame it didn't work out with Pete and Ben, especially since it was this shortly after joining as has been said above.

I'm with 1928 that ZP would be great to have, and since Steve's said that he has already found a singer perhaps him and ZP already struck a deal? :D
So anyway, as I said in the other (attempt at a) thread, Pete sounded weird, like an alien singing PQ songs. While he could hit the notes, his voice couldn't capture the mood/feel/essence/whateveryouwanttocallit of the average PQ song. I was initially optimistic about him because he does sound good in Soliloquy and Nightmare World (not so sure about Metalloid), and it seemed like he had the range of the typical power metal singer, but they of course have a particular atmosphere that fits his voice very well.

I also had trouble getting used to seeing him without a guitar, but that's probably because I had already seen him about 3 or 4 times with Soliloquy and Threshold where he plays guitar before I saw him in PQ. Speaking of his other bands, I'm surprised it was musical differences and not scheduling conflicts that caused his departure :lol: .

As for Ben, it's a damn shame to lose somebody who could shred like he could. I was thinking about telling the usual joke about Andiferum joining PQ but the last time I did that I inadvertently started a rumour that he was actually joining the band! :lol:
I think the most important thing is finding the balance between playing abililty and the ability to get on with people on a personal level.....sometimes finding the right combination is the real tricky thing to be honest.

Rest assured....there will no issues on that front with the new singer that's for sure :)
Oh that sucks. Kudos to Steve though for taking this series of punches :headbang: that's dedication!
Ben is a great guitarist but i guess he was too young to know what he wanted?? shame it wasn't PQ.
And Pete :mad: i'm miffed at you Mr.... promising me a show in Oxford and then buggaring off :lol:
I think i'll hold off a new sketch for a while :lol:
Who could this singer be who was so quickly appointed??? :loco: i guess at the end of the day i'm just happy there will be more music from Steve because Master of Illusion was GOLD and i'm looking forward to where you're going with PQ. Needless to say i'll be there :headbang:
I have a good feeling about the unveiling of the new singer. A very good feeling. I hope I'm not wrong.
So anyway, as I said in the other (attempt at a) thread, Pete sounded weird, like an alien singing PQ songs. While he could hit the notes, his voice couldn't capture the mood/feel/essence/whateveryouwanttocallit of the average PQ song.

Unfortunately I didn't have the priviledge of seeing Pete live, but from what i could see and hear on the different youtubes posted here of him performing live with PQ I think he did just great performing songs that weren't written for him/by him. That said, being there in person live is always different ofcourse, and I think it's a pity I'll never get to see Pete sing PQ songs live (unless he comes to that DVD reunion thing Steve has planned, and I get to go there :p )

That said, I'm looking forward to the grand unveiling of ZP..err..I mean the new singer :kickass:
Hey Steve, do you mind if I post this to dragonforce forum -- general music subforum?

I want to see the reaction of those fans and I'm sure there'll be loads of assumptions about ZP = PQ haha.

But that might be a hassle on your part so I'm asking a permission. If not, that's no problem hehe :headbang: