
It's so true though. kids are being taught that white people are evil. the liberal agenda is taking control of our school system and it has to stop.

I swear, you live on the moon, dude. I went to public high school in my hometown, which is in Massachusetts. There was nothing anti-white or pro-minority or ANYTHING about any of the teachings.
European-American or Caucasian American would make sense anyway because Native Americans aren't 'Injuns'.
For the record, I never claimed nor do I believe it is any individual's "fault" for any idiocy that any black (or white or hispanic or whatever) youth chooses to engage in. I'm merely stating facts i.e. that poverty makes it harder to a) get ahead and do good by society and b)see the appeal of adopting the culture of the middle class or rich (what some percieve as "white" culture). I don't hate my race, nor do I feel sorry for, say, a person of a minority involved in gang activities. I just try to see things the way they are, rather than being ruled by my gut reaction or lousy correlations.

and that's all I really have to say on the matter.
Your "facts" about poverty are certainly relevant; but my question is, do you feel that it is the responsibility of the wealthy and middle-class to "take up the black (poor) man's burden?"
My mom is proof that poverty isn't relevant and that if you get off your ass and try to better your life, you can.

Growing up, I was a welfare kid. My mom lived off of welfare, constantly going in and out of abusive marriages. There was a time when we were actually homeless. This went on for the first 9 years of my life, never getting better and often times, getting worse. Finally, my mom had enough. We moved to Maryland, (there were no good jobs in Ohio) she got a job that paid about $13 an hour. Slowly she worked her way up. She now makes $82,000 a year.

Poverty is not an excuse.
My mother came from a poor third world country and had to pay for college herself while learning English.
economically they have had amazing opportunities to succeed, more than the average white american ever had, yet many have simply turned it down. some black people turned their lives around with incredible results.

The fact is, minorities have MORE opportunities than whites yet they don't jump on it and excel. They just sit and claim that whitey is still holding them back. Racism is bullshit. Minorities are far more racist than whites.

True, they have more rights than whites.
This is so ridiculous and backwards. Black people have MORE economic opportunities than white people?! I don't even know what to say in the face of that kind of ignorance. I'm stupefied.

Your "facts" about poverty are certainly relevant; but my question is, do you feel that it is the responsibility of the wealthy and middle-class to "take up the black (poor) man's burden?"
Who else is going to help them? You'll probably say "they should" but it's just not possible for impoverished people to get ahead on a large scale. To argue that it is and yet it isn't happening due to racial inferiority, which is basically what I am seeing in this thread, is the definition of racism.
Who else is going to help them? You'll probably say "they should" but it's just not possible for impoverished people to get ahead on a large scale. To argue that it is and yet it isn't happening due to racial inferiority, which is basically what I am seeing in this thread, is the definition of racism.

they absolutely can! and many have.

i dont think anyone has said its based on racial inferiority. i believe is because theyve created a culture of victims. those who rejected that culture are doing great. certainly better than me.

no one has answered my question yet. probably because you cant
when someone can explain how some black people have become millionaires and others havent (inside and outside the rap community) i might change my opinion. its not because they were born into money, thats for sure.

any takers?
if "minorities" want to be equal, they would drop all this crap. but they dont. they want special treatment.

they do it to themselves. the number of black politicians/millionaires/doctors/etc are growing incredibly fast. however, there is still a large number of them who would rather not bother with trying to make a better life for themselves. they would rather have it given to them. whitey in america had to work for it, why cant they?

no, not everywhere, not anymore.

they cling to the term for attention and it needs to stop

2) it's there own fault. its the culture they created for themselves. they can certainly change it, like many black people have.

youre both living in the past. the white man kept them down for a while, sure. but not anymore. why is it that some black and hispanic people have made a name for themselves while others havent? is it because theyve had different upbringings? not really. there is a black aristocracy now. they werent given shit, they had to fight for their place. other can do it as well.

whitey isnt holding them down anymore. time to grow up and get on with your life.

I'm so sorry, I completely apologize for creating LITERALLY THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of youth EXACTLY LIKE THIS who are the LEADING INFLUENCE in black culture behind the only-recent phenomenon of Barack Obama (a VAST improvement):


It's all my fault, for being white.

In order to atone for my sin in this, I shall espouse the idiocy and moral void of this movement to the greatest of my ability, and thus humanity will move forward.


How is it my fault?

You realize that, although there are certainly many exceptions, THAT is what 'black culture' is in general today? And I didn't grow up in the suburbs. I'm not rich. I've been in trouble, been to alternative schools, been to jail. Been employed at just about any kind of job within my work's worth. THAT is the majority of the mindset and the behavior and it's a cancer and I'm wondering why people sit around and coo at it and baby it like a lost puppy instead of squashing it and moving on. I would say a lot more, but I'm pretty aware of your basic thoughts of myself and my ideas based on other posts you've made before. But this is ridiculous and I don't see how it can be argued. I am all for equality in every situation and I don't care what race it is pushing this kind of social disease, white people push their own brand too - I live in Florida and know a lot about that... it's nasty and I have no sympathy.

well, no. asian and african upbringings in america were surprisingly similar. sure slavery (which was a couple a couple generations ago) had an impact. but so did labor camps for the japanese. also consider the treatment of koreans and vietnamese during those wars. their torments were much more recent, yet the black community refuses to let go of their history. they dont want to move on, they want to milk it for whatever they can get.

economically they have had amazing opportunities to succeed, more than the average white american ever had, yet many have simply turned it down. some black people turned their lives around with incredible results.

when someone can explain how some black people have become millionaires and others havent (inside and outside the rap community) i might change my opinion. its not because they were born into money, thats for sure.

as for women's pay, one can make an argument for it (and im just playing devils advocate here). women accept lower pay because they CHOOSE to have a baby. employers cant fire them for it, so they pay them less to compensate for the loss of productivity during later pregnancy and maternity leave. but i really have no interest in arguing this. im just stating the opposition argument.

2 words... Brain Washed.

:lol: oops

The fact is, minorities have MORE opportunities than whites yet they don't jump on it and excel. They just sit and claim that whitey is still holding them back. Racism is bullshit. Minorities are far more racist than whites.

edit: I got my wording wrong. what I was trying to say was there aren't nearly as many racist among the white community than there are in the black community. I mean fuck, in so many cities, (especially Baltimore) there are blacks that actually train there dogs to attack whites upon seeing them.

It's so true though. kids are being taught that white people are evil. the liberal agenda is taking control of our school system and it has to stop.

It's going to get worse before it gets better.

True, they have more rights than whites.

My mom is proof that poverty isn't relevant and that if you get off your ass and try to better your life, you can.

Poverty is not an excuse.

There is not a face nor a palm in the universe large enough to convey the proper response to this pure text excrement. The sheer willful ignorance on display in this thread is astounding. I should have stayed gone, as I'm sure all of the people that I've quoted will agree.
youre inability to see where we are coming from is deserving of one as well dodens

and you definitely werent missed. it was nice not having an arrogant jackass running around looking for reasons to insult people
what kills me is that we have done this a million times before, and yet we always take the bait. myself included
I'm going to ignore the clusterfuck of stupid that this thread has no doubt become.

Richards makes a valid point, namely that only white people are called racists and that this is fucking stupid. However, what the first five posts before I stopped reading took this to mean was that Black Entertainment Television and the Black Chamber of Commerce should not exist (now I'm going to pretend that I said what Richards said and explain what I would have meant). What I meant was that this is fine, but why should it be wrong to have White Entertainment Television or colleges for white people?

Now then, where Richards is being a willfully oblivious douchebag is in asserting that while there is a Black Chamber of Commerce and Black Entertainment Television, there is no White Chamber of Commerce and White Entertainment Television; anyone who denies that American society is largely designed for white people is being fucking stupid.
That said, my personal opinion on race is that it means fucking nothing; race is an ethnic and cultural background, and while the cultural background has strong impact on achievement and potential, ethnicity is meaningless. Thus to me racially designated groups are foolish and contribute to the perpetuation of the problem. Basically, ASSIMILATE MOTHERFUCKERS. You may have noticed our president is (PART) black. Does this mean anything about what black people can and cannot do? To me it means that an extremely intelligent and ambitious (PART) black man, very well educated and thoroughly assimilated into mainstream culture, can do more or less anything anyone could. People talk a lot about ghetto punks with no (legal) goals, but there's a shitload of white people like that too; the reason there are fewer is because there are fewer white people living in atrocious slums with shitty schools that get closed down.