
if youre implying that the reason black programming exists is because everything else is dedicated to white people, youre wrong. "white" programming must be sanitized and censored to make sure that it wont offend anyone. black entertainment takes advantage of that since its only a black audience. they frequently insult whitey.

i once remember hearing a black radio program and they were talking about some random topic. at one point they actually said they were talking in "code" and white people just wouldnt understand...

all i had to say was "wow. this is sponsored by the armed forces network?"
If you're wondering why they don't show white power programming, I can't help you. But you realize the people who are worried about everything being PC are mostly white, right? "I'm not..., but I have many friends who are... and I'm offended by the way your program characterizes people who are..."

Also, I bet you that black radio program thing was either a joke or you're really out of touch.


and you definitely werent missed. it was nice not having an arrogant jackass running around looking for reasons to insult people

Not by worthless people like you, obviously. Also, you mistake disgust for arrogance. And finally, I don't look for reasons to insult people, they come and find me. But don't worry, I don't plan on sticking around.

Also, by the definition of racism most commonly used within the political, anthropological, etc realms, it really is only possible for white people in America to be "racist." Racism is a systematic oppression and prejudice of disadvantaged groups of people under this classification. Obviously there are disadvantaged white people, but they are still part of the advantaged class, and most likely still benefit to some degree for being white, unless they live in an ethnic neighborhood where they're subject to prejudice.
i know you didnt hear the radio show, so i cant adequately describe it, but yeah it was serious.

and the other part is a totally separate issue. but typically those soccer mom types sue over sex and naughty language. racial comments on tv are typically addressed by the race that is being mentioned
I just went back and read Doden's first comment in this thread and I think maybe if the entire universe was a palm covering a face it might manage to begin to convey the epicness of that failure.

I have Krig on ignore, but this little gem really amazed me:
kids are being taught that white people are evil. the liberal agenda is taking control of our school system and it has to stop.
There goes any thought of ever taking him off.
dude, the E key is right next to the R. typos happen, you pedantic shit head

dont go away mad, just go away

lol at "generic asshole rant."

I really don't understand how anybody can not think you're stupid sometimes, at least on certain subjects...like this one. You really don't understand shit about race relations. You're a fucking whitey ass white boy who thinks he's Norwegian, living in Colorado. You are not even capable of understanding the intricacies of this issue because you're predisposed against it. Anyone who sympathizes with the plight of systematically disadvantaged minorities is a liberal. And of course you'll never educate yourself on the subject because the only people who care about and study the issue are those fucking scum liberals who have the audacity to think that not everything that happens to everyone is their own fault and not every circumstance can be overcome by "perseverance" and "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" and other similarly vapid and empty tropes.


How can you blame me for thinking that I'm superior to you when you say such stupid things like this:

yes, dodens is full of fail

What WAIF was saying was that the posts that I QUOTED were retarded, not that my post was retarded. Way to go you American Viking.
You know, you could swap the JAGE quote in your sig for what Krig said about people being taught to hate white people at school.
yeah, i knew that when i made my little internet nerd one liner. i has a funneh, you dont. fail

and btw, i currently live in colorado, but ive only been here 2 years. i've lived in california, north carolina (one of two white kids in my elementary school classes), oregon, texas, japan, and qatar. i was generally lower middle class. and once i left oregon for california, we were poor, living in a house with mold and cracked floors, getting food from food banks. ive experienced all sorts of races and cultures and i have a pretty good understanding of them. and thats why i know that there is a victim culture for "minorities" in this country.

now i dont pretend to know where you have been or what you have seen. but judging on what i've experienced and seen i make these arguments.
Almost every circumstance can be overcome with perseverance and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps and bullshit like that, and there are blacks who grew up in shitholes and made it. But when you receive a shitty education at a failing school, are raised by a single parent with no discipline, in a culture that encourages you to turn away from mainstream American culture and pursue a life of crime and reckless indulgence and discourages success, and have no money for college, which is a prerequisite for almost any form of employment above minimum wage, it makes it a hell of a lot fucking harder to do so. The Black Chamber of Commerce and Affirmative Action and shit like that aim to try to help with that. A lot of what I see is people using the specific policies of stuff like Affirmative Action as evidence that the principle behind it is shit; the principle (a fair chance for everyone) is sound, the execution is frequently severely flawed.

EDIT: JAGE, I'm already there.
This entire thread is pathetic. I've yet to see a statistic or citation of the State and National Constitutions, it's all just egocentric opinion-vomit. And you talk as if you have the data to back it up. I'd like to see it. Please, show me. Both sides of this argument have proven ridiculous.
It depends on what you mean by "can." Not every person "can" overcome any circumstance. It's unreasonable to expect that any person is at any time capable of having an excessive amount of will and motivation and drive and have the talent and excellence to go with that to overcome their circumstances.

The whole crux of the issue is that there are people of all races, but there are some disadvantages suffered by some people simply because of their race. They have a greater hill to climb. It's such a multifaceted issue that I think anyone should be bothered any time somebody makes blanket, sweeping and generalizing comments that they mean in full sincerity, as if the majority of black people are just lazy and worthless and the only reason that they're not millionaires is because they're lazy and worthless. It has nothing to do with circumstances, luck, internalized racism, systematic oppression, and counterproductive subsets of subcultures that actively work against progress, both through friends and family and through the media.
as if the majority of black people are just lazy and worthless and the only reason that they're not millionaires is because they're lazy and worthless. It has nothing to do with circumstances, luck, internalized racism, systematic oppression, and counterproductive subsets of subcultures that actively work against progress, both through friends and family and through the media.

That is the first statement in this thread I can fully agree with.
This entire thread is pathetic. I've yet to see a statistic or citation of the State and National Constitutions, it's all just egocentric opinion-vomit. And you talk as if you have the data to back it up. I'd like to see it. Please, show me. Both sides of this argument have proven ridiculous.

I've done this too many times to fucking care any more. You're still new here. Read a fucking book. Blacks have higher rates of pretty much every social/health/economic/etc/etc/etc problem that there is.

If you really need statistics, like I said, read a book. It's seriously not at all worth my time to dig up the sources for my facts for people who don't care. If you really, really care, read Health and Social Justice: Politics, Ideology, and Inequity in the Distribution of Disease edited by Richard Hofrichter. Also good are Social Injustice and Public Health by Barry Levy and Race, Ethnicity, and Health: A Public Health Reader by Thomas LaVeist. But the Hofrichter is the best and easiest to read. However, I'm pretty sure that you don't care enough to actually find things out for yourself without having statistics thrown in your face. You'd rather stand in the background and jerk yourself off while standing over everyone else shitting on their heads.

On the other hand, maybe if you pretend to care and ask for specific statistics that you think are necessary for "proving" the obvious things that I've said, I'll be more likely to oblige.

you can just stop right there

Stopping right there is the god damn problem. You're making it a black and white issue when it's not. You're simplifying shit to absurd levels when it's not that fucking simple.