Romeo or Petrucci?


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
Hey guys, who do you think is a better guitarist, Michael Romeo or John Petrucci? Although Romeo baffles me with his amazing skills, I think Petrucci can handle more on guitar. I mean, he did tour with Satriani and Vai, I'm sure he picked up a lot of new things on G3.
Oh no, here we go!!.....:rolleyes:

In my opinion....

JP > highly technical, polished and precise (bores me to tears) :loco:
JS > same as above, (bores me to death) :zzz:
MR > master of the instrument, pure emotion (thrills me with every note) :headbang:

Yeah right, the hair! :p
it depends in what, I would say that Petrucci is very precise and looks like he would be much better in solo improvisions. He is more of jazz oriented and Romeo can just whip out a great metal/neo-classical metal solo. They are both great for what they do and they got almost opposite playing styles in their bands.

just a question, did any of them talk about each other?
No plz...plz not this again. I posted this exact thread on DT forum and got scalded for it. Every thread has to recur at least once I guess. :eek:

Here's your answer:
-They sound different.
-They play different guitars.
-They have different set-ups.
-They are prog, but have different styles.
-They have different opinions.
Romeo hands down. He is better technically (more techniques), and he is faster. He is also a better rhythm player, and he is better live too. This is my .02, but I think I can back it up with examples!
Originally posted by sweepking
Romeo hands down. He is better technically (more techniques), and he is faster. He is also a better rhythm player, and he is better live too. This is my .02, but I think I can back it up with examples!

this is exactly my answer :)

And Romeo gets more exciting and better with age where as Petrucci has made me shit myself since that solo in Lines in the Sand.
Originally posted by Diabolus
Well Romeo has much more speed than Petrucci, but still I prefer Petrucci. His live performance is boring but dammit he can compose. :lol:

I think they're both great composers. Doens't make any sense of comparing these two excellent guitarists, and fucking stupid to blame Petrucci. He is so creative, great technique, awesome solo sound (in studio releases, especially in LTE albums).
The track Odyssey proves how great Romeo is as a composer. He has a superb technique, maybe he's a bit faster than Petrucci. But Petrucci is as a player clearly more creative.