Should Marijuana be legalized?

if marijuanna suddenly became completely legal nationwide, then the DEA would cease to exist because all of america's "drug" problems would then be capable of being handled by local cops
Most likely. Its too bad how much they would probably tax on it though.
this same idea could be aplied to the Michael Phelps case
he only got caught once
his defense at one point was that the photos of him smoking weed (i think it was a bong) were pics that were taken on the one single day in his entire life that he's ever used marijuanna,
and there's never been anything to refute this claim
he never actually took (let alone failed) any kind THC test
he never appeared to be intoxicated while swimming
there's no way in hell that smoking weed could ever make him swim faster, so he shouldn't have to give back any medals for using "performance enhancing steroids"
if he was using weed on a regular basis, the weed smoking would have actually made his swimming slower, not faster
he's still drinking as much as before, and most people either don't realize or don't care that he's drinking so much that he's about to die of liver failure,
and he still swims faster than any other person that drinks as much as he does
and he's never failed a steroids test
so why not just let the guy smoke weed already?

not sure if any body read this ^^^ post
Most likely. Its too bad how much they would probably tax on it though.

the ridiculously exorbitantly high taxes on tobacco isn't stopping anybody from smoking ciggarretes/cigars/chewing snus
everyone i've ever met already smokes weed even though it's stil illegal, so if it were legal, i don't think the tax is going to stop people from getting high
Many cops and DAs are against prohibition, hence LEAP. Looks like the govts are hand-in-fist with organised crime as they all profit. Meanwhile loads of police time and manpower is wasted

most people don't realize this, but when the alchohol "prohibition" happened in the 20's, the amount of alchohol being consumed actually went up
think about that for a min
conservatives are afraid that legalizing marijuanna will result in the number of people smoking weed will increase, but i think that's bullshit, in USA weed is everywhere, for most people in USA, if you're under the local drinking age, weed is easier to get than alchohol, everybody who wants to smoke weed already has access to it, and if the president signed a piece of paper and marijuanna suddenly became completely legal altogether, america's "prison population problem" would pretty much disapear, the only "real" problem that would happen from legalizing weed would be all the american alchoholic beverage companies that would loose customers because of all those people that "drink beer instead of smoking weed because weed is illegal"
In the Netherlands, where soft drugs are tolerated (not legal, but tolerated), almost all customers of the so called coffee shops are people from neighboring countries. Plus, the laxism towards drugs in general in this country make it a perfect place to produce and import hard drugs that will provide for all the networks in Europe (the virtual suppression of all European borders not being of great help to prevent this).

Another question would be if people would still "enjoy" their marijuana if it came from big corporations that would mass produce it.
I also don't believe that the state would gain any kind of substantial benefit out of that. It's peanuts compared to all other forms of taxation.

I believe that legalization will simply shift the trend onto harder drugs. Cocaine has become pretty much mainstream in the last years, so did synthetic drugs. When the consumption of these will become out of control, just like for marijuana now, you would have no choice but legalize those too.
In the Netherlands, where soft drugs are tolerated (not legal, but tolerated), almost all customers of the so called coffee shops are people from neighboring countries. Plus, the laxism towards drugs in general in this country make it a perfect place to produce and import hard drugs that will provide for all the networks in Europe (the virtual suppression of all European borders not being of great help to prevent this).

Another question would be if people would still "enjoy" their marijuana if it came from big corporations that would mass produce it.
I also don't believe that the state would gain any kind of substantial benefit out of that. It's peanuts compared to all other forms of taxation.

I believe that legalization will simply shift the trend onto harder drugs. Cocaine has become pretty much mainstream in the last years, so did synthetic drugs. When the consumption of these will become out of control, just like for marijuana now, you would have no choice but legalize those too.

people usually only do one type of drug, except mixing uppers and downers, so a person who does cocaine won't randomly start using crystal meth or vice versa, and a person who uses actual heroin won't suddenly start popping the perscription pills that look like heroin on a urinalysis or vice versa, sometimes people mix uppers and downers so the effects cancel each other out so that neither drug is lethal, most drug users aren't suicidal, and most suicidal drug users don't try to kill themselves with an overdose, so i really don't think that legalizing marijuanna is going to increase drug use of other types of drugs, partially, if not mostly, because in america marijuanna is everywhere, real easy to get (even easier than getting alchohol if you're under the drinking age) to the point that legalizing marijuanna in america won't actually increase the number of people using weed, it will just possibly make weed slightly more/less expensive
Fuck yeah it should. It would get the jails uncrowded, the government can tax it and make money, and it would create more jobs. It would keep some people from drinking, and could help lessen DUI deaths.
Fuck yeah it should. It would get the jails uncrowded, the government can tax it and make money, and it would create more jobs. It would keep some people from drinking, and could help lessen DUI deaths.

in dallas county all the drug cases are getting re-hab, and all the non-drug cases are getting probation, cuz there's just simply not enough jail space to hold people anymore, if all those people in jail for marijuanna could suddenlly get released, it would free up all the county jail-space, if the government put taxes on it, the guys growing it in their goddam backyards would sell it cheaper than what the tax is,

there are men that don't smoke who are buying out pick-up truck fulls of cigarrettes and driving them across state lines because of the price differences between one state and another, allow guys to buy it cheap enough that they can transport it across state lines and still make a profit when they sell the cigarettes for less than the store cost in other states, the same kind of thing will happen if each state has the power of making their own tax-levels on marijuanna

it would create more jobs, but getting unemplloyment down to zero won't help the economy if all the new jobs are minimum wage

and yes, legalizing weed really would significantly decrese the number of alchoholic consumption caaused deaths
who needs booze when you have some metal, a woman, and a fat spliff! I would like to be able to just go to the store and buy it. I hate calling around to people it's a big hassle just legalize. I'll even apply for a job at a hemp shop and my cousin Bill won't drink and drive anymore cause instead of buying alcohol he can buy something he likes better and that's a fat hog leg of green buds.
who needs booze when you have some metal, a woman, and a fat spliff! I would like to be able to just go to the store and buy it. I hate calling around to people it's a big hassle just legalize. I'll even apply for a job at a hemp shop and my cousin Bill won't drink and drive anymore cause instead of buying alcohol he can buy something he likes better and that's a fat hog leg of green buds.

althought i wouldn't have put it into exactly those words, i agree with you
It has possible medicinal uses, very little adverse mental or physical effects, and could help the economy of any country that would allow legal distribution. What's there to debate about?
Yes. It would loose the "cool" and "rebellious" factor if it was. It is ironic that people feel guilty when they smoke weed, but not when they smoke cigs.
Since it is available in the black market, why not sell it legally? The revenues they can collect from this can help the economy lol. If it was to be legalized, it should be a controlled/ regulated substance though. They should make a law or whatever prohibiting people from hoarding or growing these themselves.
I see it quite simply: The government has absolutely no right to tell me what I can and cant consume.
Regarding the legalization of other drugs: Many are against it simply because they fear crack addicts will start appearing everywhere. I very much doubt it. The social stigma alone is a big enough deterent for most people. Honestly, how many people do you know who would start taking hard drugs if they were legal?
I am from the Netherlands, it's just 3 blocks around the street for me to buy some weed of hash.. I pay around 10 euro's(13.50$?) for a gram ^^ and it's high quality. The police check the shops like every week(for THC % and if there are any harddrugs... if they find any of the 2 they will your whole stach) Now i don't use often(anymore) and the shops aren't overcrowded at all. i think only people that want to use it will go buy it(there are much more older people then teens in the shops) the most people i find using alot have AD(H)D(like me) Asperger or a mood disorder. So i think when you legalize it not much more people will start using the drug.. it's alot better then alcohol to.

I think alot of the smokers in country's where it is illegal.. want to smoke it mainly because it's cool haha.
It has possible medicinal uses, very little adverse mental or physical effects, and could help the economy of any country that would allow legal distribution. What's there to debate about?

was anyone on this thread actually against legalizing weed?
Time and time again people think cannabis oil can cure cancer. I found out that cannabis oil really suppresses the effects of cancer, but won't get rid of it. One of the most promising of these flavonoids is naringenin, which occurs in all citrus fruits and in tomato peel. Studies have shown that naringenin and related citrus flavonoids can repair the DNA damage that leads to cancer. There is the real answer!