Should Marijuana be legalized?

what's up with the freaky long posts

this thread should have been a poll;

yes, marijuanna should be legalized

no, marijuanna should not be legalized


i don't care if marijuanna gets legalized or not
Banning marijuana doesn't solve any problems. It's hypocritical as hell too, considering the fact that marijuana is a soft drog which in some occasions can even be used for medical practices. On the other hand, there is alcohol. One of the worst hard drugs we know. But that's perfectly fine! One thing: WTF?

Second, banning it won't stop users from using it. Just read the reactions to this topic here. How many of you do smoke marijuana in a country where it's not allowed? Quite a lot. That means that people somehow still get acces to it, via illegal ways: street dealers etc. That results in tons of horrible things, which you probably can imagine. In this case drug using isn't the killer, but dealing is.

In The Netherlands, there's a coffeeshop in just about any town (and no, you won't get just coffee there). Don't hesitate to ask a cop for the directions if you're looking for one. It may sound weird, but it's perfectly legal here. You just show the guard your ID to prove that you're 18 or older and you're in! And do we have any problems with marijuana? Not at all.

An example of the other way: in Scandinavia, particularly Sweden and Norway, alcohol is almost banned, you could say. I was in Norway last year and you could get some overpriced beer in a supermarket or even more overpriced wine in a restaurant and that's it. The rest is, overpriced of course, only available in government-owned stores. Where do they have the most problems with alcohol? Yep, there where it's forbidden. The US never saw the alcohol consumer rates rise as high as during the prohibition.
Banning marijuana doesn't solve any problems. It's hypocritical as hell too, considering the fact that marijuana is a soft drog which in some occasions can even be used for medical practices. On the other hand, there is alcohol. One of the worst hard drugs we know. But that's perfectly fine! One thing: WTF?

Second, banning it won't stop users from using it. Just read the reactions to this topic here. How many of you do smoke marijuana in a country where it's not allowed? Quite a lot. That means that people somehow still get acces to it, via illegal ways: street dealers etc. That results in tons of horrible things, which you probably can imagine. In this case drug using isn't the killer, but dealing is.

In The Netherlands, there's a coffeeshop in just about any town (and no, you won't get just coffee there). Don't hesitate to ask a cop for the directions if you're looking for one. It may sound weird, but it's perfectly legal here. You just show the guard your ID to prove that you're 18 or older and you're in! And do we have any problems with marijuana? Not at all.

An example of the other way: in Scandinavia, particularly Sweden and Norway, alcohol is almost banned, you could say. I was in Norway last year and you could get some overpriced beer in a supermarket or even more overpriced wine in a restaurant and that's it. The rest is, overpriced of course, only available in government-owned stores. Where do they have the most problems with alcohol? Yep, there where it's forbidden. The US never saw the alcohol consumer rates rise as high as during the prohibition.

i agree with this
i'm in america and i smoke weed all the freaking time
but i still don't drink at all, even though my local area just went from being "dry" to being "wet" about 2 or 3 weeks ago meaning it's now a hell of a lot easier for me to get alchohol but i still chose not to cuz alchohol is a hell of a lot more harmfull that weed

but america still considers weed "evil" and alchohol "acceptable" to the point that the folowing scenarion actually happened

celebrity athlete michael phelps drinks so much alchohol that his cause of death is certaintly going to be liver failure, and no one seems to give a shit about that, but then he gets caught smoking weed once, and all of a sudden the american media can't stop talking about it, with every TMZ type show and every freaking magazine purchasable in america are bithching at him for it, and every channel of american television was just "michael phelps smoking weed" non-stop for several months
and nobody seems to care about the fact that he's drinking alchohol so much that he's about to die of liver failure
I also agree that it should be legalized even though I abused it to an extent that it cost me my job.It took me years to figure out that for myself it should only be used sparingly as a relaxant/entertainment/whatever.If it had've been legalised in my teenage years I would'nt have wasted so much time running around trying to score and thinking that I was being badass.It's great stuff if used intelligently but the fact that it's illegal,i'm sure is one of the reasons why i've seen atleast three high school mates go down the gurgler.I no longer smoke due to piss tests in an upcoming job but I wish I could have the occassional toke.
Maybe if it was legalised and regulated things would be different for alot of folk and as previously stated take alot of wind outt've organised crime.
The real question is, are you an Anarchist or not. Just like religion, if you're gonna believe in a part of it; you may as well believe it all. Same goes for law, you either believe in order; or chaos.

Someone who isn't an anarchist would also believe in order, the upholding and creation of laws to protect the majority and the minority from others.

What does this mean for us poor enlightened bastards? Jail-time, Death sentences, Propaganda, the whole bit, etc etc

Back to my point though, the real question; is are you willing to let Order be imposed on YOUR time in the Chaos of reality? I for sure won't.

for a brief time, Marijuana was legal in Oregon before smear campaigns started up stronger than ever. Crime went down and the state economy improved.

Nobody has ever died from marijuana and people do not go insane from it's use. It does not cause brain damage, is not physically addicting and it does not have any long term side effects.

The impairments of marijuana are very minor compared to alcohol.

People will counter that if it is legalized, people will just sit around and smoke pot all day, which would be true to some extent, since anything can become crippling and anything can be abused. There are people who sit around all day and play MMOs. It's not the MMO's fault, it's the player's fault for not moderating himself.

There are people who sit all day and eat. Should we make food illegal since these people don't have the self control to moderate their intake?

The fact is, regardless of what the government says, all unbiased research shows that smoking marijuana is less harmful than cigarettes

It is always my belief that laws should be made around the basis of an apology: if I break a law, i should have a reason to apologize. With Marijuana, I don't see anything to apologize for. I am not harming or disrupting anyone in any way shape or form.

the government's war on marijuana is a costly one for taxpayers, and over the years we have spent over 500 billion dollars to squash the marijuana underground and with dismal results. Sure the DEA will bust a few grow labs every now and then but getting pot on the street is just as easy as going to the store and buying a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of jack.

This is a war that they cannot win, and one that we will not let them win. Legalize it.

:err: Oh boy, where have i seen this before? Only everywhere of course, You may take this as a personal attack but if you're too blind to see it for what it really is then whatever that's you're problem, not mine.

Everything you're saying is wrong, you may say "oh you can't prove me wrong" but that's just an excuse you're going to make to try and cover you're ass, It's one all potheads use. Nobody has ever died from Marijuana and people do not go insane from it? LOL i don't know where you have been living but obviously under a rock somewhere, if you were a functioning member of society you would easily know that Marijuana kills thousands of people a day, and makes people go insane and hallucinate. Why would something be illegal if it wasn't harmful? duh, because it IS harmful, extremely harmful, it was tested when it was first discovered, and it caused extreme hallucination, long story short pot turns your brain to mush and makes you a retard.

People like the stupid shit because it's their gateway to another "dimension" or some shit, where they can escape reality, because they're life sucks shit. It DOES cause brain damage, It's highly proven, It IS physically addicting, why do you think people want it so badly? Wow man, no long term side effects? sure, keep fooling yourself, while you're scratching yourself constantly like a fucking animal, craving food 24/7 hallucinating all the time and just can't use your brain like you used to.

Marijuana's effects are very minor compared to Alcohol? I'm a heavy drinker and i used to be a very heavy Marijuana addict, i lost most of my intelligence due to Marijuana, all Alcohol does is give me a fucking headache, big deal, tell me which effects are worse, losing your fucking brain by smoking some grass, or having a fucking headache for a couple hours? I think the answer is pretty fucking obvious.

Honestly you can't fucking compare a drug to a fucking video game, sure video games are addicting to some extent, but they don't have such a major addiction as Marijuana, and such a major impact, playing a video game actually improves your hand-eye coordination, what does Marijuana do? Yeah, it takes away the ability to use parts of your brain, so stop trying to compare a dangerous deadly stupid illegal drug, to a harmless game.

Comparing Marijuana to Cigarettes? Honestly sure, Cigarettes have a chance to give you cancer, but cancer can be beaten, and Marijuana's effects are far more deadly in my opinion, because you can die from all the hallucinations and shit. Honestly you can survive cancer and go back to you're normal self, you can't get back what Marijuana takes from you, you'll be forever dumber.

All unbiased research? really? That's you're OPINION of unbiased, only because you're on the side of marijuana, i could say everyone in the world but me is biased, but that doesn't make it true, honestly how fucking stupid can you get, you're just one of those kids who was in the store with their parents screaming "i want that toy i want it or I'll hold my breath until i pass out" honestly some people are pathetic.

Honestly i don't see why I'm wasting my time discussing this, if you can't take the obvious facts and determine a deadly drug is dangerous you're a waste of air, Marijuana harms you're body and you're mind very much so, far more than alcohol, if you think that's safe then please go burn in hell because you are completely wrong and nothing you ever say or do will change that, proof you are wrong is that Marijuana is still, and always will be, ILLEGAL, good fight, you lose.
No doubt too much will fuck up your abilities, thus why it has always been termed "wasted". However many of my most creative and spontainous moments have occured with a 2-3 toke buzz... not that I promote the idea, it works for me due to being a tad uptight. More sadly many many musicians had openly stated that they created thier best and or most cutting edge material under the influence of something. Definantly not the way to perform at optimum abilities but does at times free the mind of outside stresses that also have their negative effects.

I've had more problems with band member simply being lazy or narrow minded but wont play with a drunk or druggie OR uptight bastard

there's a difference between WRITING a song while intoxicated, and SINGING a song while intoxicated
i understand that most of the greatest lyrics in music's history were written when the songwriter was stoned out of his mind, but that's a whole different thing than those bands (i'm not gonna say names) where they did their stage shows while fucked up, getting onstage while stoned is a whole different thing than getting stoned to allieviate writer's block
i agree with this
i'm in america and i smoke weed all the freaking time
but i still don't drink at all, even though my local area just went from being "dry" to being "wet" about 2 or 3 weeks ago meaning it's now a hell of a lot easier for me to get alchohol but i still chose not to cuz alchohol is a hell of a lot more harmfull that weed

but america still considers weed "evil" and alchohol "acceptable" to the point that the folowing scenarion actually happened

celebrity athlete michael phelps drinks so much alchohol that his cause of death is certaintly going to be liver failure, and no one seems to give a shit about that, but then he gets caught smoking weed once, and all of a sudden the american media can't stop talking about it, with every TMZ type show and every freaking magazine purchasable in america are bithching at him for it, and every channel of american television was just "michael phelps smoking weed" non-stop for several months
and nobody seems to care about the fact that he's drinking alchohol so much that he's about to die of liver failure

does anyone here even remember michael phelps? or am i just talking to myself?
there's a difference between WRITING a song while intoxicated, and SINGING a song while intoxicated
i understand that most of the greatest lyrics in music's history were written when the songwriter was stoned out of his mind, but that's a whole different thing than those bands (i'm not gonna say names) where they did their stage shows while fucked up, getting onstage while stoned is a whole different thing than getting stoned to allieviate writer's block

this same idea could be aplied to the Michael Phelps case
he only got caught once
his defense at one point was that the photos of him smoking weed (i think it was a bong) were pics that were taken on the one single day in his entire life that he's ever used marijuanna,
and there's never been anything to refute this claim
he never actually took (let alone failed) any kind THC test
he never appeared to be intoxicated while swimming
there's no way in hell that smoking weed could ever make him swim faster, so he shouldn't have to give back any medals for using "performance enhancing steroids"
if he was using weed on a regular basis, the weed smoking would have actually made his swimming slower, not faster
he's still drinking as much as before, and most people either don't realize or don't care that he's drinking so much that he's about to die of liver failure,
and he still swims faster than any other person that drinks as much as he does
and he's never failed a steroids test
so why not just let the guy smoke weed already?
Marijuana should at least be removed from the schedule I list... Herion is a schedule I for fucks sake. Marijuana shouldn't be classified under the same umbrella as Herion. I fail to understand how Marijuana is a schedule I drug while plants such as Datura and Atropa Belladonna aren't even controlled substances.Datura IS an invasive weed on the other hand so I don't know how well an attempt to control it would work. (The flowers are quite beautiful though)Oops got off topic for a second:lol:
Marijuana should at least be removed from the schedule I list... Herion is a schedule I for fucks sake. Marijuana shouldn't be classified under the same umbrella as Herion. I fail to understand how Marijuana is a schedule I drug while plants such as Datura and Atropa Belladonna aren't even controlled substances.Datura IS an invasive weed on the other hand so I don't know how well an attempt to control it would work. (The flowers are quite beautiful though)Oops got off topic for a second:lol:

i know people that smoke weed everyday
and i know people that use heroin every day
and you're right, they shouldn't be under the same umbrella
they're 2 completely different things
i know people that smoke weed everyday
and i know people that use heroin every day
and you're right, they shouldn't be under the same umbrella
they're 2 completely different things

Yeah, they are completely different things bro. The government jvst fails to realize it. The only reason they are both classified as schedule I is because the government bases the classifications on the general premise that they're both drugs, therefore they are both "harmful" and "socially unacceptable". The worst health problem someone could get from daily marijuana usage is slight respiratory problems(If you're smoking an 1/8th a day that is). As opposed to herion which causes withdrawl symptoms, decreased liver functioning, and a slew of other heath problems(Not to mention a powerful physical addiction)
Yeah, they are completely different things bro. The government jvst fails to realize it. The only reason they are both classified as schedule I is because the government bases the classifications on the general premise that they're both drugs, therefore they are both "harmful" and "socially unacceptable". The worst health problem someone could get from daily marijuana usage is slight respiratory problems(If you're smoking an 1/8th a day that is). As opposed to herion which causes withdrawl symptoms, decreased liver functioning, and a slew of other heath problems(Not to mention a powerful physical addiction)

if marijuanna suddenly became completely legal nationwide, then the DEA would cease to exist because all of america's "drug" problems would then be capable of being handled by local cops