so, when the album leaks

JoeVice said:
what percentage of $$ does the artist get for an album sale on average? does anyone know?
Though I'm sure it's changed a bit since:
Where does my money go when I buy a CD?

The Washington Post ran a report on this subject on February 15, 1995.
Based on information from the RIAA, Billboard Magazine, and elsewhere,
they broke down the $11.99 street price of a typical hit new-release
CD as follows:

$ 2.00 Record-label profit + Executive salaries
$ 1.40 New artist development
$ 1.15 Distribution
$ 1.10 Manufacturing (CD + artwork + jewel case)
$ .85 "Other"
$ .80 Performer royalties
$ .65 Songwriter royalties
$ .65 Advertising and promotion
$ .35 Producer
$ .30 Recording costs
$ .25 Music videos
$ .20 Managers and lawyers
$ .10 Artist pensions
$ 9.80 Wholesale cost to retailer
$ .95 Miscellaneous retailer expenses
$ .90 Store personnel salaries
$ .75 Rent
$12.40 Total cost to retailer
$11.99 CD price at retail
$ .41 Loss to retailer

These figures make it clear that everyone but the label is getting a
royal screwing. Label profit, salaries, distribution (usually
label-owned), manufacturing (label-owned again), and "other" (a.k.a.
"hookers and cocaine for the label VPs") add up to $6.50/disc -- or
more than half of a CD's retail price. The people who actually make
the music (the performers, songwriters, and producers) get less than a
third of that.

Taken from:

By the way, has no one commented on the Travis Smith artwork posted on yet?
Khayman666 said:
By the way, has no one commented on the Travis Smith artwork posted on yet?

they the thread in which it was posted, one of the album cover threads.

concerning GR: it will be hard not to listen to a few songs when it's online. i'll try to wait till it's released, to hear it in all its glory on cd.
any one of you stupid fags that downloads it...and then decides not to buy it will die a slow painful death and the rest of us honorable opeth fans will make s'mores out of your eyeballs.

I believe if you download (which I will, ASAP) you have an obligation to purchase an album upon its release. It's called being a fan and supporting your favorite band.
I will do what I've done for a while. I will download one or 2 tracks, and if I like it, I will pre-order it on the spot. I've done so for at least 3 years.
Still Death said:
Fuck downloading. I'll wait. Downloading is not only a waste of time for a maybe good quality version, but it makes buying the album pointless...

...the only two ways I will listen to new Opeth before the cd hits stores are

b) mp3 posted at


I agree.
plus a cd doesnt cost shit man, come on.
I think Opeth should of took a chance with releasing it independantly, they would of aquired almost all the money rather then under a third.

Anyway, of course I'll DL it if I find it leaked. As much as I hate the idea of supporting RR I'll buy the cd as well since I like the 'origional' feeling.