Someone else agrees Spiderman was overrated.....

Only 3 films interest me this year.

The Hobbit (apparently a prequel to some trilogy about some ring bullshit ... never heard of it before ... cough cough)

The Dark Knight Rises (how Nolan is gonna top TDK I don't know but Tom Hardy is one badass motherfucker and Hathaway as Catwoman - mmm, delicious - not sure if she'll top Mich Pfieffer's performance in Returns though - she was purrfect in that one)

Prometheus (Holy fuck balls. Sir Ridley looks like he is going to have an epic film worthy of the `Alien' universe for us after the disasters of the AvP films. I can't fricken wait - 60 more days!)
I don't blame Marvel at all. It's the modern movie industry that sucks. Most of today's films are just like those 80's one hit wonder pop bands. It's all about looking bright and colorful instead of good story telling and characters with some depth.

Marvel had leased out almost all of their characters to other movie studios at the time Disney bought Marvel, so you can't really blame Marvel if the non-disney-made marvel-character-movies came out bad, those horrible movies were the bad because of those individual studios making bad movies out of awesome characters, the Disney-made "marvel cinimatic universe" movies have, so far, been awesome because disney isn't taking over production of those movies, these movies are being produced by the people that are involved in the production of the comics
once all the "rights to marvel characters" begin to "lapse" and "revert back to marvel" we'll begin to see awesome re-makes of crappy movies
the rights to a Punisher movie have reverted back to marvel and i've heard that the avengers movie will have a brief reference to "Frank Castle" while one of the characters is watching tv
Me too. I really like the little cameo appearences so far, so I'm all for more of those. Looks like Batman & Robin wasn't able to scare cross references off forever after all. Whew!

the little cameo apearances really tie the Marvel Cinimatic Universe together, showing us that all these different superheros are living in the same universe in a really well done way
batman and robin sucked
but i do remember robin talking about the traveling from "Gotham to Metropolis" or something like that
but Marvel's new Disney-financed movies are all taking place in the same "cinimatic universe" so these little cameo references should be expected, i had expected them to be done really badly, but was pleasantly surprised with how well they turned out
the little cameo apearances really tie the Marvel Cinimatic Universe together, showing us that all these different superheros are living in the same universe in a really well done way

but Marvel's new Disney-financed movies are all taking place in the same "cinimatic universe" so these little cameo references should be expected, i had expected them to be done really badly, but was pleasantly surprised with how well they turned out


And yes, Batman & Robin sucked! It's funny, in a Batman quodrology documentary Joel Schumacher actually apologizes for the way the movie turned out.
My girlfriend wants to see Spider-Man, but I have absolutely no interest in it. Should I go or not? IE Do I want to fuck or not.

New Judge Dredd looks cool!

new judge dredd....also new total recal.... and new robocop.... they just gonna do remakes of all the 80s movies
new judge dredd....also new total recal.... and new robocop.... they just gonna do remakes of all the 80s movies

You're wrong there, buddy. The only other JD film is that lousy Slvester Stallone film from 1994(?), so Judge Dredd isn't a remake.

Robocop and Totall Recall...totally needless remakes, because the originals are so great, and I don't think they can make them any better, no matter how much CGI they use. Apparently there are no more new ideas for movies whatsoever.
i really don't get it with all these re-makes?
they could copy the script, characters, plot & give a boost of CGI's..but then they will never ever be able to replicate that one thing that made those cheesy 80's movies so good...the all open minds of the movie goers.
Now when they make certain re-makes, theres the need to tell things, to open up inform..come on, back in the ol'days when the Predator came and kill, we never asked for reasons..but when Predator 2 tried to be smart & giving turns bad.
Look Indi tried to be ol skool yet tried to tell too spoils the fun, the Indi trilogy was fun because even though it was based on real locations & facts, it never tried to push down information down our throat..some movies just need to be enjoyed for the sake of enjoyment...
Spiderman sucks nobody wants to see his weak ass climbing around like a sackbag.
lol lol lol
You're wrong there, buddy. The only other JD film is that lousy Slvester Stallone film from 1994(?), so Judge Dredd isn't a remake.
so... the new judge dread is a sequel??? not a re-make???
Robocop and Totall Recall...totally needless remakes, because the originals are so great, and I don't think they can make them any better, no matter how much CGI they use. Apparently there are no more new ideas for movies whatsoever.
in addition to these re-makes, they are also currently in pre-production of a whole shit-load of movies based off of video games, so yes, you're right, hollywood really has run-out of ideas for movies
i really don't get it with all these re-makes?
they could copy the script, characters, plot & give a boost of CGI's..but then they will never ever be able to replicate that one thing that made those cheesy 80's movies so good...the all open minds of the movie goers.
Now when they make certain re-makes, theres the need to tell things, to open up inform..come on, back in the ol'days when the Predator came and kill, we never asked for reasons..but when Predator 2 tried to be smart & giving turns bad.
Look Indi tried to be ol skool yet tried to tell too spoils the fun, the Indi trilogy was fun because even though it was based on real locations & facts, it never tried to push down information down our throat..some movies just need to be enjoyed for the sake of enjoyment...
totally know what you mean here, it would have been totally awesome if a movie studio could just find a movie with really cheezy-looking special effects, and just did a word-for-word, frame-for-frame, copy with young actors and updated special-effects, the movies from the 80s would be perfect for this, trying to alter the script will turn the movie to crap if you're re-making a movie that had an awesome script to begin with, the robots at the end of robocop looked really cheezy, they could look totally awesome with new special effects, but changing the script is totally un-neccassary will prolly be crap