Sponsorship Question?

Asides from being a great armchair promoter, I am also one of the best backseat drivers.

That is the truth! Worse than my wife.....

Rob, in all honesty, I think you are missing the point of some of the gripes with the announcement. I don't think anyone is specifically saying "I can do it better", etc.

As some said, you guys indicated this being a "make or break" year.

Having an unknown band from Italy in spot #1 on Saturday does indeed make people scratch their heads. My first thought is they will face playing a very empty room, much like Thurisaz did. Is that fair to a band that flies in from Italy? Granted, we don't know the situation, but schedule wise or financial. Maybe they are on tour? Maybe they have good label support? Regardless if even money is or is not an issue, they stand to play to an empty room.

How many times have you seen a line up for a show and gone, "Oh, there are six bands, never heard of the first few, I can show up at 8 or 9" Unfortunately (and I know you don't want to hear it, being that 12th Gate is on the bill), this line up has the potential of a lot of late arrivers.

Take these comments for what they are. They are coming from folks who, at times to you seem like a pain in the ass, are ones who post about Powerfest all year long all over the internet, helping keeping the buzz going, and folks who attend the fest.

But hey, this fest is indeed your guy's baby! You guys started it, and brought it to a level that has generated interest beyond the local scene. Well done indeed. With success always comes criticism though, right?
Well telling them they f'ed up now won't change things.

They are doing what they have to do even have a fest I'm sure. Personally I'm the type who would come and see the first band just to see if I'll find something new to enjoy.
Well, when you guys start your own fest, you can invite whoever you want....and I promise to come out. And since I know what goes into putting one together besides just having "great" ideas, I won't even comment on which bands you did or didn't go with. Oh but wait, none of you will start one because it's easier to be the armchair promoter...that's cool, what would this forum be without ppl who think they could do it better. :p :lol:
Shut us up by landing some high quality bands that will put some asses in the seats.

Shut us up by landing some high quality bands that will put some asses in the seats.



I have to agree with Jason and Brit. With all the talk about this year having to be the year to make the fest something to keep it going. There has been some real bad choices. the people who support the fest on here have been giving great advice on bands and idea's with comments tossed back in thier faces. It is only natural for people to be outspoken. Everyone wants a kick ass show and line up.
You're right...it's a make it or break it year for the fest...BUT I never said it was to make or break Chris, Rob & John financially. ;) Yes, we've had some sponsors come forward, which are very much appreciated...but their contributions are still a drop in the bucket of what we're looking to invest this year.

Sure, we could have 5 or 6 all well known bands, but there is only so much room in the venue & why have a lineup that would draw 3000+, when you can only fit 1700...now that is FUCKIN' STUPID!!!!!!!!!! Just think about it for half a second. And if you really have doubts that the current Saturday lineup won't draw enough to make an impact or even the potentiall of a sell-out, we definitely have a difference of opinion...and we'll just have to wait & see who's right & who's wrong.

And to answer Jason's point about not having anough ppl there for the first 3 bands...I strongly disagree. This is an all ages general-admission show, which means there will be plenty of groups of fans who will want to jocky for an area close to stage early. I see it at EVERY general admission show I go to that has a huge crowd. Plus, needless to say, a sell out would be amazing...but even if it doesn't sell out prior to that day, there will be plenty of ppl going early in hopes that it won't sell out...meaning bodies early...when doors open. Seen it happen when Blind Guardian played the Metro & ppl drove across states thinkning it wouldn't sell out & waited to buy a ticket & the door...and guess what...they had to drive across states back home without seeing the band played. This year is just a completely different dynamic & you can't even compare past Powerfests when it comes to this point.

Bottom line...I guess we'll see what happens. We don't claim to have all the answers, but we definitely know a shitload more about the inner workings than most because we've been doing this for a while now (during the CURRENT state of things, not "back in the day" bullshit) & have learned from many mistakes...and will continue to learn.

And the #1 lesson learned, which is absolutely true...idealogies have no place in what we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only concern I have is that your lineup has a 'lets appeal to all sorts of metal fans' look. Yet, myself, I won't go to a fest that doesn't have a lot of bands I'm interested in. I think that's the main risk here. Lots of different styles appealing to lots of different people, but will it appeal enough to those people to spend the cash? I'm not sure. For your sake, I hope so. As on another personal note, I prefer diversity at shows. I don't want just one 'sound' for 5 hours.
And I just have to add...just because some of the suggested bands on this forum have not been picked, that sure as FUCK doesn't mean we didn't pursue them. Our lineup has more to do with availability & realistic requests on the part of the bands (or their representation) than us "tossing them back in your faces"...as fucknuts Bob so nicely put it. :p

I have not once since we started planning this year dissed a single band for any reason as to why they wouldn't be right for the 2008 fest. Not fucking once!! We've kept all opinions to ourselves & have considered every fucking suggestion!!

And in all sincerity, if you do not like the lineup, do us a favor & boycott this year!! Seriously, BOYCOTT POWERFEST 2008!! Just don't show up!! We only want the true supporters & fans of the bands to be there. If we suck at putting this together, PLEASE let us know by not coming!! At least then we'll really truly know we have no place promoting a fest, and we'll quit!

Otherwise, if we succeed at not losing money for once, we will continue doing what we do & I can't wait to officially tell any naysayer to shove it up their ass & shut the fuck up! And I promise, I will...and I don't care how unprofessional that will sound. :p :lol:
The only concern I have is that your lineup has a 'lets appeal to all sorts of metal fans' look. Yet, myself, I won't go to a fest that doesn't have a lot of bands I'm interested in. I think that's the main risk here. Lots of different styles appealing to lots of different people, but will it appeal enough to those people to spend the cash? I'm not sure. For your sake, I hope so. As on another personal note, I prefer diversity at shows. I don't want just one 'sound' for 5 hours.

We haven't even announced a single band for the Friday lineup yet. ;)
Rob - Hopefully you are right about people coming early to see all the bands. I did not see this happen though the past 2 Powerfests that I was at. Seemed like the place didn't really start to fill until the midway point of the night.

I think all of us here are the kinds of fans who will come for the full lineup.

I am speaking more in terms of appealing to the fans who are "outside the circle" of the Powerfest faithful.

There are going to be a lot of metalheads who have never attended Powerfest who will have an interest, due to Testament. No doubt about it! That was a MAJOR score. Though, I think we are talking about fans who aren't really too close to the underground anymore, and aren't very tolerant of openers.

So, for a lot of potential attendees, the show looks like Testament plus 5 bands they never heard of.

Please don't take any of this the wrong way.
I am indeed attempting to be sincere and constructive with my comments.

I can't (and won't speak for others).

Finally, I don't think anyone ever indicated that you guys dissed any bands as potentials for the fest. Just throwing out what some options may have been (which as you said, may have already been considered on your end)
And I just have to add...just because some of the suggested bands on this forum have not been picked, that sure as FUCK doesn't mean we didn't pursue them. Our lineup has more to do with availability & realistic requests on the part of the bands (or their representation) than us "tossing them back in your faces"...as fucknuts Bob so nicely put it. :p

I have not once since we started planning this year dissed a single band for any reason as to why they wouldn't be right for the 2008 fest. Not fucking once!! We've kept all opinions to ourselves & have considered every fucking suggestion!!

And in all sincerity, if you do not like the lineup, do us a favor & boycott this year!! Seriously, BOYCOTT POWERFEST 2008!! Just don't show up!! We only want the true supporters & fans of the bands to be there. If we suck at putting this together, PLEASE let us know by not coming!! At least then we'll really truly know we have no place promoting a fest, and we'll quit!

Otherwise, if we succeed at not losing money for once, we will continue doing what we do & I can't wait to officially tell any naysayer to shove it up their ass & shut the fuck up! And I promise, I will...and I don't care how unprofessional that will sound. :p :lol:
Great .. alienate the folks that are actually planning on showing up for the fest. Sorry Rob, but you suck at PR.

Rob - Hopefully you are right about people coming early to see all the bands. I did not see this happen though the past 2 Powerfests that I was at. Seemed like the place didn't really start to fill until the midway point of the night.

I think all of us here are the kinds of fans who will come for the full lineup.

I am speaking more in terms of appealing to the fans who are "outside the circle" of the Powerfest faithful.

There are going to be a lot of metalheads who have never attended Powerfest who will have an interest, due to Testament. No doubt about it! That was a MAJOR score. Though, I think we are talking about fans who aren't really too close to the underground anymore, and aren't very tolerant of openers.

So, for a lot of potential attendees, the show looks like Testament plus 5 bands they never heard of.

Please don't take any of this the wrong way.
I am indeed attempting to be sincere and constructive with my comments.

I can't (and won't speak for others).

Finally, I don't think anyone ever indicated that you guys dissed any bands as potentials for the fest. Just throwing out what some options may have been (which as you said, may have already been considered on your end)

Great .. alienate the folks that are actually planning on showing up for the fest. Sorry Rob, but you suck at PR.


He may not sugarcoat his feelings, but he's honest... and he's right. Some people on this board could benefit from thinking before they type (and I'm not excepting Rob from that statement). Wait until the rest of the bands are announced before bitching... there are still a good 4-5 bands yet to be announced. Besides, you all know damn well that the fest has always been partially about exposing lesser-known bands... bitching because an unknown band is opening the fest??? Where would you rather have the unknown bands playing? The headliner spot?

And on the other side of the coin... as someone who's travelling in for the fest -- and who has a lot of friends who are on the bubble for travelling for the fest -- of course I'd like for all of this stuff to be taken care of much sooner. I may not know dick squat about booking a fest, but I do know this: In today's scene, the early bird gets the worm. It's sometimes necessary to book these things up to a year in advance; otherwise, you're stuck with the leftovers. Chris and Rob don't have the shitloads of money it takes to book huge (expensive) bands months and months in advance, and as a result, they don't have as big a pool of bands to choose from as people here might think. From the sound of things, though, it seems like they've been working on something special for Friday for quite a while now.

Testament isnt the draw they once were. They are not going to sell out the place. Sorry.

Perhaps not, but they have more of a shot of it than any band you've recommended. They're practically a household name, they're a huge draw among thrash fans as well as other extreme metal fans, and the fest is coinciding with the release of their first studio album in about a decade.

I see them bringing in at least 700 on their own, if the show is properly advertised. How many of those will be there for Chaoswave? Who knows. It is a Saturday, after all.
At the Trouble show yesterday I ran into a friend that I haven't seen in months, one of the first things he said to me was "Dude did you hear that Testament is coming to the Pearl Room?". He had no idea that it was part of Powerfest.

Like I said, Testament alone is going to be a big draw.
I see them bringing in at least 700 on their own, if the show is properly advertised.

You hit the nail on the head there my friend.

I guarantee you there are tons of potential attendees who have no clue about Testament playing. As Bob has stated, there are tons of people who have never been to the Pearl Room. Certainly a band like Testament might change that.

I think you might be a little optimistic about Testament drawing 700 people. MAYBE at the House of Blues, but not in Mokena.

Just like Trouble last night at House of Blues, was attended by maybe 300 to 400. If it was in Mokena, maybe 100 tops.