Sponsorship Question?

Otherwise, if we succeed at not losing money for once, we will continue doing what we do & I can't wait to officially tell any naysayer to shove it up their ass & shut the fuck up!

I can't wait for that either!

You people are nothing but a bunch of bitchy, whiney, know-it-all cock-sucking FAGS and CUNTS. Period. So........Go Fuck Yourselves.

Punkin877 :heh:
I can't wait for that either!

You people are nothing but a bunch of bitchy, whiney, know-it-all cock-sucking FAGS and CUNTS. Period. So........Go Fuck Yourselves.

Punkin877 :heh:

You must be angling for the opening spot on Friday night ... awesome comedy relief. 30 miutes of ranting .. what better way to kick off the evening. Book her Rob ... comedy gold !!

Testament isnt the draw they once were. They are not going to sell out the place. Sorry.

I saw Testament about two years ago in California and the show they played was absolutely packed, it was filled everywhere, and the venue was decent size too (it was The Galaxy in Santa Ana), Testament is still quite a big draw, atleast in on the west coast, and I'm sure they can draw a decent amount on Saturday.
Great .. alienate the folks that are actually planning on showing up for the fest. Sorry Rob, but you suck at PR.


No, it's just my twist on PR...no bullshit!! :p Sorry, I'm just tired of the abundance of lame bitching by people who will never be happy. Plus...Whining just isn't metal!!! If anything, it's emo...maybe someone should start an emo fest where whining is actually welcome. :lol:

And I meant every word...I'd rather not have whiney bitches at the fest & sacrifice those ticket sales for a larger percentage of people who appreciate the fest for what it is...a collection of great metal. All the bands may not be well-known gems, but we can't always get what we want...and that includes us.

Also, by suggesting that the bitches stay home I'm also trying to help prevent the inevitable bitching that will ensue after the fest by everyone who will complain that there was too much moshing that they couldn't enjoy the show. :cry: :p :lol:
Well, the bold and large font cussing really makes your point effective!
Did you learn that from the OPETH forum or the Children of Bodom one?

Nope, no influence whatsoever. It may be excessive...but you have to admit...it stands out. :heh:

So....good day to you all until I see another shit-talking, know-it-all post from you fucks....which I'm sure won't be far away.

Love and Sloppy Anal Kisses,
Punkin877 :heh:
Now that's a word I haven't heard in years!!!
You got SOD on tap for Friday night or something???

"But can you dooooooooo... THE MILANO MOSH!!!!"
Nope, no influence whatsoever. It may be excessive...but you have to admit...it stands out. :heh:

Yes it stands out..
Though, on a serious note........
What might appear to be pissing and moaning is actually an attempt at constructive criticism...

Rob is dead on. You will never please everyone....
In today's scene, the early bird gets the worm. It's sometimes necessary to book these things up to a year in advance; otherwise, you're stuck with the leftovers. Chris and Rob don't have the shitloads of money it takes to book huge (expensive) bands months and months in advance, and as a result, they don't have as big a pool of bands to choose from as people here might think.

Truer words have never been spoken. Believe it or not, we started planning this year's fest in July/August...which is when we first approached Testament. The Friday night headliner & hopeful direct support band we also have been talking to since September/October. It's easier to anchor dates that far in advance with non-American bands, but for American bands who are active, it's almost impossible to book more than 4 months out. Even for ProgPower, Iced Earth will be the first American band of that caliber to have been booked that far in advance...and even that took many years to accomplish...even with the relationship that Glenn has built up with Schaffer over those years.

And yes, maybe once we have the money and clout of a significant fest, it may get easier...but probably not by much since we still have the Chicago market (all metal tours stop here & most 2nd legs of those tours) to contend with as well.
Though, on a serious note........
What might appear to be pissing and moaning is actually an attempt at constructive criticism...

nah, it's definitely pissing and moaning 99% of the time... :)

Rob is dead on. You will never please everyone....

exactly, and how anyone can expect to like EVERY band on any
festival is beyond me! i would think getting a few bands you
like a lot and possibly discovering or "getting" a band after seeing
a live performance would be a more realistic expectation.

but, alas, some of you know a helluva a lot more than anyone about
this so please send your contact info. so we can hire you on as
consultants. :Smug::p
but probably not by much since we still have the Chicago market (all metal tours stop here & most 2nd legs of those tours) to contend with as well.

That I would think is one of your major obstacles.

Every year, more and more bands begin to tour in the US for the first time.
The number of metal tours in the US is growing consistently.

As we have all discussed, look at all the shows Powerfest is competing with already? (And I think it wouldn't be a stretch to say that some of these bands playing AROUND Powerfest would be considerations if these tours were not taking place).
nah, it's definitely pissing and moaning 99% of the time... :)

Sorry you see it this way, but I have to STRONGLY disagree......
I think a lot of us made valid points, aside from what we think of the lineup itself.
(IE - Having Chaoswave play first, for example)

I would say "pissing and moaning" about 50 to 60% of the time.
Not 99%.
If you TRULY think that, then you guys are missing the point on some of our comments.
The whole gripe was about flying on a band from Italy who will be playing in front on literally 30 people again like last year. Why invest that money on a band like that when you could use that money towards a semi-name act that will bring people in. This fest isnt like ProgPower where you can risk that. Sure it is cool to book unkown acts to help them out, but if you are concerned about bringing people in....that is not a good start.

Advertising is a key thing in this also. Last year a bunch of us suggested tons of ways to get the word out. None of those suggestions were even done. Thus lack of a good turnout. Will the same happen this year? who knows.

I have been involved with putting on shows and knows what it takes to put one on. I know what a headache it cane be. I have been involved in the music scene for a long time. I have many freinds that are too. I want nothing more than to see this fest become huge, but with booking some of these acts that will not bring people in....it becomes more of a Testament concert than a fest as a whole.

There were tons of people suggesting acts all year. Maybe if there was communication back then letting people know if thier idea's were logical or even close to happening, maybe lots of this mess would not have happened here.

it isnt about bitching to just bitch. I just cant see the logic behind bringing bands that have zero drawing power to a fest that is struggling each year.
I hope Testament is the drawing band that helps the fest survive...but being in Mokena isnt going to help things. There are tons of city folk who cant get out there. I know that is a battle that we have had last year.

Not everyone is going to be happy but with the choices. I am not. I am glad to finally be seeing Suidakra after like 5 years.

I will always continue to voice my opinion...many good people died in many great wars to let me do that. I may voice my opinion but at least I am not the one cussing and yelling at potentional ticketbuyers.
but with booking some of these acts that will not bring people in....it becomes more of a Testament concert than a fest as a whole.

I was trying to make this point before as well......

To a lot of the older Testament fans, this will be a Testament gig with 5 openers they never heard of....

My fear is this will result in a lot of people showing up around 8PM.

This isn't pissing, this isn't moaning...
This is just my opinion as a potential issue with the line-up, esp from the large number of attendees who are "outsiders" to this circle of board members and after-party at the hotel types.