Sponsorship Question?


I see you only posted that AFTER Rob came back to slam me for the comments and name-calling I've done.

Here's the deal people:

1. I am ALL for everyone speaking their opinion. I respect the fact that we all have the opportunity and the right to say what we feel and how we feel. What I don't respect is when people decide to try and state what should and should not be done when talking to people who know best. Who the hell are you to say (I'm not just talking to Invisible Guest) what is great and what not and why this band should be put in what slot and what would draw and what wouldn't...etc. You don't know. If you did, then you know more than everyone else in the business they (Chris, Rob and John) are in and you don't!! I'm SICK and TIRED of listening to know-it-all people. STOP bitching and let them do their fucking jobs. PERIOD!!!

2. Just because we have the right to say shit doesn't mean it's right to say. You DON'T know more and I am damn sure that EVERYTHING you people say has been thought about, discussed and taken into consideration. You need to sit back and let those that are putting the time and money into this do what they need to do to make this fest what they feel is what it should be: AN ALL-AROUND-KICK-YOUR-FUCKING-ASS-METAL-FEST that showcases ALL of what METAL represents!!!!!!

3. Now, to address Rob's comment about name-calling: Those that lurk know I am not talking about them. How could I be? If they have never shit-talked on this board, how can I possibly call them out??? I am talking about the ones that DO post and think they know everything....not even everyone that posts.....just those know-it-all assholes!!!! I have news for you fucks: YOU DON'T!! You think the shit you say is a revelation to ANYONE who is a promoter? You are fuckin' delusional!!!

If ANY of you knew me, which you don't, you'd know that I DO NOT mean to intentionally offend with my language, but you know what? I use the term fags and cunts meaning asshole, bitch, know-it-alls...jerks...etc. If anyone has a problem with that...then guess what....do what someone said to me earlier last week and DO NOT READ MY POSTS!!!!! GET OVER IT!!!! Diabolik stated that people have died so he can voice his opinion??? Well, I had and still have family who were and are fighting so I can voice my opinion!!! This country is going to shit and it disgusts me that I have to worry about some pissy little pain-in-the-asses being offending by my language! It is JUST WORDS!!!!

Point is this: STOP with the bitching and just appreciate that there are people out there like ROB and CHRIS and JOHN who have enough passion and desire to put ALL THEIR RESOURCES into bringing us METAL and keeping this shit alive and making it a part of our lives!!!!!!!!!

FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Punkin877, I posted my deal prior to reading Rob's post about the attacks. I don't mean it seriously .. I thought it just a funny picture that's I've seen used on another board I frequent .. it was all in good fun. Don't take it too seriously. Rob got a kick out of it .. figured he would .. the picture is similar to his avatar in some ways.

Punkin877, I posted my deal prior to reading Rob's post about the attacks. I don't mean it seriously .. I thought it just a funny picture that's I've seen used on another board I frequent .. it was all in good fun. Don't take it too seriously. Rob got a kick out of it .. figured he would .. the picture is similar to his avatar in some ways.


Right on...cool. No problem. Just thought I'd state how I feel about this shit once and for all. Maybe now people will understand where I'm coming from and respect the fact that we ALL should respect what the fuck they are trying to do and understand what it's all about. PERIOD.

Sorry, I still think you are missing the point here...

No one has ever said they didn't appreciate the work done to put on the fest.
Many of us have been in bands, done shows, etc, etc, and know it ain't easy.

I think we just have a lot of passionate people here who are not afraid to voice their opinion.

I still hold firm that what some call bitching, I call constructive criticism.

Wouldn't you rather get that from us who support this fest ALL YEAR LONG by talking about it everywhere, and posting about it on MULTIPLE forums?
Sorry, I still think you are missing the point here...

No one has ever said they didn't appreciate the work done to put on the fest.
Many of us have been in bands, done shows, etc, etc, and know it ain't easy.

I think we just have a lot of passionate people here who are not afraid to voice their opinion.

I still hold firm that what some call bitching, I call constructive criticism.

Wouldn't you rather get that from us who support this fest ALL YEAR LONG by talking about it everywhere, and posting about it on MULTIPLE forums?

Ok, I have a request of you: What band have you ever been in and/or what shows have you ever put on, that you feel you have learned from.....and why?

Now......please voice your opinion.

Sorry, I still think you are missing the point here...

No one has ever said they didn't appreciate the work done to put on the fest.
Many of us have been in bands, done shows, etc, etc, and know it ain't easy.

I think we just have a lot of passionate people here who are not afraid to voice their opinion.

I still hold firm that what some call bitching, I call constructive criticism.

Wouldn't you rather get that from us who support this fest ALL YEAR LONG by talking about it everywhere, and posting about it on MULTIPLE forums?

Some of it might have been constructive criticism, but I know a couple of my posts were made over sheer dissapointment with the last announcement. I was hoping for something different ... and voiced my dismay. Big deal though .. it was just my personal opinion, and not an indictment on the festival promoters.

I don't really recall anyone here saying they could do any better than Rob, Chris, or John either. Rob is the one who started ranting about that kind of stuff. We all realize that what they are doing isn't easy. There is a lot to it, and a lot of dissapointments along the way. This was pretty much common knowledge for everyone on this board.

Some of it might have been constructive criticism, but I know a couple of my posts were made over sheer dissapointment with the last announcement. I was hoping for something different ... and voiced my dismay. Big deal though .. it was just my personal opinion, and not an indictment on the festival promoters.

I don't really recall anyone here saying they could do any better than Rob, Chris, or John either. Rob is the one who started ranting about that kind of stuff. We all realize that what they are doing isn't easy. There is a lot to it, and a lot of dissapointments along the way. This was pretty much common knowledge for everyone on this board.


That was the best way I think I've ever heard you state your opinion.


Sometimes, people don't realize how they come across....I know everyone can agree on that....
Sometimes, people don't realize how they come across....I know everyone can agree on that....

None of us ALWAYS presents ourselves in the most mature or effective manner, but so be it.

I think everyone takes things the wrong way at times.

I have been in many bands (None of which you have ever heard of, as most were punk bands), and have promoted shows. I didn't bring that up in manner to suggest that I had magical answers or that I could do it better. Actually, quite the opposite. I was empathizing with Rob and Chris in all the work they go through to put this shit on (and the criticism that comes along with it)

I certainly hope after the past few years of most of us posting here that Rob and Chris know that all of us want the fest to succeed. There are many who only post on here once an announcement is made. Many of us keep the discussions all year long. Not for our own health, but because we are stoked their is a fest in Chicago, and don't take it for granted.
There are lots of us like Jason said, who post here all year long and keep this board alive. We discuss this show all year. So we get vocal about stuff when it comes to the show. Sure we bitch but it is because like many of the previous post said...we want this to be a great show.

I am really hoping for Friday to be a good line up. It is going to be very hard to top after Pagan Fest on thursday.
I guess I'll toss a few opinions out...

As of right now my travel is dependent on the friday lineup.

Testament is fucking great and all, but I can go catch them in the bay area over the next few months, or any of the several other shows they're doing:

"03/30/08 San Francisco, CA - The Independent (Laaz Rockit, Sadus)
04/05/08 Sayerville, NJ - Starland Ballroom
04/06/08 New York, NY - BB Kings
04/10/08 Santa Ana, CA - The Coach House (Death Angel, Laaz Rockit)
04/11/08 Las Vegas, NV - The Canyon Club (Death Angel, Laaz Rockit)
04/12/08 Hollywood, CA - The Key Club (Death Angel, Laaz Rockit)
05/03/08 Mokena, IL - The Pearl Room / Chicago Powerfest"

Paganfest and Suidakra I can also hit up on the west coast.

The Autumn Offering doesn't appeal to me whatsoever, but if they did, I wouldn't travel considering they're touring a little bit over a month before the fest. Also, if I were a local fan I don't think I'd be interested in it considering they'll be at the pearl room less than 2 months before that.

And I only heard of Chaoswave when I read the announcement... little too Meshuggahish for me.

So right now I'm hoping for one hell of a Friday Lineup.
I don't really recall anyone here saying they could do any better than Rob, Chris, or John either. Rob is the one who started ranting about that kind of stuff. We all realize that what they are doing isn't easy. There is a lot to it, and a lot of dissapointments along the way. This was pretty much common knowledge for everyone on this board.


I know no one has actually come out & said that, but a lot of comments certainly come across that way. And what's most pissifying about the whole thing is that about 90% of all suggestions made on here have actually been considered & many have been pursued...but because people don't see the direct result of those suggestions, they think we haven't covered those bases. This, of course, also applies to our choice of bands.
Paganfest and Suidakra I can also hit up on the west coast.

valid point but for what it's worth, Suidakra will only be doing a 20 minute set on those dates...probably half of what they'll be doing here.

The Autumn Offering doesn't appeal to me whatsoever, but if they did, I wouldn't travel considering they're touring a little bit over a month before the fest. Also, if I were a local fan I don't think I'd be interested in it considering they'll be at the pearl room less than 2 months before that.

again, valid point....however, the heavier package of bands for the fest may make
the TAO fans skip the earlier tour stop in favor of the fest....or the new
fans they make on the earlier tour stop may want to come out and catch
them again.
I can't wait for that either!

You people are nothing but a bunch of bitchy, whiney, know-it-all cock-sucking FAGS and CUNTS. Period. So........Go Fuck Yourselves.

Punkin877 :heh:

You are the most passionate, sincere, and eloquent woman to walk the face of the earth. You are so in-touch with your feelings. It's amazing. I think I'm in love.