Sponsorship Question?

Make excuses or explanations all you want. Point is this: No matter what comes out of your mouth, you are just a bunch of bitches, fags and know-it-all cunts. Buy a ticket or don't buy a ticket. Either way, as far as I am concerned, you can all go fuck yourselves. Period. FAGS!!!
Make excuses or explanations all you want. Point is this: No matter what comes out of your mouth, you are just a bunch of bitches, fags and know-it-all cunts. Buy a ticket or don't buy a ticket. Either way, as far as I am concerned, you can all go fuck yourselves. Period. FAGS!!!


Is this guy for real?
Advertising is a key thing in this also. Last year a bunch of us suggested tons of ways to get the word out. None of those suggestions were even done. Thus lack of a good turnout. Will the same happen this year? who knows.

Please be specific...which ideas were suggested, but not taken.

Also, keep in mind that this year we will have 6 & not the standard 5 bands on Saturday. And did it ever cross your mind that maybe the band was taking on the bulk of the financial burden (justifying their trip as a vacation as well...it is Chicago, damn it! Don't take it for granted just cuz you live here! ;))? Therefore your logic of bringing in a band like Chaoswave does not apply. Plus...good Euro bands like Chaoswave who are that hungry to play our fest (therefore bringing them to the US) definitely deserve the opportunity more than bands who are a bit more known, but who expect an unrealistic rate of compensation or who's egos would never allow them to be an opener. ;)
Whent he advertising was discussed, there were tons of suggestions. Like The Reader and other publications that would have put the word out.

Sure Chaoswave are hungry, but this is about bringing people in. Plus it isnt Chicago...it is Mokena. What are they going to do for fun, take a tour of the Wendys and White Castle?

All of my suggestions and bitching is because I want to see this fest be great and have great bands playing.
Point is this: No matter what comes out of your mouth, you are just a bunch of bitches, fags and know-it-all cunts. Buy a ticket or don't buy a ticket. Either way, as far as I am concerned, you can all go fuck yourselves. Period. FAGS!!!

OK...seriously...easy with the name calling. I'm cool with criticizing actions, but not people directly...not on here anyway. If you feel that strongly, then it must be done in person to their face (which I'd love to see honestly :heh:), not behind the safety of a keyboard, which makes you no better than those who bitch. Plus, it does no good...if anything, it helps to make them feel even more superior...sorry, but I'm pretty sure it does.

Also, not everyone shares the opinion of those few & you just can't lump everyone into the same group & say "all". Cuz you could not be more wrong!! I'm fairly sure I know who you're directing your anger towards :p, but there are a lot of people who lurk on here once in a while & may not know. Just remember, squeaky wheel gets the grease...and I'd know since I've been greasing them all day...hahaha. :lol:

If you've spent enough time here, you'd know that there are probably less then 10 people who share the mentality of those who complain. The majority are in fact supportive & are the people who we do this fest for. I know it's easy to forget that silent majority, but please don't. ;)
Whent he advertising was discussed, there were tons of suggestions. Like The Reader and other publications that would have put the word out.

Sure Chaoswave are hungry, but this is about bringing people in. Plus it isnt Chicago...it is Mokena. What are they going to do for fun, take a tour of the Wendys and White Castle?

All of my suggestions and bitching is because I want to see this fest be great and have great bands playing.

All those suggestion were in fact considered. Have you ever tried to take an ad out in the Reader? We had ads in the IE & will again this year. We will again consider the Reader & we already have a feature in the works in the Daily Hearld & possible the Times or Tribune. So don't think those suggestions fell on deaf ears, cuz they didn't.

And gimme a break!! Yeah, Mokena isn't Chicago, but for someone coming thousands of miles, it's nothing a car or train wouldn't fix. Wow, you are something else...hahaha I take it you've never gone on vacation anywhere & taken a drive to slightly further destinations to see cool shit. <shakes head>

And believe it or not, I do believe that you have good intentions, but you have a weird way of showing them. And you know what they say about good intentions. :p :lol:
Whent he advertising was discussed, there were tons of suggestions. Like The Reader and other publications that would have put the word out.

we did run ads in the reader for either the entire month prior or two weeks
prior, can't remember.....publications are certainly willing to get the word
out of if you're willing to ante up the cash. i think we'll have a bit more
support this year, we already do from the IE and perhaps the reader will
get on board as well as well as some of the others that rob mentioned.
Make excuses or explanations all you want. Point is this: No matter what comes out of your mouth, you are just a bunch of bitches, fags and know-it-all cunts. Buy a ticket or don't buy a ticket. Either way, as far as I am concerned, you can all go fuck yourselves. Period. FAGS!!!
