Steven Slate Drums SNEAP DISCOUNT..

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:-D i was about to order platinum for 329,- when i checked the forums - saved me € i could invest into my neumann km 184 !!! thanks mr. slate!!

btw. i love your singing... didnt know you where such an excellent and unique vocalist! :worship:
Hey steven first of all:
Your product is UNREAL GREAT!!!!!

But the NI player is not workable in Logic 8. (newest version of logic, all 3. party plugins, and OSX leopard)

I´m using a macbook pro (2,4 intel dual core, 4gb ram, your SSD libary is installed on an extern eSata hd with 7200rpm)

1. I have problems with routing to AUX busses
2. After using other plugins in Logic the SSD NI player freeze everything
3. It feels like the NI player is like this rosetta emulations (to work an dual-cores) In logic there is only one cpu meter showing activity.

Hey guys, glad so many of you are taking advantage of this. The cymbals are the same in LE and Platinum, Plat just has double the kicks, snares, and toms.

3.5 will have custom midi mapping features, its gonna kick so much ass.. Free update coming soon.

Gabriel, my tech guys will get right back to you on your Logic issues (gabriel emailed us with his tech questions as well).

BTW, the 3.5 release will also cut down on CPU consumption a LOT.
Thanks Steven!!!
Marty Long gave me a Tip on

He said I have to uncheck the mutli-processor support in the menue.
I will try that later.
But maybe this helps others too, who struggel a little with their macs and V3


cant wait for the update
hey gabriel,

mine seemed to be working alright on my macbook, one thing i have not yet tried though is the multi out, you are on logic 8 as well arent you?

how do you go about doing that?

thanks mate
I tried it like it is shown in the logic tutorials (youtube) for Ezdrummer.
But I cant get it to work:(

But also in the single-processor mode, I have very long loading times for other plugins (like waves), also for all audio tracks, not only for the NI player.

I hope V3.5 will fix this all!!!

But I mostly use the amazing gog files, I only need the NI player for making some demos for my own band.

For me it is a nice add to a great drum libary
On the subject of re-imaging, and registration...

I bought my copy of SSD 3.0 Platinum about a month ago. At the same time I bought a solid state drive that I had to work the kinks out of.

I remember re-registering my SSD at least 3 times without having to contact support. Has something changed since then?
Is LE seriously 9.5 GB? Holy fuck, maybe I should wait for EX simply because of that :D (or is the option to only install certain samples?)
LE should be less then that, either way, I'd suggest downloading in the evening and then you can just wake up and start using it.

Gabriel 3.5 is out soon and will make life so much easier for SSD'rs.. it greatly improves just about everything
yeah cant wait!!!Steven your costumer support is just the BEST!!!!!!!!! I thought apple logic support is great, but you top that all.

What you guys think of that:
I bought a shitty drumset (a real piece of shit) for 40€.
I´m going to put mesh-heads on it and build in piazo pickups under the heads (with XLR ports bored in the snare,toms and kick)
Then I put the SSD gogs on the trigger signals and only record the real cymbals.
This should work? Drumagog wouldn´t let me down on this?

So I never have any problems with shitty drummers, because everybody can play 4th on cymbals:)
I cant wait for this!!!
TOO MANY HOURS left because of crazy drum editing, and headaches of thin cymbals (to destroy snare and tom bleeds)
Gabriel we have guys doing this but triggering our MIDI instrument, that'll work way better then using Drumagog for this purpose. Did my guys help you out, are you all squared away?
Hey steve, will there be an upgrade price on the plat version (the gog files). Got LE, but so impressed and greedy that I wish I got the plat version. I never replaced drums before, but now I see why, the samples are truly amazing. Mixed a song in like 30mins to show band mates and it was pumping:), now to sit down and really use the power.
when does exactly this discount ends? i was planning on buying it on saturday

steven i need 2 serials for each one of my pcs (home pc and studio pc)
how can i contact you for getting the second serial?
Some questions..

1) This is a theotitical question, posted id also in forum but maybe here is better. Has to do with the protection. I have the online version and my serial number bought from my paypal. I am thinking to buy the normal version (boxed) for a friend of mine. As far as I am concerned if he or anyone upload it somewhere, am I the one who is charged for this because of the payment made by me OR whoever uploads it somewhere (from his ip or something)?
This is serius because you can never trust what someone will do with the software you gave him. How this watermark protection works?

2) Since I have the online version ,can I also recieve a boxed version with the same serial number for backup OR you can only have one way (boxed OR online)? Their serials can never match (different "series of serials" for the boxed versions and different "series of serials" for the online) ?
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