SX and Paradise Lost = Satanic ??

Exactly. Why so many can't see it this way, I don't know.

Imo. The real questions are:

How did universe and therefor life come to exist?
Why does universe exist?
Why does life exist?

Ofcourse, it's quite useless to ask the last two questions as no one can have a sensible answer to them. The first one seems just as impossible though. Where did the materia come from? Has all the stuff always been here?

Well, I'd just like to get one simple answer from Waldo.... you know the one that singled out primarily one other poster, cried victory like a baby cause nobody answered his "question" (in his mind) and continually ignored the answers givin and questions asked of him. Didnt take long to get a wiff of the foul smell.
I didn't really care to read all the shit in your post, BUT THAT IS THE BIGGEST LOAD OF CRAP I'VE EVER HEARD.

"The bible doesn't contradict itself!?!?!?!" PLEASE! Have actually read the book yourself?

Nothing else to add.

Humanity is flawed.

Nothing else to add.

It's very easy to say the Bible contradicts itself without giving any examples....
Well, I'd just like to get one simple answer from Waldo.... you know the one that singled out primarily one other poster, cried victory like a baby cause nobody answered his "question" (in his mind) and continually ignored the answers givin and questions asked of him. Didnt take long to get a wiff of the foul smell.

Am I supposed to be Waldo?
Wheres Waldo............ ?...... oh Waldo

Where did God come from ?

I take it this is directed at me. God does not have to come from anywhere. You cannot even begin to explain an infinite being with finite means. It would be like a 2D animation asking it's animator how 3D movement works. God created the rules that everything needs a beginning, it does not apply to him. Capiche?
It's very easy to say the Bible contradicts itself without giving any examples....

Right... You want examples? All you'd really have to do is to read the book. I'm very, very tired atm. but I'll work something up quickly.

I can't be bothered to read it right now, but for example:

There is a part in one of the evangelions where Jesus heals a blind man when arriving to Jericho.

In another evangelion he is leaving Jericho and heals two or three blind men.

In another he is in Jericho and heals one blind man.


Disclaimer: I don't remember if it went exactly like that but sort of like that.

Anyway, seems to be a bit inaccurate, doesn't it? Unless you believe that all the occasions are different, which doesn't make sense as the stories are all so similiar. Actually, if you just read the Evangelions carefully, you will find such inaccuraties everywhere. They also present Jesus in different ways.

Also, the old testament and the new testament describe God very differently. In the old one God can even be envious, violent and punishing. Also, the old testament doesn't deny there being other gods.
And the new one describes God being the only God and not very envious, violent or punishing.

Anyway, just look up the internet or even better, read the book yourself to find what's wrong with it. I could provide you much better facts about the contradictions if I cared to go and find them. Maybe I will when I'm not as tired as right now...

Edit: Obvious one would be the Genesis stories. 1 and 2 have different order in which God created everything.


This site provides you a list of biblical contradicitions. If this isn't enough to prove how ridiculous the original comment about Bible not having contradictions, I don't know what is.
I created the universe and my limited physical body to experiment how would it feel to be searching for the truth. In order to do that, I made myself to forget that I'm allmighty. When this physical appendage dies, I will reborn as the allmighty nexus of space and time.

Hmm, that sounds like a synopsis from an Ayreon album. :lol:
My problem with the bible is that it is used as a weapon by religious extremists to put themselves above other people. .

Are you serious? :) Would be like someone saynig, "My problem with cars is some people kill other people with them when they are driving drunk". Seems like more of a beef with the drunk driver (religious extremist) than the car.
Right... You want examples? All you'd really have to do is to read the book. I'm very, very tired atm. but I'll work something up quickly.

I can't be bothered to read it right now, but for example:

There is a part in one of the evangelions where Jesus heals a blind man when arriving to Jericho.

In another evangelion he is leaving Jericho and heals two or three blind men.

In another he is in Jericho and heals one blind man.


Disclaimer: I don't remember if it went exactly like that but sort of like that.

Anyway, seems to be a bit inaccurate, doesn't it? Unless you believe that all the occasions are different, which doesn't make sense as the stories are all so similiar. Actually, if you just read the Evangelions carefully, you will find such inaccuraties everywhere. They also present Jesus in different ways.

Also, the old testament and the new testament describe God very differently. In the old one God can even be envious, violent and punishing. Also, the old testament doesn't deny there being other gods.
And the new one describes God being the only God and not very envious, violent or punishing.

Anyway, just look up the internet or even better, read the book yourself to find what's wrong with it. I could provide you much better facts about the contradictions if I cared to go and find them. Maybe I will when I'm not as tired as right now...

Edit: Obvious one would be the Genesis stories. 1 and 2 have different order in which God created everything.


This site provides you a list of biblical contradicitions. If this isn't enough to prove how ridiculous the original comment about Bible not having contradictions, I don't know what is.

The best contradiction you could find is how many blind people Jesus healed and what order God created the world in? Wow you're right, that's book is complete crap. I was kind of hoping for some specific passages, but oh well.
The best contradiction you could find is how many blind people Jesus healed and what order God created the world in? Wow you're right, that's book is complete crap. I was kind of hoping for some specific passages, but oh well.

You know that there is actually a book written about the contradictions in Bible.
And please, check this site for a better list:

Some of them seem quite important to me. You deny it if you want to.

And you think the book is complete crap? Good for you. I don't know about that, but what I do know is that it's not among the best reads of my life.
I take it this is directed at me. God does not have to come from anywhere. You cannot even begin to explain an infinite being with finite means. It would be like a 2D animation asking it's animator how 3D movement works. God created the rules that everything needs a beginning, it does not apply to him. Capiche?

Can you back this up with proof ?
You know that there is actually a book written about the contradictions in Bible.
And please, check this site for a better list:

Some of them seem quite important to me. You deny it if you want to.

And you think the book is complete crap? Good for you. I don't know about that, but what I do know is that it's not among the best reads of my life.

I did read through them, was not too impressed by the webpage, not something I'd ever cite in a paper, and I was using sarcasm, try it sometime.
I did read through them, was not too impressed by the webpage, not something I'd ever cite in a paper, and I was using sarcasm, try it sometime.

Yes, I just answered to your sarcasm with sarcasm, which you didn't get btw.

And I'm going to leave this topic now, cause I don't want to debate with smart asses and stupid people. I'm not even that good in debating in English, I'd do much better in Finnish, but it's not my prime area anyway. And the thing is that it's useless anyway. And this topic is mostly nonsensial gibberish.
Can you disprove my theory? Proof is finite, read my post more carefully.

This is why you're bullshit. You can't back anything you say up at all. It's all your own personal opinion that you're presenting as fact. You believe in what you believe, that's cool, but you have absolutely no ground to state what you believe is fact, nor can you say any of our beliefs are bullshit.
This is why you're bullshit. You can't back anything you say up at all. It's all your own personal opinion that you're presenting as fact. You believe in what you believe, that's cool, but you have absolutely no ground to state what you believe is fact, nor can you say any of our beliefs are bullshit.

Read my post dude, I said you cannot undersand an infinite being with finite means. I didn't make this up this is a cornerstone of modern philosophy. And then you dingleberries ask me to prove it with finite means. It's absurd. You guys obviously don't read. I sure wish you guys actually lived your lives with same "show me" attitude you apply to God. You'd be the dumbest people on earth because you'd only know what you yourself could prove. Prove gravity exists....please me gravity......