Thank you, Mikael. Deeply.


Dim Sam
Jun 6, 2006
Harlequin Forest
I know there've been many, many threads like this, but I would still like to thank Mike from the depths of my heart.
See, on last Thursday, my father died. He suffered a severe CVA on monday and went into a state of comatose. He died on Thursday. As if that's not enough, my grandfather died on Friday, less than 24 hours after him, of cardiac arrest. During this tough weekend, I had nothing to keep me occupied since I didn't want to do anything. The only thing that kept me together was Opeth's music, so emotional and heart-speaking. Damnation, Still Life, Ghost Reveries - these albums were so close to me on this weekend that I just felt like I had to share my sad story with you guys.
The only things I did since they passed away was put the finishing touches on a drawing I've been working on for a long time, and go to a double-funeral this afternoon. They were both buried in the local cemetery, one hour between them.
And yet again - now that I'm in my room, I can't do anything but listen to Opeth.

So, thank you, Mike, for your music. The music you truly connect to shows its true quality when you're in need of relief. Your music is just that.

Thanks for bearing with me, everybody.
Have a great week.
O so sorry to hear of ure loss......this must be the hardest of times for condolenses......i hope u get through this man.......nothing like loosing the ones you love........i know its not much comin from a random inernet uer...but my prayers adn heart goes out to ure loved ones and I hope u have teh strength to get through this .....stay strong......PEAC EOUT
I'm very sorry to hear of your losses. These things can be devastating, and having something(Opeth) to help you can be of immeasurable help. Hang in there, man I'm sure all wish you the best. Peace.
Sorry for your loss. Having music like Opeth's to listen to I'm sure helps a lot because it's filled with such emotion. Hope you feel better.
I'm sorry for your loss. When it comes to emotional music that guides you through a though time, Opeth has always helped me great deal and still do.

I can't imagine how you feel, and I thank you for sharing this with us.
a-fucking-men...thank god for music!!! my heart goes out to you godhead59...and, on a brighter note, i think its the extreme circumstances like this when we really grow, which is awesome. its what death metal is all about!!!!:)
yeah dude

when my dog died a year and a half ago (quite litterally my only friend at the time), opeth was there to heal me. that and a girl whom i rescently broke up with and want back, where opeth and black dahlia murder have been keeping me together.

I'm sorry about your father and grandfather, I think I'm about to go through the same thing, my grandparents, who practically raised me, are almost gone. ones got alzheimers, the other is 83 years old and not in good health. my mom and her severe drug addictions, i wouldn't be supprised if she went after i went off to college in a few years.


well, I'd drink up with ya if i could walk to harlequin forest. :kickass:
יהיה טוב... חבר שלי נפטר לפני כמה שנים, ואופת' באמת היו סוג של מפלט מכל הגועל נפש.
קצת לא קשור, אבל זה תמיד מדהים אותי איך מוזיקה שבישבילנו היא עולם ומלואו, יש אנשים שבחיים אפילו לא שמעו על אופת'.

שלא תדע עוד צער... :\

I can't sympathize enough with such a tragedy, I'm so sorry to hear about all that happened. it's really devastating. I remember a portrait you did of Mikael, on your "Gamer" avatar, it was perfect - it's beautiful you find consolation in art and music.

שיהיה לך רק טוב בחיים חבר, באמת...
תרגיש טוב,

ahhhh Opeth... That's why we love them. they're always there when u need em.
sorry for your lose.... They helped to pass some rough times in my life and thanks to them i am where i am today

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