Thank you, Mikael. Deeply.

Thanks guys... I think the initial shock of what happened is starting to wear off and I'm beginning to understand the weight of what happened... My mood right now is at an all-time low.
Thanks guys... I think the initial shock of what happened is starting to wear off and I'm beginning to understand the weight of what happened... My mood right now is at an all-time low.

Hang in there man! Try to be with people you like, and do stuff that would normally make you happy.

I have not lost someone dear to me, but I have been through (and still am in some ways) a major depression. I'm taking pills and sleep aids. It's hell, but properly nothing compared to what you are going through.

I know this advise may sound weak, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will in the end come out stronger.

All you can do right now, is of course remembering the good times with the persons, and when you’re ready: try to move on. That day may not come for months or even years, but it will come.

Hope you can somehow use what I just said, if not: I don't blame you. :)
man, i have no way of putting myself in your position but i hope that you recover from these terrible events in your life and that it makes you a stronger person. All the best buddy.
Hang in there man! Try to be with people you like, and do stuff that would normally make you happy.

I have not lost someone dear to me, but I have been through (and still am in some ways) a major depression. I'm taking pills and sleep aids. It's hell, but properly nothing compared to what you are going through.

I know this advise may sound weak, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will in the end come out stronger.

All you can do right now, is of course remembering the good times with the persons, and when you’re ready: try to move on. That day may not come for months or even years, but it will come.

Hope you can somehow use what I just said, if not: I don't blame you. :)
Wow, thanks man!
Hang in there man! Try to be with people you like, and do stuff that would normally make you happy.

I have not lost someone dear to me, but I have been through (and still am in some ways) a major depression. I'm taking pills and sleep aids. It's hell, but properly nothing compared to what you are going through.

I know this advise may sound weak, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will in the end come out stronger.

All you can do right now, is of course remembering the good times with the persons, and when you’re ready: try to move on. That day may not come for months or even years, but it will come.

Hope you can somehow use what I just said, if not: I don't blame you. :)

Beautiful advice and support...

Godhead, in comparison to the weight of what happened you seem really down to earth about it. You're crystal clear as to how you feel, which gives the impression you're coping with it very maturely.

I hope for the best for you...
Beautiful advice and support...

Godhead, in comparison to the weight of what happened you seem really down to earth about it. You're crystal clear as to how you feel, which gives the impression you're coping with it very maturely.

I hope for the best for you...
Well, I've never been one to lose my senses at times of trouble, but there's still quite an amount of shock that I need to let subside before I have the real breakdown, which eventually will come. Even then, lose my senses I will not, but it will be immensely painful.
I might be a little less orthodox but I say, if you play any instrument, try to let flow your actual feeling into your music. You will find a new way of releasing the pain while creating some music that probably will remain in your heart for a long time.
Well, I've never been one to lose my senses at times of trouble, but there's still quite an amount of shock that I need to let subside before I have the real breakdown, which eventually will come. Even then, lose my senses I will not, but it will be immensely painful.

Hey man is there no one you can talk to about this? friends or someone...feels good to get things out...just for someones to listen.

disclaimer: sry4urloss


Middle French inepte, from Latin ineptus, from in- + aptus apt

1 : lacking in fitness or aptitude : unfit <inept at sports>
2 : lacking sense or reason : foolish
3 : not suitable to the time, place, or occasion : inappropriate often to an absurd degree <an inept metaphor>
4 : generally incompetent : bungling <inept leadership>
You're a strong man.
Thank you.

I might be a little less orthodox but I say, if you play any instrument, try to let flow your actual feeling into your music. You will find a new way of releasing the pain while creating some music that probably will remain in your heart for a long time.
Well, I can read tabs, but I've never tried writing something. I guess I'll have to try.

Hey man is there no one you can talk to about this? friends or someone...feels good to get things out...just for someones to listen.
Yeah, I am talking to my friends about it, but so far the shock had me getting along pretty well. I'll truly need them when, as I said, it subsides.


Middle French inepte, from Latin ineptus, from in- + aptus apt

1 : lacking in fitness or aptitude : unfit <inept at sports>
2 : lacking sense or reason : foolish
3 : not suitable to the time, place, or occasion : inappropriate often to an absurd degree <an inept metaphor>
4 : generally incompetent : bungling <inept leadership>
You made my day!
Fuck godhead, no need for me to tell you that's terrible news. It makes everything in my life seem peachy. You've got bigger balls than I do mate, sharing something so personal. Keep those close to you close. You seem to be dealing with this remarkably well. I'm really sorry mate.
Fuck godhead, no need for me to tell you that's terrible news. It makes everything in my life seem peachy. You've got bigger balls than I do mate, sharing something so personal. Keep those close to you close. You seem to be dealing with this remarkably well. I'm really sorry mate.
Thank you very much.
My deepest condolences, godhead. It's very hard when someone you loved passes away,
but in your case, it must be terrific. I'm really sorry and just can say to hang in there.
You'll get out stronger, as stupid as it sounds.
Thanks guys. The shock seems to take its sweet time hitting me, so far I've only encountered some surprising moments of discomfort. Hopefully it hits soon, I have the hunch that the longer it takes to hit, the bigger the blow. Opeth still helps me deal with it, though a lot Saturnus has slipped in recently too.

Once again thanks to everyone.