Thank you, Mikael. Deeply.

so very sorry for your loss. it's good that you've stayed so positive through this whole thing, the easiest thing would've been to do something stupid you'd regret. opeth is always a healer to me as well. take care.
Wow, bro, that really sucks, I can imagine suffering from one loss of a loved one, but two within the same week, I can't even imagine what you must feel, glad that you have Opeth's music to help you.
That's gotta be rough. Sorry to hear about your losses. It's good to hear that you've found some kind of solace in something atleast, good ol' Opeth...
Keep hanging in there, mate.

Opeth got me through my great grand fathers death too, so I'm somewhat with familiar with what you're experiencing.... but only somewhat. Again, stick at it!

disclaimer: sry4urloss

I couldn't possibly imagine what you must be going through right now. I could only offer my deepest condolences and my thoughts are with you and your family. I'm glad you can find some relief and comfort from Opeth. Music truly can heal the most devastating hurts.

Much love... :kickass:<--tea

disclaimer: sry4urloss

hmm i've acted like an asshole countless times here but i still don't think that it was appropriate to post that shit thread message. Whatever, do what you's just the internet and sense of humour shall prevail.

I personally felt sorry for your loss godhead. :e-hugs: