The food thread.

very handy
try it out sometime viris. You can make and thicken lots of things, anything really.for instance, thicken a roux with milk and that can be your base for clam stew thingee. Or thicken a Ham stock with a light roux and you get ham veloute.
chowder fucking rules.

seafood in general owns

the other night I made an interesting soup: it was a crab based soup with lime ( balanced with sweetness, it was a sour one) and cayenne. Obviously the usual suspects such as stock etc showed up as well.
My random-ass dinner of the night. Matzo ball and oyster soup!

I totally took a crap on the whole kosher system. :lol:


Then the Jews, young and old, would sit down to a feast.
And they'd feast! And they'd feast!
They would start on latkas, and rare matzo ball soup
Which was something that made the Putz want to puke!

Cool Jew does for gefilte fish and matzah balls what the Preppy Handbook did for plaid and polo-only with much more chutzpah.

Cool Jew: The Ultimate Guide for Every Member of the Tribe by Lisa Alcalay Klug delivers the kosher response to The Preppy Handbook. —Publishers Weekly

Cool Jew covers everything Hebraic from womb to tomb, finally putting an end to Christmas tree envy. Short essays, lists, instructional guides, photographs, and original illustrations celebrate Jewish cultural pride with love, enthusiasm, and irreverence.

Entries ranging from "Heebonics for the Yiddish Impaired" to "Self-Help for the Christmas Carole Intolerant" provide the long-awaited Jewish response to that WASP manual of the '80s, The Preppy Handbook.

In addition to cultural hilarity, Cool Jew features resourceful back-of-the-book material, including "People of Da Book" (authoritative texts on Jewish concepts and culture), the "Heebster Jewke Box" (tunes that rock the Heebster vibe), and the "Tribe Online" (an extensive listing of Jewish Web resources).
After all the talk about fried chicken in the pics thread, I'm really craving some fucking KFC. I may have to address that tomorrow.