The food thread.

Gawd i can't wait for the upcoming Thanksgiving feast. Tonight a local pizza place is throwing their annual Turkey Cookoff for monday night football, and i'll be having it next week for Thanksgiving.
Pack on the pounds! :erk:
My stepmom made cookies this weekend. She makes the best cookies. And I want to gorge myself on Thanksgiving. I cant wait for my stepmom to make a pumpkin roll, those things are orgasmically good.
I just realized how much i love steak. Thats the one thing i could eat every night for dinner and never get sick of it. Tonight i marinated a T-bone in Worchestershire sauce, a little Italian dressing, fresh garlic, ground pepper, white wine and olive oil. It was tits.
There are certain places I have an urge to eat at pretty much all day and night.

Ted's Montana Grill
PF Changs

right now it would probably be the veal marsala at Carrabbas, and a butt-ton of calamari on the side. :notworthy:rock:
I just realized how much i love steak. Thats the one thing i could eat every night for dinner and never get sick of it. Tonight i marinated a T-bone in Worchestershire sauce, a little Italian dressing, fresh garlic, ground pepper, white wine and olive oil. It was tits.

For me, that food is pizza. Which I guess is good in a way, cause it's actually possible to eat it all the time without shortening your life 30 years, unlike steak. :)
For me, that food is pizza. Which I guess is good in a way, cause it's actually possible to eat it all the time without shortening your life 30 years, unlike steak. :)

Yeah pizza is way healthier than steak. Almost as healthy as say...a garden salad. :lol::lol:

Pizza is fucking carbohydrate explosion not to mention the tons of cholesterol in the cheese.
i have a craving for mussels. in butter and garlic. mmmmhhhmmm

but hey, any serious chefs here? Like career wise?
If so, or to anybody else, Id like to share some dishes. I have them all typed out on Word.If anyones interested, let me know.

Yes, that's my line of work. I used to be chef at a restaurant and nowadays I'm mostly doing caterings or working parties where I get invited. In other words, taking a break :lol: I'm always up for recipe sharing, so hit me up!

None of them can cook anyway, and if they did, it's likely they would see cooking for you as sexist, so I say stock up on frozen food.

Problem I got with women is that all the girlfriends i've had rather have me cooking. They just rely on the fact that I know how to cook, fuckin' sucks sometimes.
What do you have in your pizza that makes it so healthy?

I'm not saying it would be healthy to eat your average grease-ball chain pizza every day, but you can moderate the fat content of the cheese, or use little to no cheese at all. Pizza is very versatile. I'm pretty sure steak isn't.

Pizza is fucking carbohydrate explosion

And carbohydrates are bad because...?

not to mention the tons of cholesterol in the cheese.

See above on moderating the type/amount of cheese. The term "pizza" does not automatically imply a 800-grams-of-fat pie from Pizza Hut.
I'm not saying it would be healthy to eat your average grease-ball chain pizza every day, but you can moderate the fat content of the cheese, or use little to no cheese at all. Pizza is very versatile. I'm pretty sure steak isn't.

That is not really answering my question. I'm wondering what do you have on a pizza that you consider healthy? Give me an example (or many) of an healthy pizza that you eat.
How about a thin-crust Bertucci's pizza with olives, garlic and anchovies. Less carbs, plus the benefits of olive oil and omega 3. I'd throw some spinach on that too for a green veggie. Delicious.
That is not really answering my question. I'm wondering what do you have on a pizza that you consider healthy? Give me an example (or many) of an healthy pizza that you eat.

Well I like mushroom pizza a lot, so... I guess bread, mushroom, and tomato sauce are all pretty healthy - along with optional toppings such as onion and olive. The only factor I can see affecting its fat/cholesterol content greatly is the cheese.

It's also easy to use meat to add flavor to a pizza without really overdoing it in a way that makes it unhealthy. You can get by with like 3-4 thin slices of meat on a slice of pizza.

Anyway, my point is that pizza can be done in a way that is healthy yet still enjoyable.