The Foul Odor Thread

Jul 14, 2008
Decatur, IL
So, my cat puked today. First off, it was really weird to see a cat puke. I was very worried about her, and she seemed to be in pain. :(

However, only moments after the vomiting, my nostrils were filled with the absolute FOULEST stench I've ever encountered. I have smelled rotting corpses after days of sitting in their own waste in a house with the heat turned up too much. I have smelled fat women's vaginas (well, one fat chick...don't ask). I have smelled a room full of sleeping, drunk, sweaty old men. I have smelled dead rodents. I have smelled a child being born. But I tell you folks, NONE OF THEM COMPARED TO THIS!!!!! It was worse than all of those things blended together and spewed forth from Jon Heder's mouth. It was wrong in every way, and I pray to die before ever facing that malicious, evil odor again.

What's the worst thing you've ever smelled?
I've had to clean out the drain pipes in my bathroom. If you can imagine what a mixture of rotting hair, phlegm, toothpaste, soap scum, skin, dirt, blood, puss, menstrual fluids (I'm not the only one who uses the bathroom), and mold smells like, you've got the right idea.
Well a friend and I actually explored a sewer once, early on in college. Probably wasn't the worst smell ever (though that likely depends on which tunnel you're in), but it was prolonged over a period of an hour or so...

Oh, and we probably came close to dying that night too.
Over the summer, at Walgreens. Our dumpster is full of our trash plus neighbors trash that they throw in there because they're gay. I threw literally 40 gallons of expired milk in there. Most of the bottles broke open. It was very hot. A few hours later I had to throw the day's trash in the dumpster. Yeah. It was pretty fucking rank.
There was this one dump I took back in March of '97 after having eaten at a newly opened Mexican Restaurant in Sweden at the was so bad that midway through the wiping process, I got up with my pants by my ankles and ran and grabbed some matches and lit them up before continuing the deed...

Whenever one of my friends goes "Oh man that stinks" I always tell them, "Remember March of '97"! The story shall be passed on to my eventual offspring and they too shall remember!

P.S. I heard Necrophagist named one of their songs after this event too -- "Intestinal Incubation" :D
at the grocery store I work at, the trash compactor is outside the building. for the longest time we never bothered to clean up what was under and around the trash all just sat there and rotted. so one day when the truck came to haul away and empty the compactor, I was given the pleasant task of cleaning the shit out. good god. there's something about the stench of rotting chicken carcasses, decaying watermelons and rancid yogurt that is absolutely the foulest thing I've ever smelled. Even with a facemask on I still dry heaved.

we keep that shit clean now thank god

It was because the sides of the tunnels (where we were creeping along to stay out of the flow of sewage down the middle) were really slick from clay and goop, and they happened to slope down toward the center of the tunnel.

My friend and I went in maybe half a mile or so, thinking we could keep our footing, but gradually our shoes got caked in the shit we were walking on, and we gradually became unable to walk onward. That turned into not being able to even stay standing in the same spot. We just started sliding slowly toward the center of the tunnel.

Possibly the only thing that saved us was that we had a towel in one of our backpacks, and we both got on that and started tip-toeing our way out on top of it. If we hadn't found something to gain friction on, we would have gotten swept off in a rapid current of sewage and carried off to god knows where. We could have just ended up pinned against some grate downstream by the flow and unable to crawl our way anywhere before suffocating.

Probably the stupidest thing I've done in my life.
Holy crap....

Seriously, I can imagine some real fear in that situation. I'm a little claustrophobic myself, so I would have lost it at that point. That would have been a terrible death.

And yeah, it was stupid, but now it's an awesome story to tell.
^the funny thing is, their lyrics are about sewers, which is silly. Nobody wants to hear a band singing about sewers.
I used to keep some raw meet in my mini-fridge's freezer in my old apartment. One time I left for the holidays and unplugged my fridge so it wouldn't use electricity. My fridge was empty, but needless to say I forgot about all my meat in the freezer (I rarely cooked anymore because my girlfriend did it most of the time). When I got back to my apartment about a month later, I left my fridge unplugged for a while because I'd moved all my food into our common fridge and decided to just use that. So my raw meet was left sitting in the freezer (which, though it wasn't working, still hid the growing smell).

At some point I plugged the fridge in again for some reason (I think to store beer). Anyway, when the time came to move out I opened the freezer to find the frozen carcasses of maggots and flies all over the fucking place, and realized I'd forgotton about the meat.

I had to clean out that fucking freezer, and it was the worst thing I've ever smelled. At one point I tried to pull out one of the wrapped packages of meat, and the plastic just melted in my hand. After washing like five times I could still smell it on my fingers.