The Get-to-know-the-board-members thread

SO, to introduce myself:

I will be 23 this year and I'm studying law in a nice city in Germany: In Münster, which has got a lot of churches and wonderful old buildings. The subject I do is gruesome, though!
I Play the guitar in a (death) metal band - preferably my Gibson LP standard.

I like: being drunk, horny women - if they're good looking, DT, IF; At the Gates, various other kinds of musica, red wine, beer, Guinness, my lady, rehearsing, dogs, ppl who listen to the boring list of my likes.

I dislike: dentists (just had a tooth extracted 3 hrs ago), internet fees, lawyers, law students, the climate we have here in Westfalia, overexpensive booze, too much work, and many other things I show my disgust to by not mentioning them
- forgot to say that I hate the feeling of the anaesthetic ceasing to work, so I start to feel where my tooth should be.......

@Vulture Culture *kick*
So here I am:

I'm 21 too, probably like the average people here. male btw.

Obviously, I love DT.

Look in the Location space at left and you'll see were I live. Btw, salut Blue Moon! Moi aussi j'parle français!

I'm studying at Univesity of Montreal. And I'm working at an Hospital, so I can get some money to do few things.

And I am going to Europe this summer!!!!!! My first trip in europe ever and my first trip with a friend ever (probably better than with parents!)

I'm going to see Blind Guardian in Paris, Élysée Montmartre next june.

I'm happy now. Since a little while, I've decided to stop always bieng depressive... and it works, most of the time.

Look at my motto at the end of my post, it's true, I think.
I'm Mark. You can see my Gums nicely when I smile.. that's why I'm called Gums.
I'm 19
I'm an Arnold Schwarzenegger fan!
I'm working on my medical degree at Niagara University in Niagara Falls, New York.
I'm on a baseball scholarship

I joke around waaaaaay too much.. I often get myself into trouble from joking around in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
And its likely gonna get me killed one of these days.
heh...I didn't knew there were so many forum members until someone put this thread up...

Another fact about me, I've got long hair, very rare among metallers
just to put some things in right places....

Football is not American Football F_V!!! American Football is well...ehmmm american ;)

is piÑa colada dudes....that hurts :lol:

rahvin....thanx :)

fathervic (rahvinist)
hehe some more not so interesting facts about me...
I hate TV...i rarely find something interesting..just some films ....and usually hmm decadence-films :lol:
I can't sit for a long time....only if i am sitting on my beloved bed reading a good book or in front of this computer :)
I don't drink alcohol....i have never got drunk and i'm not interesting in doing so..
i hate meat..

uch,the usual night-crap i post :u-huh:
Originally posted by FatherVic
just to put some things in right places....

Football is not American Football F_V!!! American Football is well...ehmmm american ;)

is piÑa colada dudes....that hurts :lol:

rahvin....thanx :)

fathervic (rahvinist)

Sorry to contradict you Venancio but football is american football, pambol (as some mexicans call that ugly sport where 20 men in their underwear run behind a ball and kick it all over a court) is SOCCER, don't hit me.

I agree with your piña colada concept, though.
who's rei toei?
for those who aren't involved in cyberpunk fiction, rei toei is one of the most interesting characters of william gibson's bridge trilogy works (virtual light, idoru, all tomorrow's parties). she is an idoru: an ai, a simulation of a person that neither really exists nor has ever existed in the real world, "an emergent system, a self being continually iterated from experiential input".
singularly, she evolves to become more devoted to feeling than to knowing and - with this human-like consciousness - she begins pursuing freedom from her programmers and agents and adjusts her way of life accordingly to make it a possible goal.

who's behind rei toei?
my real name is giulia (that is "julia" in most languages), and i'm considered to be a sort of eccentric-somehow-schizoid-but-sociable human, but while i like sharing ideas with other people, i'm mostly self-relying.

i'm a graphic designer and i love my job so much that at least a couple of friends think i'm a workaholic but in fact my only addiction is tea: give me a box of green/orange/black/vanilla/whatever tea and you'll see one of the happiest grinning people of the world. (btw, i've picked up the last typhoo tea bag right now... *sigh*)

as stated before, i don't have much spare time and i usually spend it reading magazines/comics/books/whatever (the 'to be continued' queue is getting longer and longer, lately) or watching movies (preferably action movies), when i'm not having long walks/dinners/chats with my friends, of course.

music has always been my true companion and i listen to all kinds from classical to the recently re-discovered metal i had put away when i was 19. i can't say i have a fav artist but that i somewhat like selected songs by selected artists, which means i'm nobody's fan and probably i will ever be.

now, it's getting late and i'm a bit tired, so... for further information just ask me: i might answer :rolleyes:

/me wishing you all goodnight
Originally posted by Rei Toei
my only addiction is tea: give me a box of green/orange/black/vanilla/whatever tea and you'll see one of the happiest grinning people of the world. (btw, i've picked up the last typhoo tea bag right now... *sigh*)

:eek: :eek: sounds like me :) though tea is not my only addiction..there is also coffee :grin: now i feel supercool... :)

and btw,i thought you were male....but then again i found it strange to see a male posting furry toys that maniacly ;)
piPa colada? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry guys, but i'm afraid only mel will actually get this joke :rolleyes: :grin: :D
pipa colada... pipa... pipe (french) for pipe (smoking) and... blow job... well, maybe? and you said it was dirty, euh wait a minute, so it can't be this!;)
@rei toei: rei toei happens to be a song by industrial/ebm band c-drone defect, too. and although tyhis is definitely useless, i felt like posting here anyway. :p

@fury: i have this feeling 'pipe' could be loosely related to some selected section of male reproduction apparatus. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Siren
piPa colada? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry guys, but i'm afraid only mel will actually get this joke :rolleyes: :grin: :D

i conclude from "my own" languages that it could either mean "piss" or "sperm", right?:ill:
@melancholia: i had to quit coffee because of a stomach disease (ie ulcer *sigh*), but hey... what about a nice cup of tea? :grin:
how much sugar, my dear? :)

@rahvin: well, imo only being dense is really useless :) so thanks for your piece of info, i'm listening to that song right now :grin:
And Fury wins the prize!!! :hotjump:
(don't ask what prize, there isn't one actually :p )

:Smokedev: :p