The Get-to-know-the-board-members thread


Originally posted by astarte

je conviens. :)
je ne sais pas pourquoi il y a tant de personnes qui détestent le français ... sadly, i didn't learnt it well at school so i'm afraid that has a lot of mistakes :cry:

Actually Astarte your french is pretty good ; the only mistake was to be "j'en conviens" ; the rest is perfect :D In fact you made more mistakes in the following sentence, wich is in english ;)

@FatherVic : err, I think you are talking about german or scandinavian languages here... Come on, three chewing gums in the mouth ?? Where have you heard french, in the new Arnold Schwarzenegger movie or what ? And as for the romanticism and poetic value... There are so many synonims (sorry for the spelling) and different ways of writing a sentence (inversing verbs with adjectives, etc.) that it just helps expressing a wide range of emotions with endless writing styles and possibilities.

Anyway, as you said in the end, opinions are opinions, but if everybody keeps on saying this to conclude discussions, we may as well not even start one, don't you think...?
I'm new to Dark Tranquility, and unlike most of the other people around here, I'm not going to make a new thread. I'm into all sorts of bands. My name is Mark, and I know some people that visit this forum. I'm a freshman in high school. That's about it for me. Some nicknames I have received around here are DeadWinter, DWD, WD40 (Thanks F_V :mad: )
@Blue Moon: The romanticism is caused by that wide range of possibilities you talked about? C'mon, spanish & english are languages with high resources to express yourself in many ways, and nobody nickname them as "the love language". So many ppl find a sweet tone in the french language, and I don't, that's all.

|ngenius (don't sell me the motorbike)
@bluemoon: french is similar to italian, which is unfortunately my native language. i find both to have some good points, but inherently flawed by one thing english/germanic languages all do have: straightforwardness. since in most cases i find my reason for speaking is trying to drive a message home, i really like english best because it circumvents all those 'poetic' pitfalls where, for instance, to say something you have to go all the way to deny its opposite. ;)

rahvin. (who seldom spoke for romantic purposes in his life and always with disgusting awkwardness)
I always see languages in a sort of musical way - and it's hard to get frnch sounds properly, if you have grown up with a harsh language as German. Italian or Spanish is easier for Germans imho.

As for poetry in language: I think that German is quite a poetic language, just because as an everyday language, it is a rather technical, cold language. So, if you want to be poetic in German, it's just a matter of choice of words to express different moods.

And there is no language which is better for explaining complicated things in very little space- because we can make really monstrous composite "Personenbeförderungsschein" - which is a cab licence ;-)

The only problem about German is, that a German accent in any language I know sounds damn stupid, zat's ze problem, yoo see?:lol:
jess, wie haf proplems sometaims wiss se proper prononziäschn
anyways, i like accents in english, they make a language more vivid imo. the scandinavian accent f.e. is very funny to listen to (there once was a voice thread on the opeth forum). but others are really disgusting in my ear, like all this yo-yo-muthafuka-slang-stuff.
me is the one and only johannsenschimpansen i am 19 years old studying both german and english (first year) i am so much into music that i sometimes wonder if i had a life to return if i lost my fingers sometimes i HATE women for being, well, too womenlike but that's a completely different fucked up topic (:waah: i am so fucking lonely...) sometimes i hurt myself to see if i still feel (quote terroRRR!!!) i also had an asshole as a french teacher (mais je suis totallement de l'opinion de bluemoon en ce qui concerne la beaute de la langue) and i'm just niticing what utter crap i am producing here
Hey, I'm Corrupted(dave).
I live in Ireland, Dublin to be precise, and am 23. I love nature and the outdoors and enjoy spending time in the hills whenever I can. My other big passion is music. I love music. Every day, in every way there is music in my life.
At the oment I am saving to move to the States for at least a year. I've spent all of my life in Ireland and want to see the world. So, I said to myself, "fuck it! why not start with america". So there you go. Thats me at the moment. Oh yeah, I also write a good bit and enjoy ice cream. :spin: :Puke: Sorry! I got dizzy.....

@corrupted: I just love Ireland and I like Dublin very much - unfortunately it's been 3 years now that I went there last time....

@Terria: So you did`nt want it another way, now you've got to suffer from a bad German joke:

Kammärradän, deutsches Volk!
Nach sächs Wochen harrtem Kampf an därrr Frrront fürrr das Vatärrrland ist es uns ändlich gelungän, die Untärrrhosen zu wächsäln!

Fritz wächsält mit WIlli, Willi mit Hans, Hans mit Werner und Werner mit Fritz.....

Oh my, now I know why we are considered not having any sense of humour.....and those are jokes that you'll come across serving in the German army.....
Originally posted by Blue Moon

And as for the romanticism and poetic value... There are so many synonims (sorry for the spelling) and different ways of writing a sentence (inversing verbs with adjectives, etc.) that it just helps expressing a wide range of emotions with endless writing styles and possibilities.

however, the style doesn't help much when you've got only 25 words in the language ;)
i guess i just prefer standard english to a language that reminds me way to much of something from '1984' :grin:
/me can't stand french either :grin: it's the last language i would ever try to learn (well ok,from the europeans i mean-i wouldn't learn japanese either-where's Malveaux btw???)....this chewing-gums thing.....:grin: i somehow noticed it in some french......and well the very british accents make me feel these people have sth in their mouths.....French and British people,no offence please's just how these accents sound to my poor ears :)

as for the's really a cool language but it's soooo tiring when it's not your mothertongue and you have to speak it all the time... (hopefully i haven't :D)

and :mad: i hate my german teacher..grrrrr hopefully 3 months of lessons left....will i manage to be patient for that long? :confused:

~mel~(who finds it cool to have greek as a mothertongue)
Well I think Greek could be a nice language - I have done 4 years of ancient greek at school, so I can just read modern Greek and have a guess what it's about. :lol: And of course i know the important words nai, ochi, kalimera, kalinichta, ouzo, gyros, souvlaki (oh my, that is the same level that Americans have, when they pretend to speak German just because they know the word Sauerkraut)...........
I'd study four years of German in high school. And it's an interesting language. It is very structured. Now, I'm studying Swedish for fun, and it has a few vocabulary words similar to German, which I am familiar with.
@bluemoon....well actually I concluded the post with the "opinions" thing because that was something really personal!
I never meant somebody to take it too deep. I'm not attacking French speakers. It's just that I don't like the language. And well I live in northern Spain and been to France many times and had to treat some dudes from Lebanon who spoke French with my dad and English with me and my I've listened too much French for me. Suitabilty of words and expressions are quite flexible for most of Latin languages....but I still prefer English by every single aspect!!!!
to me it's the perfect language and that's why it's so wide spread. And no, it's not ONLY due to the "USA powah"....or do you really think if Japan'd rule the world we'd been talking japanesse here insted??? noway!
but hey...that's just an op....oooops :grin: