The hockey thread

I'm in Boston this weekend so I might attend the parade just for shits and giggles.



That dude looks like a cross between Keanu Reeves and Foppa.
^ Just awful. Rioting is such a bizarre phenomenon, I've never understood what the appeal of smashing up your own home is. People seem to get sucked into some kind of mass psychosis, where all of a sudden it is completely OK to lose all composure and humanity and collectively behave like a bunch of confused monkeys. That shit makes my skin crawl.
The parade in Boston was amazing! The team and its fans acted professional and appropriate. I always get a bit uneasy when you get this many people celebrating in a confined place / city...but it went smoothly. The Bruins were also introduced at todays Red Sox game...with the Cup being placed on the pitchers mound... very cool! I won't shit on Vancouvers fans...other than its too bad about the riots and obviously wish they didn't happen. Left a black-mark on what is truly the best sporting event imo.

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Yeah I attended the parade yesterday. A million people in downtown Boston. That's the record as far as championship parades go.
So the draft is coming up. I pity the player who has to go to the Panthers. It's kind of like with Tavares and the Islanders, or Nash and the Blue Jackets. You risk spending your entire career in mediocrity if you go to those types of teams.
So the draft is coming up. I pity the player who has to go to the Panthers. It's kind of like with Tavares and the Islanders, or Nash and the Blue Jackets. You risk spending your entire career in mediocrity if you go to those types of teams.

Tallon knows what he is doing with the Panthers, remember that he built the Stanley Cup Champion Blackhawks. He basically restructured the team, and it worked, he can definitely do it in Florida, I mean they've got some solid D-Man Prospects.

And what the fuck is with Philly I can see why they wanted to clear up Cap Space, but 5 Million is all they needed, they didn't have to trade Richards, let alone the guy they just signed for 11 years. I can see 1 guy going, but 2 key players? Although they got some pretty good players in return, with Brayden Schenn, Wayne Simmonds & Jakub Voracek, so I guess it's not so bad. Not that I really care

Also, I'm glad Montreal has re-signed Andrei Markov for 3 years. Though I am iffy on the length of the contract, it won't be so bad if he can actually stay healthy, because he is extremely effective when playing. Now all we need is room for James Wisniewski & Josh Gorges.
And what the fuck is with Philly I can see why they wanted to clear up Cap Space, but 5 Million is all they needed, they didn't have to trade Richards, let alone the guy they just signed for 11 years. I can see 1 guy going, but 2 key players? Although they got some pretty good players in return, with Brayden Schenn, Wayne Simmonds & Jakub Voracek, so I guess it's not so bad. Not that I really care.

As I hear it Richards is supposed to have attitude problems, so I doubt it was just about cap space. Sounds weird that a captain can have attitude problems, but whatever, I think it was a good trade for the Flyers. Looking for 'intangible qualities' in players is bullshit imo, and a player like Schenn might pan out to be better than Richards in every tangible way.
The Flyers lockroom was split between Carter/Richards vs Pronger and his supporters.

Also, Carter allegedly had an affair at some point this season with Hartnell's wife. Allegedly, but this has come from some serious sources close to the team.
Wow, Colorado is fucking stupid, picking Gabriel Landeskog over Adam Larsson. Landeskog is exactly the type of Mike Richards 'intangible'-style player that gets so overrated.

Congrats to New Jersey, getting very lucky here with the 4th pick. Larsson is going to be better than Victor Hedman, and I'm saying this while having Hedman as a fellow hometowner.
Its telling when the Flyer owner / organization flat out states that the team will never win a championship with its current make-up...being led by Richards / Carter etc. And it seems that there is more problems within that locker room than led to believe. Its a tough situation, getting thier asses swept by the Bruins with-standing...I still think this Flyer team with real goaltender now in the mix...maybe try one more run at it with thier core group intact? Ownership obviously thought differently.
And now Jagr signs with the Flyers. How random, lol! You'd think he'd sign with the Penguins or maybe the Rangers, but instead he signs with the Penguins' worst enemy.
And now Jagr signs with the Flyers. How random, lol! You'd think he'd sign with the Penguins or maybe the Rangers, but instead he signs with the Penguins' worst enemy.

When the Pens & Red Wings pulled out, Montreal and Philly were the only two teams still gunning for him. I was sure he was signing with Montreal because he had a great World Championship with Tomas Plekanec. But as usual, whenever we try to get a big name, some other team swoops last minute and gets him. Happened with Marian Hossa, now Jaromir Jagr. Though I am glad we picked up Erik Cole, finally some size up front!

By the way Maxime Talbot is officially the most hated played in

And why Boston wanted Benoit Pouliot is beyond me...