The hockey thread

I was just checking some stats and saw that Rick Nash has 27 points and is a -19 in 40 games. He should really try to re-boot his career in another team, because nothing points towards Columbus leaving mediocrity behind anytime soon.
Rumours for a bit now of Nash to Boston for Rask. Boston has the same nasty ingredients as last years Cup team...but now are much better offensively. Adding Nash would make them nearly unstoppable. But of course Rask is the goalie of the future and right now he could easily start for half the teams in the league. Possible tough decision ahead...figuring in (as well) how long they want to ride on Thomas?
Thats kinda my thinking. Thomas is the same guy as last year...hasn't dropped off a bit from that insane level of play. Rask has actually matched his level so far this year.
Rumours for a bit now of Nash to Boston for Rask. Boston has the same nasty ingredients as last years Cup team...but now are much better offensively. Adding Nash would make them nearly unstoppable. But of course Rask is the goalie of the future and right now he could easily start for half the teams in the league. Possible tough decision ahead...figuring in (as well) how long they want to ride on Thomas?

No point in giving Rask away...I mean it's only a matter of time until Thomas retires...I would not be surprised if he called it quits if Boston won the cup again this year, and this coming from a Montreal fan lol...

But yeah I just don't see Nash going to Boston.
No point in giving Rask away...I mean it's only a matter of time until Thomas retires...I would not be surprised if he called it quits if Boston won the cup again this year, and this coming from a Montreal fan lol...

But yeah I just don't see Nash going to Boston.

I hear you. I'm just not sure when Thomas will go away lol. He clearly looks like he may have a year or two left and I believe Rask is up for a contract at the end of this year. If the team can somehow keep winning at a high level...keep them both happy (playing time)...then ride it out I guess. Nice problem to have eh?

BTW- Pouliot is working out just fine here lol!
Yeah apparently lol...I still don't like him haha...

Right now all I care is that Montreal is starting to win...I hope we are one of those teams where they play like shit the first half and the next half they are pretty much unstoppable lol Like the Devils did last year haha

And Alexei Emelin is a fucking monster...The guy has prob the best ratio of hard hits than quantity of hits.

Love this kid, he is solid

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Many players of course can benefit from a change of scenery. Pouliot had a slow start and was immediately in Julien's "doghouse"! Since that early message was sent...he's done surprisingly better than I expected. When he consistently brings can see this guys has some real talent. For a big kid...he sure has some fast wheels!

Right now he has my goal of the year...
The Rangers are really clicking this year, from Lundqvist in the net to Girardi on D and Callahan and Gaborik up front. Add the nice surprise rookies Del Zotto and Hagelin and they're a real cup contender this year. I'm really hoping for a Rangers vs Canucks final.
The Rangers are really clicking this year, from Lundqvist in the net to Girardi on D and Callahan and Gaborik up front. Add the nice surprise rookies Del Zotto and Hagelin and they're a real cup contender this year. I'm really hoping for a Rangers vs Canucks final.

Del Zotto isn't really a rookie anymore...I can't remember if he played the whole season last year. But, Ryan Macdonough is the guy who's been really impressive on the back end he has a sound game in both aspects. And Lundqvist well...He's just being Lundqvist lol...

Can't say much about my Habs this year other than David Desharnais' line has been consistent all year...Erik Cole and Max Pacioretty have been great in the goal scoring aspect. And hopefully next year Andrei Markov has a healthy return to the game which would add tons of help.

IMO they are underachieving to be honest. They have the potential to be a great hockey team. I like how we have 4 draft picks in the first 2 rounds next year in a draft that's going to be deep. I know it's a stretch but I can see them using those picks in a trade to move up in this years draft depending on where they land in the top 5...I mean if Edmonton gets first pick again, do you really think there gonna want to keep it? I mean I can't see them using it because you've got all these High-End Prospects who are eventually gonna cost you alot already. Which is why I think Montreal would benefit having a guy like Nail Yakupov or Mikhail Grigorenko.
The Rangers are really clicking this year, from Lundqvist in the net to Girardi on D and Callahan and Gaborik up front. Add the nice surprise rookies Del Zotto and Hagelin and they're a real cup contender this year. I'm really hoping for a Rangers vs Canucks final.

That would be cool, or a Vancouver-Boston rematch (with Schneider in net).
The only two teams that I've seen this year that scare me are the Rangers and Blues. Skill, size, goaltending and grit to win it...probably my cup final pairing. Hate to say it but the Rangers hoist it this year...they kinda look like the Bruins of last year. Pens adding a healthy Crosby change all of this...but Crosby is a sneeze away or a solid check away from well ya know?

Montreal is far from being potentially (sys riff). The fact that they are in the position they're in...a a major embarassment. Very amusing!
Am I the only one who thought last year's Stanley Cup sucked? NYR would be cool, and the Blues because that turnaround is remarkable
IMO...I think Luongo is way past that playoff failure just watch.

He is so anti-clutch, I'm not sure what to think. He was ok his first year with the team, but three consecutive years of terrible performances against Chicago, and an embarassing performance against Boston last year in the finals.

And just when you think he's got everything together, he let 3 goals in on 7 shots against Buffalo the other night. Schneider isn't prone to poor/inconsistent play and has performed well against those aforementioned teams this season. Luongo didn't play against those teams for obvious reasons, regardless of whatever excuse the team gave.