The Latin-America thread

I don't know, I'm actually foreseeing China assimilating Japan into itself. And I don't think Japan's going anywhere. They completely lost it after WWII, became German-like workaholics and materialism invaded their lives like in no other country. Tokyo has one of the top 3 suicide rates in the world. It's certainly not the best of role-models.
hyena, you're quite versed on economics, aren't you?

Well, that's what I convinced my government to believe, yes. :p

Italy and the Euro - would be quite long to explain and I'll come back to it, but it's more or less what Taliesin said about perceived inflation being way higher than actual one. If you were talking about public debt, it has very very little to do with the currency (on the contrary, it is helped by the low ECB rates) and a lot to do with the resurgence of deficit-spending policies when Berlusconi was prime minister. Not the wisest move of all time, especially because the one reason why he resorted to it was getting re-elected and he failed to achieve the goal, leaving public finances in an objectionable state.

What did you hear about the subject?

@Alex: the EU should just give to Italy any coastal land which Slovenia and Croatia are fighting over and everyone would be better off. :p
I don't know, I'm actually foreseeing China assimilating Japan into itself. And I don't think Japan's going anywhere. They completely lost it after WWII, became German-like workaholics and materialism invaded their lives like in no other country. Tokyo has one of the top 3 suicide rates in the world. It's certainly not the best of role-models.

True, it is sad to see how Japs loose their culture more and more everyday, and even sadder is to see that the example they follow is the US :erk: . It'd be ok if they followed, say, Europe or Canada, but damn the US is certainly not good. Of course, they got bombed horrendously with the atomic bombs, so that will obviously cause them to submit :ill: .

When I go to Japan and teach English there I'll tell them:

" Do not be embarrased of your penises, stop massive consumism and appreciate your own culture, for it is wonderful. "

Yet I don't think China will assimilate Japan, at all. The latter has a very stable economy, and even though the US may be going to the pits, Japan won't go down with it.

Alex: Hi :) . I totally agree with you, manking should be united, there should be no borders. Yet we humans are far too stupid to let that happen :erk: .

I also agree that there should be no racial distinctions, there are Blacks, Chinese, Caucasians, etc., but in the end we are all humans. We have the same damn liver, heart and brain, so why distinguish between one another in the way we do now?

This brings me to elitism. I actually hate people that think like that, in the sense that they think they are superior because their country is more powerful or something. We all crap the same shit, period. So I really loathe people who think that their shit smells like perfume just because they live in a more powerful country.
^Hehe yes I most certainly will, for I am GTJ (Gureito Teacha- Josephy :p ). Otakus around here will understand the joke :lol: .

Anyway, I would really like to help Japs because I've met a lot and I know that they're incredible lads, as a lot of people. But I'd really like to help Japs because I like Japanese culture, I can speak Japanese and I think that Japs are incredible musicians. So I'll do it only for that :rock: , for the sake of music :kickass: .
Another thing I'm glad of is that probably "Understanding Sarcasm" is not among the skills required to help the young Japanese regain faith in their own culture. And actually I think you'd probably be even more succesful being an English teacher/translator in Japan than in Costa Rica, considering how they use English these days.
What did you hear about the subject?

Not much, really, just what my Italian teachers used to tell me. They were always complaining that life was too expensive over there since they changed the currency, that people go mad on discount days at the market, that they cannot afford many small luxuries and pleasures, that many are living in the fear of bankrupcy, things like that. But they were no economists, they just described me their everyday lives.
QRV said:
I don't know, I'm actually foreseeing China assimilating Japan into itself. And I don't think Japan's going anywhere. They completely lost it after WWII, became German-like workaholics and materialism invaded their lives like in no other country.
China is still too-poor/weak for that, and as far as i know they mind their own business and don't mess with anybody's affairs. And there's also what Danny said: Japan won't be affected in any negative way when USA falls (except maybe in that they'll have one less trading-partner) because their economy, unlike Latin-America's, doesn't depend on USA's. But why do you think they'll assimilate Japan into themselves? And what do you mean by "assimilate"?

QRV said:
Tokyo has one of the top 3 suicide rates in the world. It's certainly not the best of role-models.
The other two, as far as i know, belong to Norway and Sweden. Do you consider them role-models?

Danny said:
Alex: Hi :) .
China is still too-poor/weak for that, and as far as i know they mind their own business and don't mess with anybody's affairs. And there's also what Danny said: Japan won't be affected in any negative way when USA falls (except maybe in that they'll have one less trading-partner) because their economy, unlike Latin-America's, doesn't depend on USA's. But why do you think they'll assimilate Japan into themselves? And what do you mean by "assimilate"?

The other two, as far as i know, belong to Norway and Sweden. Do you consider them role-models?


Alex, China's like 5 years away from the leading countries in technology, and it's not like they don't mind anybody else's affairs. They're constantly involved in the political matters of all of Asia, the tension between them and the India is worrying, not to say with Japan and the US. They've been trying to get their influence through most Third-World countries, and so far they've had a considerable success in that. What they do try to avoid is military conflict, but they're just being smart. Normally the ones who benefit the most from a war event are those who enter it in the last moment. China has the biggest armada in the whole world, and they're not short in weapons either. They wait, then they strike. And not only in war matters, but also in political and economic matters. Believe me, those guys cannot be stopped and will not be stopped after what's to come.

(And hey, Norway and Sweden at least keep some identity and their history's not so full of violent changes, unlike Japan. Besides, I think they're behind China on the suicide rate. I have to check the numbers.)
I mean, if a 12 year old child is raped and gets pregnant, do you think she should have her child? Add to that the possibility of being poor, the kid doesn't study, she goes to the streets to ask for me to buy food or alcohol. And she is now pregnant :ill: .
Agreed. Why add another child to the population where he/she's going to be miserable if they are poor etc? There are no clinics that can do it the right way?
Japan won't be affected in any negative way when USA falls (except maybe in that they'll have one less trading-partner) because their economy, unlike Latin-America's, doesn't depend on USA's. But why do you think they'll assimilate Japan into themselves? And what do you mean by "assimilate"?
I think I asked before, but what makes you so sure the US economy is going to crash?
Also, have you noticed how stock exchanges worldwide (including Japan) suffer from it when one major one plumits? Im fairly sure it's the same for Tokyo Stock Exchange as for Frankfrurt Stock Exchange.
Did you check the direct imports and exports from the US to Japan and vice versa? Ive heard Airbus isnt that strong in Japan yet, so the japanese aviation industry can losely be described as american controlled. The same goes for different parts of their industry.. so what exactly do you base this on?
You didn't ask before. ;)

I just think it will come down along with everything-else about that country when it falls. And i'm sure that USA will eventually fall (soon, actually, although we might not live to see it) because i've seen what has happened to empires when they have too-much corruption, the people aren't happy anymore and they try to expand their borders too-far. The people in USA aren't as happy as they used to be. I definitely don't want to get into a conversation/discussion/argument about Bush (i'm honestly fed up with the man), but for the sake of answering your question i'll mention him one more time. A lot of people went or planned to go to Canada when he was reelected. I think he only won by 2% or so. People don't want what happened to keep happening. And it's not just the people; everything-else points directly to the same fate the roman empire had when corruption took over and it was too-big for the caesar to be able to really control everything.

As for the whole economical thing, i might have made a mistake when i said that Japan wouldn't be affected at all; what i should have said is that Japan will be affected infinitely-less than, say, Latin-America. Of course the whole world will be affected, but some parts more than others, and, while Latin-America will surely crumble and sink and die a miserable death, Europe and Japan might be able to take advantage of the situation and use it to their benefit.
The US has an historical deficit by now, and just imagine, in a single year they spend pretty much the equivalent to the entire gold reserves in the world (incluiding the gold that hasn't been digged yet). Some of their latest maneuvers to stabilize their economy included the melting of copper coins so they could sell the metal. And that's a fucking outrage. Almost every specialist agrees that a recession's coming in a few years (2 to 5 max), and some think that afterwards a depression is inevitable. (If you wish , check out Richard Daughty's "The Mogambo Guru" articles here. That guy almost never fails in his long-term predictions)

And just think about this: petroleum will ran out almost entirely in about 15 years. Alternative energy sources are insufficient to cover the entire necessities. Then we'll have a water shortage. And, most likely, a serious war scenario, maybe the worst ever. World's fucked up in a way that doesn't have any precedents.
I know what you mean by general unhappines in the US, but I dont see that being the cause of the downfall of the US, not by a long shot. The system of rich people paying for the presesidential campaign and getting their favours back after the election is working great (for them anyway) and since the media are largely conservative-controlled, the general outcry is yet to be heard. As unhappy as I am with the situation in the US, I dont see the end of it anytime soon.

I dont know in detail how latin america depends on the US economy, but Im quite convinced the mechanisms that made the depression of 1929 a worldwide depression are still working very well. Maybe Japan or Europe will be better off than latin america, but it would certainly not be a good time for "the little man"
@the abortionists: i'm pro-life. there's arguments about the sacrality of life but i guess the non-religious don't buy into it. so if you want a secular hunch: who are you to deny the kid a chance? and don't tell me that one's outcomes are strictly dependent on their parents'. just look at all the kids of rich parents who never make it. society's duty - and yes, i'm a right-winger, therefore (not but) i'm saying this and will say it over and over - is to ensure that even if you're not born to rich parents you have the same shot at the game.

the lack of equal opportunities is the beast to be fought. but i don't see how suppressing those who would not have a headstart helps. if anything, it's more of the same beast. you're basically saying that these people, besides not being able to have proper schooling or housing, should even be denied a chance at life. come on. why not eradicate poverty by killing the poor?
I agree that inequality is the main problem here. And it's probably not priority for the government, so let's be realistic here: What should poor people do while it's being resolved? Should their quality of life become even worse just because "it's cruel not to give a chance to someone", even though that someone is not conscious about wanting a chance, is not going to feel any pain anyway, and would surely have a life of poverty and pain?

You may answer "yes", my answer is "no" because I live in a country where you actually are in touch with serious poverty, and I know it's not something to idealize about.
About the US:

(didn't keep my promise of posting less huh? :p ). Wow, I didn't know the stuff about the melting of coins! Simply amazing! :zombie: . Really, the US is such a fucked-up country, I don't know how people stand living there. Oh wait, they don't. Even though this doesn't represent the entire population of the US, an exchange student once told me: "Oh no, but I can't stand living there. That's one of the reasons of why I'm here (CR), and I worked at a hoster in Toronto for nearly a year before coming here. I haven't really lived in my home for an entire year since about 3 years ago."

I was so surprised when hearing this, it was quite shocking, to hear it, you know, from an actual US citizen! I was like "HOLY SHIT! :hypno: :zombie: :ill: ."

The US will definetly fall, soon enough, but I'm ot sure if we'll live to see it. Our grand-children will definetly will. Oh how I pity them, they will suffer so much :waah: . Maybe I shouldn't have any at all then :lol: , but that won't happen.

Concerning CAFTA:

So you know, CAFTA means: Central American Free Trade Agreement. Every country in Central America has signed it, but one. Guess which? If you thought Costa Rica, thaen you're right :) .

This is basically another way in which the US expands its dominion, but we CRns are a smart bunch and have delayed the agreement as much as we can. CAFTA is so fucking bad for my country, that lets put it in this way:

- It is above the Costa Rican constitution. Hence...

- Industries can do what they want, meaning that if it happens what happened in Mexico that some people destroyed a building of a US company, they can basically sue the country for millions of dollars, as with happened in Mexico.

- If industries can come and do what they want, then why do we protect nature? CR has %5 of the worl's bio-diversity, and all of that will go KAPUTT if the US comes here.

- Mexico is a great example of this, since they approved their traty with the US, poverty levels have been the highest in the history of the country. You can ask QRV, Undie or Afz to confirm that, and they will say that its true.

CAFTA will now apparently be decided by the CRn people, something that didn't happen in any other country. I will hope that we do the right thing, and stand up, for our country's own sake!


Concerning abortion:

It's funny how even though global-warming, over-population and general misery in the world keeps growing, there are people who think that there should be more babies in soceity. I'm not saying that we should stop having babies, but damn there has to be more control!

I understand what you say about society and stuff Caludia, but that's simply a fantasy. Society won't let everyone have the same chances for everything. At all.

It had been proven that when abortion is approved in a country, as in Holland, there are actually less abortions than in country in which is illegal!

I believe every women has the right to choose if they should have a baby or not. Just put yourself in that postion Claudia. What if you got raped by, say, a Colombian. Then you find out that you're pregnant, what would you do? Oh you'll certainly keep him because it's the lord's decision that you were raped and got the baby. And judging for how you boast about the size of the aprtment and stuff, you could perfectly support the baby.

But what about people that can't? What about the people that live under a bridge, who have a plastic cardboard as a wall? People who "live" there daily life with less than E 0.75? People who stink of alcohol, because they spend all there moeny on it so they can forget how miserable they are. People who live in the streets, who ask you for some money so they can drink some more (I never give them money, I always buy them cookies or something). People which you find in the middle of the street, reveling in their own shit and puke, right beside you at the bus stop?

Would you like someone to live his/her life in that way? I would certainly not, but apparently it is god's will to have more and more people like that everyday.

I wonder where this "god" that so many people talk about is? Oh wait, why should I search for something that does not exist?
Heh, LBRH, I believe you should cite some sources if you're going to make statements like that about the Netherlands, after all it's proven, so it shouldn't be terribly difficult to do it.

Poverty in Mexico is not at its highest, it has been worse. And the free-trade agreement has brought some benefits, it's just that not everything should be imported...
@afz: i'm not romanticizing poverty at all. i was born in a rich country, but my job - especially the time i spent at the world bank - got me in touch with the problem and i think i am not having an ideal vision here. i am not against birth control. but abortion, in my humble opinion, is murder perpetrated mainly against the very weak. and it is bound to hurt the woman emotionally and physically, although of course nowadays surgery is such that at least the physical consequences are absorbed in a week. not the emotional ones.

as for the abortion point, i still don't see (honestly) the difference between suppressing the unborn and, say, suppressing a one-year old; they both are unaware of the world and their right to have a chance. but we don't suppress our toddlers.

i just think we should face the fact that himanity is constantly trying to find a way to turn some killings into legitimate killings. of course we struggle with the fact that there are some categories of people or parts of society we don't like, yet we told ourselves from the start that killing is bad. so, yesterday it was ok to kill slaves of ethnicity A or B, and the day before yesterday it was ok to kill those with certain disabilities because "they are the devil's spawn". today it's ok to kill the unborn and some old people. i don't see in which sense this does not make me entitled to shoot, say, rahvin if i suddenly stop liking him. the only difference is that where the unborn and the old are concerned it's society in its entirety that promotes suppression, where rahvin is concerned it would be just me. how does this constitute morality?