The Metalhead stereotype


May 19, 2011
Do you 'fit' the stereotypical image of a metalhead or close to it? Do you get wrongly judged based on that stereotype or are you stereotyped another way and people are surprised to find that you are a metalhead? Do you experience prejudice based on how you're stereotyped (metalhead or not)? If you do, do you ignore it? If you don't ignore it, how do you deal with it?

Discuss. I will contribute my 2 cents later. I'm more interested in others' takes on this.
I have short hair and am relatively clean cut, people wouldn't guess that I'm a metalhead if they saw me at work. They get completely taken by suprise when I tell them I do vocals and play guitar for an extreme metal band, or when I tell them what I listen to. I don't really care what people think of me either way.
I have long hair, wear band t-shirts/black jeans, and all that jazz. My behavior is pretty damn far-removed from the rampant, mindless hedonism that typifies a lot of metalheads, but I like to take a night or two every month or so to just be a worthless dipshit. I suppose I fit the stereotype of being interested in "darker" or "serious" things (in terms of literature, film, preferring to take walks at night, etc.) moreso than the "average" person, but that's hardly exclusive to adherents of the metal of death lifestyle, so whatever. There's plenty more to say on the subject, but you get the idea.

I don't really experience any noteworthy prejudice. Some people are initially turned off by the way I look on occasion, but this reaction is usually dispelled when they find out that I'm a nice, swell Guy.
I'm currently wearing shorts, a Grateful Dead tee, and I'm barefoot (I'll put on flip flops later). When I saw Kiuas live and got my picture taken with Mikko, I was wearing a white tee, American Eagle pants and a fucking nap-sack around my shoulder. My hair is also relatively short (compared to most "metalheads"), and I don't own a single metal band shirt (I used to, but I outgrew them all).
I guess appearance-wise I fit the stereotype, except that I don't have long hair anymore. I've had a few people ask me if I'm a nazi (mostly punk rocker types ask this question), and a few people have asked me if I'm in the military (mostly old people and guys with big muscles).

I don't know what it would mean to fit the stereotype personality-wise. Would I have to be unfriendly and/or dumb? I'm a nice guy and I'm really polite and reserved. And I'm pretty sure I'm not dumb.

edit: Actually, I'm not sure if I'm really that nice. I guess I try not to talk to a lot of people. Maybe people view that as unfriendly. But I'm not an asshole to anybody.
I'm currently wearing shorts, a Grateful Dead tee, and I'm barefoot (I'll put on flip flops later). When I saw Kiuas live and got my picture taken with Mikko, I was wearing a white tee, American Eagle pants and a fucking nap-sack around my shoulder. My hair is also relatively short (compared to most "metalheads"), and I don't own a single metal band shirt (I used to, but I outgrew them all).

Well, I didn't ask for an inventory of your wardrobe. There is more to the metalhead stereotype than what you wear.
I guess I could fit the stereotype.
short hair, no facial hair.
every now and then I'll wear a band shirt. At work it's usually a polo, button up, or a normal t-shirt that isnt a band shirt.

just wear normal pants and shorts.
would rather just put on my newbalance shoes other than my boots in the winter.
I do not. i wore metal shirts about 5 years ago but it's been a loooong time. that was about the only thing outwardly projected i listened to metal, i had shoulder length hair for a while (i cut it all off yesterday) but it always looked more 'hippie' than 'metal'

most people would not guess that i enjoy extreme metal
The average metalhead stares angrily at everyone whilst sat around with a few other metalheads, muttering about their own superiority. They have to work very hard to get women to associate with them irl.

They like, aside from metal, sci-fi, fantasy, rpgs and hentai.
If you came up to me on the street randomly, you wouldn't know I listened to metal unless I was wearing a band shirt. I don't have long hair, but I do sport a beard.
I don't fit the stereotype. I have short hair, I am pretty, clever, I don't wear band shirts and I take a shower once a day. Funny, because my metal knowledge is extensive. ;)

Although, I admit I kinda want an Autopsy zip hoodie. Mental Funeral preferably. Buy me one plzokthx.
Well, I didn't ask for an inventory of your wardrobe. There is more to the metalhead stereotype than what you wear.

Did you notice how everyone keeps mentioning shirts? I'm telling you (as have several other people) that if someone saw me walking down the street I would not fit the metalhead stereotype. The truth is, when most people think of the metalhead stereotype, the first thing they think of is appearance.
If I dress like one, then I look like one ( I have leather jacket/pants/vests, jeans jacket, band T shirts which I wear on several occasions)... also fond of travelling for concerts.

However I try not to be narrowminded, I get along with people that like other genres of music and I consider myself smart enough to not be regarded as the 'idiot metalhead' stereotype. Oh, I also wash :D, don't do drugs, drink but not until drunk to the point of oblivion and don't worship Satan or feel the need to vandalize property.

anyway, being a metalhead isn't in the way you dress or behave, it's all about the music you like (and remaining young spirit :p)

Also, regarding vestimentation, it seems people are more likely to stare or comment about it in Bucharest (which is the capital, and a really big city) - mainly old folk or the equivalent of the american 'preps'- type of people; whereas in my hometown (which is a rather small locality near the mountains) that has a church every 2 buildings, nobody would care or bother to notice what you wear.
I have long hair, pretty much all of my shirts are band shirts, I wear black pants and a majority of the time I'm listening to metal(the rest of the time it's most likely hard rock, progressive rock or some kid of punk)
Being black, not a lot of people think I like anything more than rap.

Of course, I love rap and metal. But, I was also a teenager when both were at their peaks of awesomeness.
Welcome, bro. You're like the second or third black person ever to post on this forum in its entire existence.
Yeah I guess I do. I don't where band shirts, but the beard/long hair combo is usually the kicker.