The most depressing song you can think of.

With some titles you can almost feel the amount of effort and soul that the developers put in in order to create them.

Yeah, and this is definitely an important quality for music that isn't focused on being 'deep' and 'atmospheric'. The level of energy and enthusiasm in some hard rock bands is really infectious. And many accessible/rock-oriented bands tend to have more charismatic vocalists, which give the listener a stronger connection with the music, and whose personas can leave an impression on you similar to a movie character sometimes. A lot of this you don't necessarily listen for in atmospheric music, but it can be a truly awesome experience if you're open to it.
Agreed. I'm pretty sure Cyth likes some hard rock bands as well. Didn't he once express his undying love for Winger? The thing is, people can attempt to find depth even in the most basic and catchy rock stuff. Music purists, for instance, tend to attach a certain intellectual attribute to any sort of music they enjoy, and it really isn't that hard to come up with a poetic description of why "this particular album rocks my socks off."
Well, i haven't seen anyone mention Nocturnal Depression, albeit they are one of the best depressive bands out there, listening to their song "Nostalgia" explains it all.
Well, i haven't seen anyone mention Nocturnal Depression, albeit they are one of the best depressive bands out there, listening to their song "Nostalgia" explains it all.

I don't think they stand out very much at all. They don't have an amazingly unique sound or anything.
Or maybe I've heard every single thing by them and they're just not that unique in sound, which is more likely since that's actually true. Whether or not you like them, they aren't a very unique band. I also don't recall insulting you or their music, so stop acting like a little kid.
Ɛnslaved;7444051 said:
Do we have a genre striction? :D If not,I will say Faith from The Cure.

this is why i prefer 'pornography' to 'faith' - the latter is grey, bleak, melancholy; the former is all lashing blacks and reds, mindblowingly dark and passionate and intense. i do like 'faith' though, i don't think it's simply 'depressing', and thankfully it isn't gay like 'disintegration'. 'seventeen seconds' is maybe better.

btw depressing music sucks because being depressed sucks by definition. end of thread.
Ever tried listening to happy music while depressed from unrelated causes? It's sickening. Depressing music has a purpose.
Creen Carnation - The Burden is Mine...Alone.
Negurã Bunget – Ceasuri Rele
Primordial – The Coffin Ships
Radiohead - Videotape
Agents Of Oblivion - Wither
Bethlehem - Tagebuch einer Totgeburt