The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

Firstly, it's nice to see UM again. I didn't know what to do with my spare time :lol:

Secondly, thanks to my previous attempt of learning Swedish in self-study and also especially thanks to mr V's Swedish lyrics I'm doing extremely well in my Swedish course. But then again, we didn't do all too much. At the beginning we had to name a few characteristics we assoziate with Swedes.........most mentioned that Swedes love to drink :D

What else? Since those who passed the exams this week got their certificate yesterday we had a party at night which does not deserve to be named "party" :rolleyes: Oh my....that was one of the lamest parties I've ever been to.
Aki, some great news, and some really bad :eek:P

First off, I GOT THE NEW POSITION I APPLIED FOR!!!! >:eek:)))
This is deadcool! The last few days I was like "neh, I won't get
it...", so getting it was just great! :eek:)

But!... My shoulder has got worse, and I haven't been to work
the last three days... Using my computer is not good either, so
I have to cut down on my time spent in front of this box, to see
if it makes me better :eek:) I'll probably be bored to death! I hate
reading, but there's not much else to do... Bleeeeuurrrgh... :eek:/

Ah well, I'll pop by every now and again, to check up on what's
going on :eek:)

Again; I got the damn job!!! hehehehe.... *Dies*
Jup from me too! Hope you get more money now :)

I was "Schlittenfahren" today.Dunno the english word :p But you drive down a snow covered hill on a wooden thing very fast and get hurt much *g*
Originally posted by MeaCulpa
Whoa! Website up and running! :)

Great pictures of Einar there, and the artwork is just amazing!
Again; I wish I could draw! :eek:)

I don't like java, it won't work in my lovely opera, but still, it's
a well done site, and it looks good in ie :eek:)

Nice tribute.

Edit: One more thing, what band did he play in?