Not What You See
Originally posted by Nova
got it!thanks...well,i feel better right now,but i don´t know how long my good feeling will last... but it feels good that you are there for me!*hugs you*
That's good, I hope you get a lot better soon. *Hugs back.* I'm glad to know someone like you. Keep smilin'!
Good thing for me:
GOT MY TICKETS TO SEE... Dark Tranquillity! Nile! Strapping Young Lad! The Berzerker! and Napalm Death! I'm SO excited! But it cost a lot, so my friends owe me money. I bought 3 tickets, and I gave 1 to my friend for his birthday. And another to my friend to drive us. But, it cost more than I thought, so, they owe me money.