Wow, a "nice things" thread! I like it!
And to see such a long thread with so many nice things in it is... very umm... well, nice! Maybe the world isn't such a bad place after all, eh? Yeah, OK... so maybe it is.
But anyway... a lot of nice things have happened to me recently
One of my cats (Crichton is his name) made it through surgery and is doing great. They had to operate on him to remove 60 cm of Christmas ribbon from inside his belly!! How a cat could eat 60 cm of Christmas ribbon I will never know! But he is doing much better now. It was scary for a while. Before we knew what it was, he didn't look very good. And when the veterinarian told me they would have to cut him open and go in to found out what was wrong, I was very sad. But all is good now
This is Crichton...
That didn't happen today though. It was a few days ago. The nicest thing that happened today was that I got to sneak out of work early and come home and take a nap
This was a good week for me I think!...
At the beginning of this week, I created to share my own personal music with the world. And just today I got me first email from someone looking at the music on that web site... and he loved my stuff! That really made me feel good.
And the nicest thing that has EVER happened to me... one year ago as of this past Wednesday, the woman I love moved here to be with me, and we've been very happy ever since
To celebrate, we went out to a very special place for dinner, then went for ice cream! We had a really great evening together.
Yes, it's definitely been a good week.