The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

@HellSpawn: So that's why you were russ now, oki I see. You're lucky to be done with school!! But well, I only have one year left now, so it' not that long for me either :) Nice to see you back, anyway!
Originally posted by Morningrise
You shouldn't be so nervous and plan so much, that will just make you waaaay more nervous. It also takes all the fun out of situations. I don't know what you plan to do, but it is best to just let things flow...

This is probably true, but I'd have to say that asking a girl out has never been fun in the slightest... at least until they said yes...
do as I told our MIA friend Oyo, a while back. Run into one of her classes, playing Till Fjalls on a cd player, while wearing a viking helmet, and sweep her off her feet and take her into the cold dark mountains of Norway! Or wherever may be closest ;)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
do as I told our MIA friend Oyo, a while back. Run into one of her classes, playing Till Fjalls on a cd player, while wearing a viking helmet, and sweep her off her feet and take her into the cold dark mountains of Norway! Or wherever may be closest ;)

:lol: :lol: Nice one, Final_Vision

Once I was turned down by this girl. I was really embarassed,
but my friends were really proud of my guts. That just made me
realize that it's better to give it a shot than just stand in the dark.

Most of the times it turns out the way u hoped for!
Good luck! :)
Originally posted by Morgana
That's right, you can't get more than a no and know at least where you stand!

Well, not necessarily. By the time I decide to ask a girl out (I really dislike asking them before I know shit about them), we're already kinda friends. I haven't gotten the "let's just be friends" line, but I DO have more to lose than a date. I could lose a friendship. And when I asked Becky out last year, I would've been very pissed if that somehow got in the way of our friendship. Really.

I really should worry less about that, but I don't meet "dateable" girls that often... I think I'm too picky.
@The Nomad

You should be picky... at least that way u get the girls u want.
I'm very picky, and I feel I've been rewarded because of that.

But if one hasn't had a girl (or boy for those wanting that) for
years and really want it... then maybe one has to be less picky.
Damn, I forgot! Something nice happened today. This evening!
I'm not that sick any more!!! Tomorrow I guess I'll be back to
college again, instead of being stuck in my apartment!
Yehuuuuuuuuuuu!!! :D

@The Nomad
ha ha - well, the boy thing was mostly aimed at the girlies, since
there are so many of them posting in this forum.

I know what u mean. I have quite a few friends who've been single
for years. And since we study at a technical college, there are
less than 10% girls there, which really doesn't help them much.
You are not alone, man :)
Originally posted by Lordenlil
You are not alone, man :)

Thanks. I know that. It's never made me feel better.
An extreme version of this thinking is a bomb. If someone drops one on me, sure a lot of people will die with me, but that really doesn't help my situation. Same hear. Sure, it sucks to be them, but it still sucks to be me...

Well, that, and I like whining.
True true, but I sometimes find that sort of thinking somewhat
comforting. It's not just me. But of course, this only helps to a certain degree.

I visited your website :D
You are really into wolves, man. And that list of albums for sale;
I can understand why u wanna sell most of that.
Well, I got lots of it myself :lol:
Okay, this has been a really shitty day and I might go on
an get it all out in the Inner Demons thread.... But, even
though all this crap happened (yeah, at work, of course,
where else...?)... When I got home I rang my friend and
she cheared me up. Lovelydovly! :eek:) Still I'm pissed, but
she brought back some happy moments, and I'm _really_
looking forward to her moving to Oslo as well!!! :eek:)
I'll get to see her so much more! :eek:)))
ouuuuuuuuuuuuch.............damn man thats rough. Nothing we can say will be likely to console sleep it off man, sleeping = not thinking of it......unless you dream about it but dont pray for that hehe. Things work on my good man :)