The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

passed my maturity exam and i am free of school for some time
and in my opinian norwegian is a nice language but there are many languages that are better
To jacy s¹ tu ludzie jest spoko, wiêc wydaje mi siê ¿e bêdê tu wpada³ czêœciej, JESTEŒCIE LUNI
Holy crap what a relief!!!!!! :D

I had my last exam today as well. The exam from hell and beyond!
But I got so lucky lucky lucky! It was far more easy then the previous years!
This means I'm rather certain it went ok!!!!
Gimme a beer!

And I just learned there's a party in a few days where there are
LOTS of girls! I'm invited, and that's even better! :D
(Me and my girl of 5 1/2 yrs broke up a little while ago, so I'm
gonna have me some fun after this depressing period.
Relax, I'm gonna behave!... somewhat)
If something nice happens there, I know where to post it ;)

And to all of you who just finished their exams!! CONGRATS! :D
Originally posted by Morningrise
Recently I was told by one of the band directors at my school that he believes I am one of the best bass players in the state...Being as modest as I am I say its an over statement. :D

Whoi! Sounds cool! :eek:) Have anything recorded btw? :eek:)

And Lordenlil; Awesome! :eek:) I knew you'd make it! :eek:)

It's summer!!!! And it's RAINING!!! I LOVE IT!!!! >:eek:)))
Well, thanks :)
Btw - I had a look at your Ford page. Nice. Well done (I mean it)
Simple, but tasteful.

This is just so cool! I was thinking the same thing about the rain!
(Yeah - we don't live that far apart, so it's raining like hell here too)

Ok, I was out walking over to college this morning, and I was just
like..... aaaah!! How I love this warm summer rain! And then I
remembered the Blood Divine ballad with the same title.
From 'The Blood Divine', via me, to all of you;

Warm Summer Rain

As I reach my arms to you
Warm summer rain
Will we never ever, breathe again?

As is yours, reality
Warm Summer rain
Will we never, ever breathe again?

Short song, but nice. Don't you all start crying now ;)

(...but I do hope the sun shines for our nest outdoor party this saturday)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Aaaaaah! You are a RUSS now aren't you?! >:eek:P
Blue, red or BLACK?!?? >:eek:P
there is only one colour, and that is; BLACK! :)

and Fjell, that is why I was russ this year... only two years of school and then 3 years as an apprentice(?)...

and for my song: I have it now, but Ill ned a program to rip it to mp3... so if anyone got any good programs for it, post a link? prefered if it is with crack and all... and not a heavy prog. my CPU suck :)
Originally posted by HellSpawn
and for my song: I have it now, but Ill ned a program to rip it to mp3... so if anyone got any good programs for it, post a link? prefered if it is with crack and all... and not a heavy prog. my CPU suck :)
It's the fastest ripper I know of.... :eek:)
But it's a heavy programme...

Looking forward to hearing your song! :eek:)

One more nice thing today, Hellspawn came back!
I saw Pam. We didn't do anything exciting, just some Touristy stuff that she never gets to do in the town she lives in. But I was so happy. But now I'm sad that I won't see her for some time. I got so used to missing her before, and now I have to get used to it again... :(

I wussed out on telling her I was still in love with her, but I've had the past 15 hours to rationalize to myself that we're better off because of it.
It's bittersweet. I'm not sad. I'm just very torn about not telling her. Hopefully I'll have convinced myself that it's ok by the end of the week... or I'll just tell her over the phone, but that's probably not a helpful idea. really.

The scenario I had in my head for telling her right before I got on the plane would've worked much better.
Not everything works like ya want it to. Kind of like on Thursday, it's Leah's birthday. I have everything planned out and what I'm going to say. I just don't know if I can bring myself to do it. It's for her birthday.
You shouldn't be so nervous and plan so much, that will just make you waaaay more nervous. It also takes all the fun out of situations. I don't know what you plan to do, but it is best to just let things flow...