The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

Originally posted by Blackspirit

Hehe, and I won a stupid little bet at work today! And
guess what the prize was?! Lordenlil will know....
ICECREAM!!!!! >:eek:))))

Ice cream again. Damn, be careful not to overdose :)
Well, I know that made you happy for sure!
Originally posted by Final_Vision
@DWD Press on fellow viking on..

Hmm, nicest thing today? Talking with many chupi girls, signing yearbooks, just having a good end of the year type day :)

And I broke a window. That wasn't nice, but it happened. I should clean it up. I've gotten a few girls to sign my yearbooks. And this one girl that I used to like wrote... "Have a great summer! We should chill." And left her phone number. So, that was nice. But that didn't happen today... Listening to Dark Tranquillity is nice though! :)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
So why did you and your friends lose touch? These things
happen when you get older and start going your own
ways... New schools and new people... But it's nice
meeting the oldies >:eek:)

After school they all moved about three hours away from where I currently reside. Pretty short distance in comparison to a lot of my friends but, having a career let time slip by I suppose. Dunno why we lost touch honestly. Doesn't matter so much now that everyone is back in touch!

Best thing that happened to me today...I got off work!
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
Nothing today. Still trying to find the right girl, which is tough.
why trye so hard? I know it could be though to not have anyone, but one will come one day...
just do like i did, never really care for it(ofcourse i wanted to have someone, but i never really TRYED to get any)... and you know what happend to me? suddenly there she was, and it was she who took contact with me... and my life has never been bether then the past months... thats a nice thing :)
Originally posted by HellSpawn

why trye so hard? I know it could be though to not have anyone, but one will come one day...
just do like i did, never really care for it(ofcourse i wanted to have someone, but i never really TRYED to get any)... and you know what happend to me? suddenly there she was, and it was she who took contact with me... and my life has never been bether then the past months... thats a nice thing :)

YES! That happened to me to! When I stopped caring to have
these brief flings and looking up girls myself, she picked me up!
And it lasted a long time too... :D
Ya! I found my boy when I was not looking for him.
I was comfortable being single, I had loads of things
going on... When I least expected it he swept me
off my feet! >:eek:) Yum! :eek:)))

I went to Sound Of Noise today and bought some
cd's (I'll probably let you know which ones in the
Now Playing thread >:eek:P), and when I got home I
found a package from England --> The Without Face
cd I won!!!! >:eek:))))
Originally posted by HellSpawn
why trye so hard? I know it could be though to not have anyone, but one will come one day...

I, too, have been told this quite often. And it seems to have worked for a lot of friends. But I have had several periods, each at least 1 year long where I just didn't care. And I'm still as single as a hermit. And the one girl I fit quite well with (way back in the day), I had to search for.
Well...nothing good hasn't actually happened to me, I'm tired and my shoulders hurt because of my work, which started yesterday. But I think I should think this way that I get money from that and then I can buy a lot of CD's :) I actually bought three CD's already; Nightwish, Borknagar and Emperor. New music makes me always happy.
Nothing really good happened to me neither, really. BUT I've been
working really hard last night (and I mean NIGHT) and all day.
So I feel good about my efforts, really!
