The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

How I lead my unfruitful relationship is with women is just be friends and let things flow, I never stress over it too much and kinda let things lay out at their own pace, prolly just cause im a shy person... not forward at all.

Yep Borknagar forums cool. :headbang: See you Borky fans there..

Congrats on 100 posts :) So long ago that was for me...*sigh* :p
heh. i agree, those colours are quite ugly by themselves & together they don't match :p

Ya! I found my boy when I was not looking for him.
I was comfortable being single, I had loads of things
going on... When I least expected it he swept me
off my feet! >:O) Yum! :O)))

i've tried not caring ('cause i actually don't) and nothing ever happens :lol:
...i guess i should consider it victory?
What? Well, you must be pretty much stirred right now... anyway, glad to see her safe after it! May she have a good recovery then, and a fast one!

Do you know why she tried to?? Hope she won't try that again... well, if I just think about my beloved one trying something like that, I think I'd go insane in my mind :cry:
hum...i do not know yet why she did that but maybe it has something to do with me.... :( anayway i'm getting used t it because it's not the first time that she tries to.... well i do not wish you to live this situation...
thanks for your support...
One tip tho: Do not get used to it!!! It might be that such things brings people closer together... but you cannot stop to care if she tries or not... don't you talk about it? Or does it simply not help?

Well, are you suggesting that she would be unhappy with you, or something? Then, talk to her, soon... I know I'd stay at her bed if I were you tonight, at least until she'd be finally safe :)

Well, hope EVERYthing gets well, then!
i dunno... i'm not that good these days and i don't seem to care... that frightens me.... anyway nobody could be happy with me....
i have to go and see her... but i probably won't cause she's too far from me...
Phildwarf!!! Are you OK?! You must be so shook up by
this! :eek:/ I'm really sorry. All I can advise you to do is to
have a really good talk with your girl. A talk where you
both keep your hearts open, and then take it from there.

It's scary when people stop caring :eek:(
thx blackspirit, i am ok. this is not the first nor the last time that i'll be in such situation, at least i think. I'll have a talk with her but she's really crazy minded (btw that is maybe why she goes out with me :\)...but i'm know that i am guilty in this because i am not very "respectuous" with people and i know that i have done some things bad for's painful to think of that...
btw i stopped to care about anything some years ago....all my hopes has been broken and all what i thought to be right and good for me revealed to be everything but that...what i believe is that i don't want to die but i don't prefer to live either...all the things that happen in my life are for me meaningless...and my feelings...i don't know if i care anymore...
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Ya! I found my boy when I was not looking for him.
I was comfortable being single, I had loads of things
going on... When I least expected it he swept me
off my feet! >:eek:) Yum! :eek:)))

One more thing. I know a lot of women for whom something similar to this has happened. I know very few men who got into a relationship "by accident." And I know a lot more men than women.
@ Phildwarf

In fear of sounding like I know you, I'm still gonna tell u this:

A good friend was in a bad situation. He was depressed. REALLY
depressed. He was DOWN. And he was my closest friend at that
point. The cause of it was problems with his girl (crazy girl! I
know her well). He was the biggest mess I ever saw, man!

He thought all their problems was because of him. No matter how
much I or anyone told him it wasn't so. He wouldn't have it.
He ended up trying to take his own life. I know you're not in that
exact situation, but I'm getting worried by this stuff, u know..

What I'm trying to say is: He finally realised this girl was no good
for him (it took him years to understand, because he truly loved her endlessly)...
After this attempt things started working out for him, and today he's
doing just fine. His life is good. I know it is true, because he
never hides anything from me... today he cares - a lot!

I just wanted to share this, because it's fucking sad when a person
feels so disappointed about life that he decides to live in between the
living and the dead by shutting down the emotions... :erk: :s