The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

Well we had a lot of people over for my dad's suprise 50th party. It was great to have good discussions with people older than me, then hear my parents say "they said 'ben is so mature for his age'" All that stuff is nice to hear.
I have had some good comments on a song I finished recording recently, which I will put up on, and let you guys check out!
I get to go out to dinner with my family tonight. (With my dad and his girlfriend, and not my mom and step dad... That's tomorrow.) I'm going out for my sister's birthday, which is tomorrow, but my dad only has us on Wednesdays.

And listening to the Thyrfing mp3s I have, I don't have any of their CDs yet... :cry:
Got my grades today.. I got 4,5 as an average from a scale from 1-6 where one is the poorest and 6 is the greatest. I guess I'm satisfied =)

I went into town and was there for over 4 hours without the cops came up talking to me... I usually get trouble from them... *Shrugs helplessly* I guess it has something to do with the time I faced false murder charges and they went to my house and searched it for guns? *Laughes at the memory*

Well... Off for some sleep, take care!
Then come to Norway and let's party! ;)
Actually, I would like to party, because I have nothing! to do the
rest of the week it seems... Gonna make some image art. perhaps
some Vintersorg.
Last day at school before the summer holidays tomorrow!! :) -Which is nice, but it haven't happened yet, so maybe I should have waited with writing this till it has..... :) Oh, well, it _is_ nice, though!!

And oh, they started to send X-Files again!!!!!! :D :D