The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

Originally posted by Blackspirit
It's been raining alot latly. I expected rain one week
ago, and the next day it arrived. Everything was so
dry after all the sun, I feel we all needed it, esp all
the flowers/trees :eek:)

We even got some thunder & lightning!!! \,,/ >:eek:)
Whenever I say/write that it reminds me of that
KIM's potatochips commercial with the 70's guy
having a show for his friends! HEAVY!!! lol >:eek:)

I love the smell that comes from rain. Late in the
evening, when everything is quiet, you hear the
raindrops fall... Makes me want to run out barefeet...
Until I remember it's only asphalt outside! lol >:eek:)

Still nice, I always bring an umbrella, which is my
rescue! >:eek:) Hehe...

I hear the thunderstorm coming... :)
Well, if it's too warm, just remove your shirts... where's the deal? On the other hand, I came to realize that even that won't help when working in the burning sun half day :eek: It was fun, tho :)
Hey, dropping in for a quick view and to write this single post.

I have done lots of useful stuff today, you see. In addition I've
applied for a new department where I will study from august on.
Also met up with my lovely girl which I haven't had the chance to
see after I got home from England.... she made me very happy.

I've also been planning to get into shape again... (been lazy and
very busy for a few months now). Checked out a new training
center, which also has a swimming hall. Even doing some planning
on running and meals etc. Damn I'm serious about this. :D
Gonna get fit so I can beat up assholes at concerts *joke* ;)

Look how easy I keep the UM monster under control! 1 post today! :)

@Thanatos: \m/ :) \m/

@Blackspirit: Yeah! It's fucking lightning & thundering like hell here!
Thor is busy today! ;)

See ya, ppl!
Nice things today; We got rain, we got some thunder
and lightning, we got some wind... >:eek:) Yum!

The phonelines broke down at work! Lol.
I _knew_ it >:eek:P

And I'm done waiting for my grade at school :eek:)
Now it's summertime, and I'm ready to work my arse
off to get together some money!! There are so many
things I want from the future! :eek:))