I met Just at the Elements of Metal festival yesterday,
and he was there with one of the guys in Lost In Time,
who actually jumped on me and gave me a BIIIG hug!
Lol. "So, we gotta do lunch again some time, yeah?"
"Suuuure!" hehe... I've never met him before in my
life, but we kept that joking tone whenever we
met >

P hehe...
I also met the guys in Ashes to Ashes which was
pretty cool cause the guitarist promised more
livedates, especially in Oslo (this was their first gig in
seven years)!! Yummie!!!!! >

Other than that Ashes to Ashes did a great liveshow.
They played my fav songs as well! hehe... Einherjer
was pretty cool too!

Ya! I've had a good first day at this festival! Now it's
time to go back for the last day! I'll be seeing Illnath,
Guardians Of Time and Susperia!
