The (not so) Stupid Questions Thread

Nov 30, 2005
This is a thread for those that want actual human feedback for their metal related questions and aren't satisfied with the "Google it you faggot" response.
For example, I have always wondered why Dissection is considered black metal when they are clearly more melodic death metal (imo).
In other words, if you want someone on this forum's answer specifically rather than what you can search for on the web, try posting it here.
P.S. This is not a recommendations thread. It is for quandaries and conundrums in relation to metal related paradoxes and the like.
They are melodic black metal

EDIT: Just to be clear, Reinkaos is not part of this discussion I hope..THAT one is melodic death metal
Did you just use the zombie smiley for that statement? :erk:




Yeah, Dissection is definitely (melodic) death/black metal. There are riff phrasings on both albums that belong in BM, and they fit the same necessary function as most BM riffs do (atmospheric progressions instead of chunky phrases and chromatic rhythmic riffs).
I'm with the people claiming that Dissection is melodic black/death metal. This should be obvious. There is no need to choose one or the other. Actually, it's clear from the band's connections too. Dissection always seemed to have strong connection with both the death and black scenes in Sweden. Their earliest stuff sounds more melodic death than anything, if a bit darker than, say, Gothenburg stuff from around the same time. I reckon that SOTLB is more black than the debut album, but I haven't listened to either in a long time, so I may be wrong.
Here's another stupid question: Am I the only one on this forum that thoroughly enjoys Cannibal Corpse and is not ashamed to admit it? The trashing of Cannibal is so prevalent here that I swear it turns up in every thread, regardless of the topic.
Haha I can see that.

"Slipknot rules!"


"I ate pizza for lunch today!"


I don't LOVE Cannibal Corpse but sometimes I like listening to them. There is no reason to be ashamed of liking any music.
I personally like Butchered at Birth, Gallery of Suicide, and Tomb of the Mutilated. I can't really handle the newer stuff though, I bought Wretched Spawn and felt I would have been better off wiping my ass with my money.
I can see why most would. I guess I like those first three for nostalgic reasons.
Tomb of the Mutilated is a good album. Kill is alright. I remember Butchered At Birth being alright as well, but haven't listened much. Everything else I've heard (Eaten Back To Life, Vile, The Bleeding) has been poor, with the exception of The Bleeding, which is fucking terrible. The problem with TotM is that the vocals don't mesh well with the guitars; if Corpsegrinder had done that album it probably would have been fucking awesome.