The Off-topic topic.

Ok, if we're in the Off-topic section anyway, should we also have some game topics?

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I saw 3 Inches of Blood yesterday. They rawked but they had to cut the gig short because their drummer broke his elbow over the weekend (selfish bugger I know) and the stand in hadn't had a chance to learn all the songs :(

But they were still excellent.
Saw 'Beowulf' yesterday. God, it was appalling. There is NO WAY that it was remotely a 12A but you try telling that to the parents who brought their young ones in (we're talking 8 years old!) and then complained about the violence and nudity. Why you would even want to bother to go and watch it, I don't know. It pains me to say this but I actually think it was the worst film I have seen in my entire life. No joke. It was worse than 'Queen of the Damned ' and that was pretty poor, I can tell you.
Saw 'Beowulf' yesterday. God, it was appalling. There is NO WAY that it was remotely a 12A but you try telling that to the parents who brought their young ones in (we're talking 8 years old!) and then complained about the violence and nudity. Why you would even want to bother to go and watch it, I don't know. It pains me to say this but I actually think it was the worst film I have seen in my entire life. No joke. It was worse than 'Queen of the Damned ' and that was pretty poor, I can tell you.

Is it laughably poor? Or just plain shite? If it's funny, I may go looky-look if I get bored enough.
I'm quite pleased because I wrote quite a crucial scene for the novel and it turned out very well. At last the characters are speaking for themselves again. It did get a bit stressful for a couple of months because I had just run out of ideas. Which is odd for me, still fingers crossed I got past it.

After much nagging by friends and my sister, I joined the Facebook cult and suddenly old friends are popping out of the woodwork wanting to meet up. I'm quite pleasantly surprised by how many turn up saying: Where the arse have you been, you disappeared off the face of the Earth!

On a more pleasant note, I think I might be going to see Therion which will definitely make up for Sonata.:danceboy::danceboy::danceboy:
Went to see Within Temptation last night which was great. I really enjoyed it. I did a mini review type thing on the Nightwish OSA board, so you can check that out if you're bored.

What else have I done? Bought the Tarja album, even though I probably shouldn't have done. Oh well I've done it now haven't I? I also got some fluffy pink earmuffs as frankly I've been a bit cold lately. I don't know if it's a sign of getting cold and turning into the female Victor Meldrew but I hate being uncomfortable. It's one small step towards liking Werther's Originals and listening to 'Songs of Praise'. Something has to be done.

I need to think of what to get as a Secret Santa present for one of our managers. I haven't got a clue what to get. I don't want to spend stupid amounts on it either.

Managed to get the Therion tickets which I'm well pleased about. They're playing Brixton Fridge but I wouldn't imagine it was that big from what I remember of it. How are they going to fit everyone on stage?
Oh ma god!

Bill Bailey was AMAZING. Saw him on Thursday and I have to say Tinselworm was better than Part Troll and Cosmic Jam put together.
Yeah, you're allowed 15 minors all together so I was well within the limit. Plus a few of the minors were due to the learner car being a bit shite.