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You're a lucky guy, Ptah. Maybe next time Dream Theater comes near me I'll get to experience something like that.

And I wonder if, maybe someday, John Myung will do something completely out of character, like tackling James. Maybe he'll spontaneously grab a mic and wow us by singing harmony on "Learning to Live" or "Strang Deja Vu." That would rule!
Just so you all know, I removed Statler Wolf from my ignore list, because I feel like being a nice guy.

Greenaxer, seeing The Spirit Carries On was probably one of the best musical experiences of my life. After seeing it live, I just saw it in a completely different light.

:) Well in all honesty I am a bit relieved I am no longer on the 'Ignore' list, even though my name is not Statler Wolf, I assume you meant me. Though I may not agree with Ptah, I do enjoying reading other people's insight.
Yeah, sorry about that, I came close enough. :lol: I just glance at usernames, and etc, and I just typed what I saw, and that's what went through my head. I did get what you were saying in the other DT thread, but it was just the way you were supporting your arguments, it just seemed too focused on the unoriginality part, and not on how the music sounded as music.
I don't know about anyone else, but I think their performance of "The Spirit Carries On" on Score is the best one they've done on a live recording. Even better than on "Scenes From New York!" It's the spot on performance of the song itself and the great sound quality. I get goose bumps every time I see and hear it!

Yeah man, I absolutely love John's solo, it is amazing! That's the song I would want played at my funeral... Though hopefully not too soon... ;)

Greenaxer, seeing The Spirit Carries On was probably one of the best musical experiences of my life. After seeing it live, I just saw it in a completely different light.

I meant to ask you this a while back Ptah... When you went to that Score performance, was it advertised as being performed with an orchestra or was it a complete surprise???

And I wonder if, maybe someday, John Myung will do something completely out of character, like tackling James. Maybe he'll spontaneously grab a mic and wow us by singing harmony on "Learning to Live" or "Strang Deja Vu." That would rule!

Good call man, that would be so awesome!!! :worship:

Or maybe instead of tackling James, one time when James misses a note Myung could give us a display of his supreme ninja skills and fly-kick James, knocking him off stage before swinging his bass around to deliver the final knockout blow... :kickass: :lol:
What I like about DT is that a lot of their songs relate more directly to our life and current events and they have messages in their songs, like Sacrificed Sons or aCoS or Octavarium. aCoS touches me pretty deeply.
Other than that, all of the band members are among the best.
I love the part in Under a Glass Moon at about 1:05. Pretty awesome.
A Change Of Seasons touched me heaps more once I discovered that it was written by Mike Portnoy about when his mother passed away... It has since taken on a whole lot more meaning. I also find Another Day quite emotional as it is written by John Petrucci for his father before he died of cancer. I love the inclusion of the sax and Johns emotional guitar solo...
Or maybe instead of tackling James, one time when James misses a note Myung could give us a display of his supreme ninja skills and fly-kick James, knocking him off stage before swinging his bass around to deliver the final knockout blow... :kickass: :lol:

:lol: Yeah, that'll show him not to miss those high notes! Then John Myung zooms quietly back to his place, picks up his bass and continues playing flawlessly as if nothing happened, with an innocent, focused look (as always) on his face.

Jeez, all this talk about Spirit, ACoS, and Another Day is making me sad. They're kick ass songs, but those lyrics could bring a tear to your eye! If you can relate to them personally in some way, they're that much more powerful. See, metalheads can also have a soft side! :oops:
What would you guys think if DT got somone to sing for them like Zak Stevens? I think that would make them an unstoppable juggernaut in the prog genre. However, now I think they are pretty weak with ol' Labrie at the helm. I don't think his voice matches the emotional intensity and overall aggression of their music. Right now I kinda think they are the "Bears" of the progressive metal league. They have an amazing team, just nobody decent for QB.
:lol: Yeah, that'll show him not to miss those high notes! Then John Myung zooms quietly back to his place, picks up his bass and continues playing flawlessly as if nothing happened, with an innocent, focused look (as always) on his face.

Jeez, all this talk about Spirit, ACoS, and Another Day is making me sad. They're kick ass songs, but those lyrics could bring a tear to your eye! If you can relate to them personally in some way, they're that much more powerful. See, metalheads can also have a soft side! :oops:

Absolutely, we're all just a bunch of softies... :)

What would you guys think if DT got somone to sing for them like Zak Stevens? I think that would make them an unstoppable juggernaut in the prog genre. However, now I think they are pretty weak with ol' Labrie at the helm. I don't think his voice matches the emotional intensity and overall aggression of their music. Right now I kinda think they are the "Bears" of the progressive metal league. They have an amazing team, just nobody decent for QB.

Ooooh, J-Dubya won't like that... :lol: Labries alright, so long as they have plenty of long instrumental sections... :D
He's right about the Bears..... Godawful game.....
I'd rather hear LaBrie than Zak The Hack. Although I do like his CIIC stuff MUCH better than what he did with Savatage. Give me JO ANY day of the week....

He's right about the Bears..... Godawful game.....
I'd rather hear LaBrie than Zak The Hack. Although I do like his CIIC stuff MUCH better than what he did with Savatage. Give me JO ANY day of the week....


Well I am still completely convinced that DT either lost a bet somewhere in their past forcing them to keep Labrie as their singer because they owe him an insane amount of money or they sold their souls to the devil for their musical ablitlities and Labrie is just Satan's idea of a sick joke. Either way, I don't think he fits in, and I would be all for them getting a new singer, even if they had to go back and have him (The new guy) redo all of the old albums just for consistency's sake.

*Officially creating the "Zak Stevens for DT's new singer" Campaign. Number of current members= 1.
I think LaBrie is fine! He might not be as good as he was earlier in DT's career, but it would completely change DT's sound to change vocalist this far into their career...

Ugh, really...that would just sound WEIRD. Plus his voice is one of the few in the metal genre I can do OK with in terms of singing along. I don't want to lose one of those! ;)

BTW, I heard a sample from Score on TV yesterday, and I must say, that was not what I'd been warned to expect from DT concerts. I'd always heard that DT concerts were shit and not worth buying, but that one was far better than I would've expected.
Agreed. James LaBrie's voice is what gives Dream Theater a big chunk of their character, whether you like his voice or not. While having a different singer would definitely change things up (maybe to a better degree, depending on your opinion), it just wouldn't be Dream Theater!

On Zak Stevens, I think he's incredible. His voice has great range and cover soft on through intense. Savatage's performance of "Chance" on YouTube was awesome. It might be cool just to hear what he and DT together for a couple of songs would sound like.

On da Bears, sorry J-Dub. I was rooting for the Colts, and it was great to see them finally reach such great heights. Good game, though!
Agreed. James LaBrie's voice is what gives Dream Theater a big chunk of their character, whether you like his voice or not. While having a different singer would definitely change things up (maybe to a better degree, depending on your opinion), it just wouldn't be Dream Theater!

On Zak Stevens, I think he's incredible. His voice has great range and cover soft on through intense. Savatage's performance of "Chance" on YouTube was awesome. It might be cool just to hear what he and DT together for a couple of songs would sound like.

On da Bears, sorry J-Dub. I was rooting for the Colts, and it was great to see them finally reach such great heights. Good game, though!

what did jon oliva do in savatage?

im seeing jon oliva's pain later this year, they are at progpower uk, but i think ill probably leave before they play, because, errr they are shit.
I felt these two things shoudl get a repost in this thread

1) A recount of my experience recording vocals for DT in the studio recently:
k, so I get there to meet Jackie (bout to crash) outside the place and get some food before getting in line at 1, but we both expected there to be people there before 1, and the line might start (it's naive to think otherwise. ) and sure enough there were about 25-30 people already online, and there's jackie at the very back. We say hello and everything (she got there 5 minutes before I did) and then someone tells us that they will be handing out envelopes to the first 50, and that's it. We felt pretty good at this point. Sure enough, guy comes out, we get our envelopes, BAM,we can go get food. Got some decent Indian food about a block away, get back too early, wait outside freezing or nipples off for 45 min until we get in there.
All nice n warm, we head back into a fairly large room that can't have a capacity of more than 60-70 with mics set up overhead and such. Mike comes out, people go wooooooooo blah blah blah, and says that the group will be recording two vocal parts for two different tracks. At this point we were allowed to open our envelope's and we saw this:


So the first track he cues up is the 25 min epic with the working title of "The Pumpkin King." he tells us it'll be in a 6/8 feel with big loud "HEY!"s on 4 (1-2-3-HEY-5-6). tempo similar to the end of ITNoG. We recorded 2-3 of those with regular shouts as loud as we could, then we did 2 with "cookiemonster" vocals. let me tell you, this part we were chanting over was FUCKING \m/. We needed a few keepers so that they could double/triple it to make irt sound like >100 people.
After that we went on to a track that I'm 99% sure was called Prophets of War, but my mind is a little jumbled and crazy right now. The part was in 4/4 with us saying one of those words (lyrics by JLB) above on 1 for 3 measures and then a full measure rest (TIME-2-3-4, FOR-2-3-4, CHANGE-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, FIGHT-2-3-4 etc). The part we were singing over was more straightforward, in the wien of the chorus of SS, but a little more \m/. We did a few takes of that in normal and cookiemonster. The MP had us record a few saying ASS AND BALLS instead of each of the 4 lines, which was :lol. The the engineer (guy who worked on Moving Pictures, Operation Mindcrime and others) suggested that we do one with everyone saying a different single-syllable word of their choice on the 1, to make it sound more likea large crowd were not every single sound is enunciated perfectly clearly. That was fucking :rollin. Heard alot of "cock, dick, shit." I said, HAM AND CHEESE, RAPE SMALL BOYS, WHERE'S MY CAR, and DO NOT WANT. damn i'm horse from all that growling and yelling.
Once that was done Mike thanked us all and said since we've been so good he's gonna give us an album taste!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!111one :D
He then proceeded to play the first track of the record which was around 8 min. Unmixed, vocals not all done, but wow, this was seriously fucking cool. It's a blur right now, and it all happened so quickly, but it starts with a really cool syncopated riff with Jordan coming in for some long sustains with crazy/cool sounds (might have been continum), then it kicks in to an awesomely progressive riff fest with interesting melodic sections, climaxing in a long, fast, beautiful ascending pattern before coming down to a mellow section that honestly reminded me of Awake in some ways. There would probably be vocals over this section, but they weren't done. I only remember certain parts at this point. There was a Toolish riff circa lateralus, but nowhere near "rip-off" territory, and once MP came in with a cool beat it lost almost all it's toolishness. All I can concretely remember after that was a jaw-dropping JP part toward the end of the track that was honestly crazier than anything he did fromToT, but this time it wasn;t just a guitar exercise played at 200bpm. it had the soul of the end of 8VM with the fury of the solo in AIA. Just awesome. by the time I hear the final version I will have probably forgotten most of it, and I'm sure some people who were there have commited a bunch of the vocals to memory. I have not, so look elsewhere for that. Stunned we all filed out of the studio and got shit signed by MP. Most got their lyrics sheet signed by him, while I got this signed:

Unfortunately none of our names will appear in the linear notes. MP even said that they don't thank their friends anymore, just family. Something about space or whatever, but I didn't mind. I felt so priveledged to be 1 of 50 DT fans worldwide who got this opportunity. You guys can be sure that I gave it my all in there, as did most, it was special.
Steph, I feel so bad about all the crapthat happened. I hope you didn't assume that getting their at 1 would be ok, but I understand why you might have. It made me even more pissed off when I noticed that this chick in there with her boyfriend was barely singing at all. That could've been someone else who would have killed to get in there. It's a damned shame. Arry', saw you too, sorry buddy.
Great day, won't soon forget it.

2) Some of my afterthoughts I posted in a different thread (TPK = The Pumpkin King aka the working title for the new 25 min epic):

I shall chime inwardly, as I was one of the lucky fucks to get up in that piece. I am inclined to think that TPK is not part of the AA saga.

I say this for 2 reasons:eek:ne, the riffage before, during, and shortly after our "hey" section bared no resemblance to any AA saga riffs (it did fucking ROCK however) and the feel of the "Hey's" was slightly different than TGP "Hey's" furthermore, none of the parts of TPK Jordan plays in the XMas video have an AA saga feel to them. By feel I mean that TGP HEY section was in a fairly fast 6/8, while the HEY section we did was much closer to the 6/8 outro riff to ItNoG.
two, when we did the first few practice takes of the section most people started out saying "RAH" or some such thing. It was only after thought and a bit of inquiry from MP that we settled on "HEY" AS A GROUP. If MP intended it on sounding like the section in TGP I think he would have told us to say HEY fromteh beginning (unless he intentioanlly made it seem like he came to the HEY decision on the spot to throw us off, but honestly that would be pretty stupid).

that being said, this epic could easily begin where TRoAE left off and have some familiar aa shit early on but take a complete turn in a different musical direction (which would fit because I believe he's about to enter the steps where taking action begins) before returning to a maelstrom of several aa themes for a rousing conclusion.

I just wanna hear this album. the whole first track I heard left me :eek and really wanting to relisten. This is good because most of the last two records had a firstimpression of :) but got :( on repeat listens. This track did not have that sort of impact. And the little bit of TPK I heard has me fucking bloodthirsty.
About the fact that the AA theme could take a major turn...I'm wondering what Portnoy's going to WRITE for that one. I mean, has anybody looked at the 12 steps and seen what kind of confession is coming next? I really find myself wondering how much detail he's going to get in.

And just to put the whole AA saga into perspective, notice step 12. This whole thing has kinda been that...

Here's what I found on one site, and what I think is going to be covered on this next song:

The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

1.) We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable.

2.) Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

3.) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

4.) Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

5.) Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

6.) Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

7.) Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

8.) Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

9.) Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10.) Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

11.) Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

12.) Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


Now they could cover 3 steps this time, like in TGP...but still. Wow.
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