The Official Good Television Thread

You're 10 you probably just don't get the humor :erk:

I'm 14, I guess you don't get the difference. I get humor, I just don't find it funny. I don't really like tv much anymore. I spend most of my time on the computer.

I agree with Feathers&Flames, Jerry is rather annoying, but it's not a bad show. It's been a while since I watched it, though; they just don't air it anymore where I live(I think)
You want an irritating sitcom- Everybody Loves Raymond.All the characters have such squeaky voices, that it just drives me crazy.

Seen some episodes of that, its so retarded. A bunch of people with fucked up voices in a failed attempt at comedy. Gay. I can't stand Raymond, he sounds like he has a ball of mucus in his throat.

And I'm not saying Seinfeld is a bad show. I just don't like it. Its annoying when people base someones intelligence on what shows they like. Its just a show, there are shows that intelligent people tend to watch and average/stupid people tend to watch. The fact that one person may not like tv very much does not make them unintelligent or a faggot.
Seinfeld is awful. I'm all for humour, but the way it's presented is tedious, predictable and clichéd. Same with Friends.
F&F you truly are a faggot for taking internet comments to heart, and how Seinfeld is cliche and predictable is fucking news to me
I'm surprised you haven't gotten that Nec just likes to fuck with people. His "generalizations" are just parts of his sarcastic humor.
Im surprised of the multitude of crap sitcoms that try soo hard to be funny. It's just sad that they're forced to use the electronic laughing machine. Sometimes they over do it.

Will: Hey grace where u been?
grace: with that guy that just moved in down the hall
will: oh, the one of the big forehead?
grace: will!! he doesn't...argh!!
will: hey u want an orange?
grace: what rhymes with orange? forange? haha!

STFU!!!! *click*
I'm surprised you haven't gotten that Nec just likes to fuck with people. His "generalizations" are just parts of his sarcastic humor.

And yet everyone gives Cythraul :worship:s when he does the same thing. :lol: Good times.

Feathers & Flames is seriously a homo though. And now so is FenriR. And in fact FenriR is objectively wrong, given the many innovations in not only comedic presentation but also cinematic technique that Seinfeld actually started which has since been co-opted by the sitcoms that are today particularly praised such as The Office, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, etc. Seinfeld is the Bathory of sitcoms. If it wasn't for them, what we have today would be very different.
This is like calling Burzum tedious, predictable and cliched.

And yet a lot of people say this. Seinfeld was a phenomenon of television, like Burzum was a phenomenon for metal. They were both majorly influential, but I agree that more modern shows/bands have expanded upon and added to each of their respective mediums in unique ways.

Good comparison, actually.
ya cook is really dumb.

anyways, umm...why did family guy rip off the intro to all in the family? Im starting to think this show in general is a rip off. Ugh! they just started some random out of place sing and dance routine, fuck this! *click*