The Official Good Television Thread

Uh... the intro is making fun of All In The Family... the musical parts are making fun of musicals... every little ripped off thing, or at least most of them, are making fun of the thing they ripped it off from. The random ass things like chicken vs. Peter and things like that? Adult Swim fans find things like that funny, and Adult Swim is why Family Guy got put back on the air, so it makes sense that they would cater to that audience.
Uh... the intro is making fun of All In The Family... the musical parts are making fun of musicals... every little ripped off thing, or at least most of them, are making fun of the thing they ripped it off from. The random ass things like chicken vs. Peter and things like that? Adult Swim fans find things like that funny, and Adult Swim is why Family Guy got put back on the air, so it makes sense that they would cater to that audience.

You've practically summed up the whole of family guy. Not much skill is needed to do all those things. I'd rather cater to stand up comedy where the comedians actually come up with original material.

If you were to take away all those little random bits and skits, you'd have a pretty boring show with alot of gaps.

That's why robot chicken is so much better. It suits the authors brand of comedy. Short, and to the point.

Family guy has it's moments, but oddly they seem to be in past episodes.
Family Guy just pisses me off so much. It goes against a lot of what I stand for in comedy.

Though it has it's moments...

Someone left a baby in that car!
Oh my God! He's going to miss the game!
All of Family Guy's humour is pretty much a shot in the dark; it's usually quite awkward and uninspired but sometimes they come up with something brilliantly stupid.

Now Futurama, that's a good animated comedy series. In fact, the best. It doesn't have any low points at all; there are a few subpar episodes but each season is generally awesome. The movie was good too, can't wait for the next one.

This Friday, I'll get to see the fourth season finale of Lost. And it's a double epsiode, yay. I just know it's gonna be awesome beyond my wildest imagination. I was really depressed last week when I realized there was a one week break between the previous episode and the season finale for some reason.
There's a lot of hidden depth in that show. There are plenty of jokes that only geeks like me can get.
I can’t even watch TV anymore. Everytime I turn on the TV, the only show on is CSI. I hate that show. It’s like it’s on 24 hrs a day on more than a few channels. It’s the most overrated and overplayed show on TV. It’s even more overplayed than the Simpsons ever was.

La Femme Nikita was a good show (minus the last season).
The Wire is pretty decent, apart from the way they avoid actually letting anything conclude.

How much of it have you seen? I thought the seasons all concluded really well, much more realistic than the typical "everything wrapped up in a nice neat little package" endings that lesser shows love to dish out.