Picking a favourite season of TPB is very hard but for some reason season 5 stands out for me. Something about the boys basically living out of tents and trying to get back on their feet was an interesting story. I loved every episode in season 5, and all the dumb storyarcs. The whole Winds of Shit school drug dealer thing kills me every time.
There are so many great episodes sprinkled through every season though so every time I think of a great episode it makes me realize how hard of a choice this actually is. A lot of people didn't care for season 7 but I loved it. I didn't like how far they took conky in the final episodes but everything else was great.
Seasons 8 and 9 are... Well I enjoy watching the boys in general so even when a season is clearly subpar/over the top I can still be entertained by it. Season 9 is still the worst though.
Just thinking about TPB makes me want to crack a beer and watch a season after work...

. I will never get tired of it I don't think.